How's the job going fellow wagecucks?
How you holding out? Safe space for wagecucks alike
How's the job going fellow wagecucks?
How you holding out? Safe space for wagecucks alike
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I work like 25 hours a month in my part-time job and it's taking a serious toll on me, how the fuck do people survive working full-time.
>safe space
no place is safe for the wageslave.
I have an interview tomorrow for Package Handler at UPS. M-F, 3am to 9am.
Just temporary (hopefully) until I get this corrections job I need to wait a few months for.
Anybody been a package handler for UPS here before?
>now forklift certified
So long, virgins. The pussy is about to start flocking to me.
I had an interview at UPS where they took us through what would be required. It's a laborous job so since I was chubby they didn't call me back.
I actually really like doing hard work and getting paid
wagecucking night shift for 28 usd right now while browsing maymays
>Unemployed for years
>Did perfectly fine just working a few small jobs for random people
>Made about $300 a month
>People start pressuring me to get a real job and I should never live like that
>Get a job in security
>My bills start getting bigger because of job
>Forced to work more hours
>Bills get even bigger
>Stuck working 48 hours a week now
>Realize I'm stuck in a normie position
>Have less money than when I just sat on my ass for years
Everything around me is tearing apart and I'm suddenly going backwards in life
I make $1.5K/month and my bank account is in the negatives all the time. Getting a job is the first step to fucking up your life.
Fellow wagecucks, what are some ways of slacking off/cheating the system at your job?
I quit my job about 4 days ago.
>enormous mood lift
>depression gone
>anger gone
>stress level decreased 99%
>personal satisfaction 110% increased
>fixed my sleeping pattern
>eat healthier again
>unlimited time
I just need to wage cuck little bit more before I decide to buy or build house in some small village where I don't even need internet to live, just give me books and drugs and I will be happy.
Fuck this modern rat race which in end ammounts of having bag diseases, broken body, permenantly problems with mood and nerves because of endless torture and work/life stress.
Think about it logically, do you really have more when in end you are left as a broken men who in end doesn't even have energy or health to enjoy free time with money?
Once you are 67 and "retired" you are already full of health problems that you just waste all that money to health jew to "maintain" you on life.
Have an interview for a car sales place Monday, any robots ever attempt this? I like talking to people at work, love it even, but know dick about cars
Not working cured my chronic pain
Pretty good. Got off at noon today. Still doing 7 days a week but now its closer to 50 hours than 70. Unironically enjoy being at work to. Just wish I lived alone but Im living with my parents still because they pay for everything so I can save up and maybe even go back to uni next year.
I'm in the same situationworking security and making shit. The problem is I don't have any energy when I'm off to improve myself or try some other shit to improve my station. Like holy fuck.
I pray to God for some miracle to happen that will allow me to escape wage slavery.
Working 45 hrs a week, had some OT this week but spent it on food. I'm saving money but it takes up my whole life. I get 3 hrs alone to myself which I spend resting my body due to physical labor. I'm in good shape but fuck me I'm drinking too much Boomer juice to keep up.
Was at a ghetto day labor place, sat through orientation and figured a didn't have time to run around with all their bullshit
Got a new temp job lined up for monday so that's good
My contract will end next month, Im not sure if I want to renew it. It's just so fucking tiresome. Right now im crying because of it
>another pay day on the 1st
>taking some vacation a week after that
>annual bonus and COLA coming in October
Could be worse
Have 1 day of work left. Gonna take a few weeks off before uni starts again.
Coworkers seem to like me and want me to come back after I graduate so thankfully, it seems my chances of getting a job after college have improved significantly
>How's the job going fellow wagecucks?
Just started full time, it's even worse than I thought, to think I went throught uni for this shit is pathetic
>How you holding out?
