My friends sister has made literally gallons of oobleck. Its everywhere. Every can and piece of tupperware has been used to store oobleck. It clogs drains and its terrible for the environment, so what the fuck do we do with it? What do we do with gallons of oobleck?
My friends sister has made literally gallons of oobleck. Its everywhere...
Sell it on craigslist?
Who the fuck is gonna buy gallons of oobleck? Even if they wanted it it costs pennies to make. We tried throwing it out and the garbage people wouldnt take it.
I sold my piss bottles on craigslist, someone will want it.
Yeah but you can clone people using piss, but not oobleck
>He never made an oobleck clone
Isn't this literally just the premise of Monster Blood?
use it for porn as fake cum
>My friends sister has made literally gallons of oobleck.
But why?
Found the normie.
>muh secret club
Fuck off. Also people have been saying breh here forever newfag
Is there any reason she decided to make so much oobleck?
We've asked her and she doesnt answer. Shes just stealing more supplies to make more oobleck
Where do you live that the garbage men can look in your trash and decide what to take?
Perhaps you should help her in making her oobleck? Maybe one day if you give her enough help she will answer you.
Fill her ass with it
She definitely wants to fill a pool with it and run on it.
what would you do with gallons of oobleck?
>what would you do with gallons of oobleck?
Fill a girl's ass with it.
On what board? Fuck off, newfag
would it be faster to press it out or just wait for it to be liquid?
all of em faggot, how long have you been here?
You sound like a fag
Take the shit and toss it in a public dumpster, you fuck.
Why call it oobleck when it's just slime?
Youre right. Its slime now
Fuck it. Mix it with your cum and give it to people as a fun slime gift.
Fuck her op its really your only hope
But shes 13
Oh boy all the better user you gotta get em while they are young and cute still