Fuck “havesex”posters

Some of us will never have sex >Some of us are too ugly for people to even make eye contact with us Some of us have had children at the store ask their parents what's wrong with us >quit telling me to have sex

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you have 3 options
1) Get an even uglier girl than you and pray for god she wont cheat on you
2) an hero
3) go on a rampage and then an hero

>Some of us will never have sex >Some of us are too ugly for people to even make eye contact with us Some of us have had children at the store ask their parents what's wrong with us >quit telling me to have sex

lmao dude have sex lol

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>be me
>27 yo kv
>get gf
>don't have sex cause she doesn't want to
>still an incel
>incel bros hate me for getting a gf
>normies look down on me for being an incel

well fuck i gues!?

4) Stop giving a shit what others say, since fixating on something only because of anonymous dude telling you to do so is inherently stupid.

Wuoah wuoah dude. Chill out and have sex.

>quit telling me to have sex
have sex, incel

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Everyone has a match out there

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If Eggman would try he wouldnt be so damn ugly. Just get in decent shape and keep your hair short and dress well.

Heaps of ugly people have sex, do something to make women want to fuck retard.

Is that supposed to be based orange man?

>Asking to not get bullied on Jow Forums.
Naive fucktards. Just because you get bullied in Highschool by Tommy Footballdude and you know others like you come here doesn't mean the basic social dynamics are gone. Most of us here on this site are marginalized weirdos that are constantly pushed around to force ourselves to just fit in. We're tired, we're angry and we just want to pick on somebody else.
Why do you think everyone here pick on eachother and argue all the fucking time? We do it to feel better about ourselves. Your feefeez are hurt because your penis will never taste the heavenly warmth of a vagina? Tough shit, loser, I don't have to give a single fucking shit about it. Stop being a weak bitch fucking idiot.

eggman is literally nobody to envy.
Also have sex. Stop being a self defeatist, try harder, life isn't fair, I don't care if the normies say it too it'snot any less true .

Amen, you fuckin retard

Amen Brudi

Damn, this is one of the most pathetic things that I have ever read.

Is this a copypasta? We really do live in a society

You should consider getting a sex doll.

I view it as the opposite user
we spew facts and data and their only response is hab secks
its very NPC behavior imo

Ugly people have sex every day. You're just lazy and entitled

Don't give me hope. Delete yourself

>Just get in decent shape and keep your hair short
am in decent shape and got a very short haircut today and i now look like i have to pay alimony (pic related)

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I have a mop and still get laid.

stop being a self pitying cunt, easy