I wonder everyday is this is the life I'm doomed for the rest of my life. I hate waking up early, staying there the entire day and get home too tired to do anything I enjoy. I used to enjoy food for coping but now I can't even eat since it finally started to affect my health. My job is boring and stressful since my boss is a literal jew who don't want to hire more people to help. I live with my mom and she hates my guts, for a number of reasons which she's in the wrong in 90% of them. I am fat, ugly and brown, and probably have a shitty personality (I try to be chill as fuck, I can at least pass in the normie world), so no GF ever on sight. I just hate my life man, I can't believe I am suppose to live 40 years of a sad lonely existance, there is nothing in this world that is worth the hassle, I really want a way out of this.
t. Tech support
literally everything i ever dreamed about or valued is gone, over the past year life has turned into a regrettable mistake. I have nothing to look forward to, nobody to turn to, and no source of happiness. When i am not working (which is rare) i am reading to escape my horrible life or asking for help and either getting rejected or told something superficial. I don't know how people can say things like "be yourself" or "things will get better" I can't be myself i have to be the person my boss wants me to be, things won't get better, why would my entire life just change for no reason, I can't change it, there is no way i will ever become anything any human being would ever desire to be. the whole world looks like it's not made of what actually makes it up. everywhere i go i don't see nameless working nobodies who hate their jobs and lives, I see families, actors, entertainment of every variety, but how is this the case, how is the thing that makes up 1-2 hours of a persons life a day ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE. I am going to kill myself as soon as my handgun background check is done >fucking brady bill
the lucky bastard in pic related is going to be me
i feel fucking terrible as usual, OP.
Knowing I have to go to work tomorrow makes me not want to wake up at all. I'm at work for 9 fucking hours a day and all I want to do is die while I'm there. Been doing this for 2 years. have developed 3 separate drug habits, mild alcoholism, and my depression is so bad that I sometimes have rich, vivid daydreams about killing myself which become more detailed with time.
you know what is really fucking funny. every depression ad and talk is about someone who lost a loved one or is sick or witnessed a tragedy, but every depressed person I have ever spoken to says the source of their depression is having to work. It makes no sense that these things are cited as the source of depression as the are the vast minority of our experiences. is it just because these things are more treatable whereas suffering in silence is expected of us.
70 hours a week for the past three months
My body and mind are broken
I had a full head of hair before the stretch and now it's like Jude Law's
Just quit my night job that I really hate so it's looking up, I'll be back to 40-60 hours a week and it's not mentally straining
It's because they're really just bandaids to numb you up long enough to continue pulling the levers that let The Man extract your wealth at the expense of your health, family and future. I only continue to take them because of the withdrawals I get without them; my dick doesn't work, I have no energy, and all I want to do is die. Thanks, pharma.
Work is a fucking cancer and society should be structured around eliminating it completely. Civilization was a huge mistake that made most of us slaves.
I work in tourism. It's the middle of the season and I'm exhausted. Have gotten two days off in three months. Can't wait for November.
The quit high doesn't last long. You'll be bored out of your mind in two months tops.
I have three days off next week, so of course I must be on call 4 weeks in a row to make up for it, which means:
>No alcohol
is there anyway out. i am a young guy in college, should i kill myself or am i trapped.
i perhaps should have posted a larger more extravagant post. i love literature more than life itself. it is all i do. to be a lit teacher would ruin it as an art cause i would be repeating the same couple talking points of shitty high school lit. WHAT CAN I DO TO HAVE A LIFE WORTH LIVING FUCK FUCK FUCK I WANNA DIE PLS REPLY WITH A THOUGHTFUL REPLY OR YOUR MOTHER WILL DIE IN HER SLEEP NO FUCKING IMMENSITIES EVEN THE IMMENSITIES THAT SAY YOU ARE IMMUNE TO THESE KINDS OF THINGS>
>Safe Space
when you are truly fucked in life
probably time to end it wagie
Pretty good. I make around $43k at a factory. Light labor and I only work 40 hours.
Work with 2 guys now. One is in his 50s and he is a based, redpilled guy who has been kinda a father figure. I hope he agrees to take the job of being my boss Because I dont mind taking orders from him. The other guy is a spastic, manic fat guy who always thinks the sky is falling.
Living with my father makes me more comfortable at work. I dont mind work as much now. My father is one of the most annoying fucks I have met in my life. He is bipolar, incompetent and acts like chicken little whenever the tiniest thing goes wrong. Deep down I love him but I could go the rest of my life not knowing him. Toxic fuck
I worked at a Subway once, and I have different perspectives on the whole "wagecuck" thing. It's not about humiliating yourself by wearing a tacky, corporate uniform or serving food, it's everything else that comes with it.
>interaction between co-workers, bosses, and customers, one of those groups will ALWAYS be insufferable dicks
>minimum wage structure means you're always competing for hours and schedules, breeding resentment between coworkers
>high emphasis on speed drains any care for products
>fast food empires built their empires on stores to be flexible, but manager is too much of a cuck to allow innovation
Mom is literally same except with the added flavor of being a manipulative cunt. I gave up on speaking to her, the only reason I haven't left this place is because I live in a third world shithole and have nowhere to go. Fuck mentally ill people, they should never have children.
My father is not smart enough to be manipulative. Luckily my mother is intelligent or I would be a drooling retard based off my fathers genes.
At heart he is a good guy but I am slowly despising him more each day
Kek it sux m8. Your hours seem chill I usually have 8-10 hr days. Our pay sucks too, but we work through a staffing agency so you might make more than 10 hr
i have been debating quitting after working 2 and now 3 weeks (part time) and have been very depressed but working just two weeks i got my check and instead of the at most 500 i was expecting, i got 950. based
whats ur jerb
this is accurate. it got to the point with me where I'd intentionally skip days just so I didn't have to interact with certain people.
Don't you think you can talk with him about this user? You said he is a good guy, so maybe if you can give him the talk showing your perspective on things he should get better at treating you. I gave up on my mom yesterday, I tried talking to her but she showed me the only thing that matters to her is to "win" the argument, not adressing and fixing the issues we have. I truly think she is a evil person now, there is no way a decent human being would be such a manipulative lying cunt. And no she's not smart, being a manipulative cunt is the only thing she is good at.
I got swelling and a kind of fucked up tendon in the back of my left knee while I was working retail that went away after I quit. I think it was all the bending over and stooping down stocking shit while having flat feet that caused it.
People never change imo. My father is the guy who always has the problems with everyone else and is not self aware. He is too stupid to be self aware. Your mother will never change and neither will my idiot father. We will slowly resent them more and more and after they are gone we will forget about their flaws and remember the happy times unaware that they were miserable fucks.
We survive, but that's it, user. That's it.
You copy and paste an entire reddit thread and paste it into a word document.
yeah. if talking to people puts you in a good mood youll be good. working in car sales is really wierd because the managers always try to push you to sell so much that its not possible.
just ask customers what they need and their price range and sell them what they need. dont upsell people, and give out a ton of business cards. youll do good
i work in a wholesale club at the cash register. literally how the fuck do people do this their entire lives? i thought this would be easy seasonal work because im studying a cutthroat field in Uni, but holy shit customers are so fucking mean. i have actually cried at work because of how mean customers are
Going to find out what shifts I am on tomorrow. Currently working to save up for a vehicle, some Jow Forums and /out/ stuff, and community college which hopefully snowballs into me getting into dental school. Personally I dont mind the walk to and from there, just wish it wasnt as hot or humid out. At least I am still pretty young though, fresh job and $9 starting just to clean dishes and the like. Cant wait for fall and winter.
Same, just not from my father. Funnily enough things arent too bad.
>we will forget about their flaws and remember the happy times
There were no happy times and I will never not completely hate her very existence.
Anyone /target/ here? My orientations tomorrow. Gonna be a protection specialist.
7 mile from potential job site. Is it short enough to warrant getting a bike? 30 minute bike ride vs 13 minute drive. But I only get like 17mpg so I will need to get gas constantly
>Get a job in security
>My bills start getting bigger because of job
Literally what the fuck are you even talking about. Why would your bills increase just because you got a job????
not everybody lives in walking distance of their work. Feel bad for rural anons, need to uber to work which adds up. Either that or get a car which is also expensive
im in ur RFID readers and barcode scanners
readin ur eventz
Come on man, minus the outdated 2007 memes.
Even including that, it would not make a huge difference. You say that your bills jsut keep getting bigger and bigger like that just happens when you get a job, but it doesnt. You make no sense.
Fuck off noob, this shit is vintage. Respect my authority or I'll make the EPC system tell everyone that you're stealing Dyson vacuums.
I'm about to start as a meat cutter transferring as a cashier because the pay is way better and its full time
am i fucked
>joints starting to ache
not like this
Maybe next thread, was hoping for some cool stories, but it's just this garbage. Maybe Jow Forums is dying or something, wageslave threads used to be packed.
>uber to work
That's a big hot yikes. You're practically working for the uber driver.
What's the point of working 40 hours a week all the time?
Is anyone else just living the minimalist life and working 20 hours a week, sometimes more when they need the money?
Just getting a roommate instead of getting the mortgage slavery feels like another smart move.
I may be poor but I'm rich in time, just a little budgeting is needed to get by. I can't imagine myself working 8 hours every day of the week, I'd honestly kms.
I work 55 a week at my IT Job. It's not wagecuck but its not perfect. I just use it as a way to pass the time. Being able to fund my hobbies from it is pretty nice IG.
Really wanna kick off my voice acting / content creation career so mayb I dont kill myself.
>Work Saturdays
>Mention to boss I need next Monday off because I need to get a load of shit done and need a 2 day weekend
>Publicly chastises me like I'm a child in front of the entire department
I'm in a fully staffed department, 30 people, multiple people have 1 to 2 part-time shifts MAX a fucking week and he can't call one of those useless sacks of shit in?
This is literally the first and potentially only Monday I've ever needed off, my boss constantly has 3+ days off a week and barely leaves his office.
I'm so motherfucking close to straight up walking out one of these days, it's not even fucking funny but my parents will kick me out of the house and I sure as shit don't make enough to move out.
I'm so fucking fed up with his shit already, coming to me when I have 600 fucking things to do just to tell me to do more, """helping""" me by doing half the work the wrong way then fucking off to his office anyways, treating me like a fucking child, I don't make enough to put up with this fucking trash anymore.\
Holy Christ almighty, I'm so fucking mad.
i see a lot of people who work only to afford their own new car so they can go to work faster, wtf?
Get a roommate, sell your car, brew your own booze, grow your own ganja if you're into that shit and you're good for life.
The 40 hours work week isn't worth it anymore.
Not everyone flies from LA to NYC either
Getting paid under the table
user you need to be smarter with your money. Buy a used car, make payments on it. It's cheaper than paying an uber driver every day.
Does this describe your family members?
I work at a seafood restaurant in NY majority of my customers are niggers so you know hell for me.
just worked a 15 hour day
got told I have to work 12 hours tomorrow, and thursday, and probably friday
I'm quitting my job next monday :)))
Better watch out guys, the mastermind is here
of course its dying , you have suicide threads daily, of course not everyone will go trough with it, but every day its at least one person who will not chicken out.
Eastern europe shithole here.
40 hours a week, one month pay is $968, if I convert our shitty currency. If I cut that in half for 20 hours a week, i will not be able to pay my bills and food. It fucking sucks here, you americans dont know how good you have it.
Im about to quit my job were so understaffed ive had to work everyday for the past 15 days. Its bullshit they haven't even posted a job opening. I just feel like not showing up.
>tfw just walked out of my shitty dishwashing job
Kinda feel bad because left my coworker with 1000s of dishes to clean himself
gl;hf klaus
>How you holding out?
not good. i used to make some decent money, but ended up getting passed around like a fleshlight between a sociopathic boss and incompetent corporate who got the job because of nepotism. me and two other people i know took this literal exact same path (company, position, etc). they're starting families and successful, while i work in a kitchen. i keep applying for better jobs that i'm at least reasonably qualified for, but their cunt HR department gatekeepers keep rejecting me.
i do not know if the juice is worth the squeeze anymore.
>everyone at work is dating and fucking each other except you
>literally the only person at my job without a gf/fwb(s)
I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself
>working 50+ hours a week
>shifts are scattered, not even consistent
>time at home is spent sleeping in bed
>haven't had time to do laundry once this month
>left the house in the same attire this whole month
The ride never stops
Don't worry user I like you. It's bear you don't fall for that sex at work meme. It will just cause confrontation and shit. Stay out of it and stay comfy
Cashier here it's boring af
The other day a woman walked in a revealing top without wearing a bra. Her nipples were poking out. She had some huge boobies. Pretty good day overall.
Thanks friend, talking to people puts me in a good mood and I have always been in trouble at work for talking too much but I am nervous about my complete lack of car knowledge. Hope I can learn a bit but it is hard because I have never cared about them so it goes in one ear and out the other
i know it's edgy but my hatred for my manager is getting into me.
i don't want to beat her or anything, just grab her by the shirt, lift her against the wall and stare at her. she wouldn't know what to do because her "superiority" would be useless against me. the only thing she could do is beg me to stop or scream for help.
after i quit this job, i won't leave my house for a long time. how tired i am of this world. my hands are shaking while i'm writing this, how much i want to teach that bitch a life lesson.
The old female managers, especially black, fuck with you just to see how you will react. I think a lot of the time they want to make you quit, I got fired from my last retail job because I could not help but to call her a bitch when she gave me another talk
>tfw you'll be fork lifting pallets of pussy all day long
Hope they're shrink wrapped to maintain freshness and contain pussy juice
thinking about starting a shopify dropshipping store
Apparently one of the bakers got a promotion after he was found fucking a coworker in the cooler.
What did she do/say to you that made you so angry?
Can't you just dissociate while you're at work and let things roll off your shoulders?
>HR interview
>"you should get a call for another interview in a couple of days"
>two weeks later and no call
>What did she do/say to you that made you so angry?
Gib gib me my tendies wendies now
I enjoy my job even if it is a mundane stockroom job. Don't see to much in savings since most of my money goes to the guy who findoms me. Who ironically keeps himself from having to get a job by having a group of profitable paypigs.
i've been dealing with anxiety and social phobia for years. she always ask me to go to the company subsidiary and grab something for her. the subsidiary is located in a place that has a fuckton of people and my autism always kick in because of that. yesterday she told me to go there around 8-10 times and i sperged out once and broke 50$ worth of products after the 6th time, hopefully nobody will notice that a few stuff went missing.
>my boss constantly has 3+ days off a week and barely leaves his office.
Do not even start to compare your situation with your boss's.
I have a paid week off from maccies to have my toenails removed ayyy
I can save up $1500 a month my plan is to work for 8 months and then NEET for 8 months.
>What's the point of working 40 hours a week all the time?
Because I don't live with mom and dad, I make minimum wage and have to make enough money each pay period to cover my rent, bills and food.
All of this is impossible to do while working Part-Time.
Maybe in the future when I get a real job that pays me a livable wage, I'll work less and focus more on my health and hobbies.
>Just getting a roommate instead of getting the mortgage slavery feels like another smart move
Did the room mate thing twice and both times it was awful. First one was a bipolar druggie that didn't work and just smoked weed all day and the second was an autistic 35 year old guy that was always angry about something( he got bit by a mosquito or something in his sleep and was in a bad mood about it for the entire day)
>I can't imagine myself working 8 hrs every day of the week I'd honestly kms
I said the exact same t hing a year ago, but after surviving homelessness and starvation I changed my tune real quick. Never went through with the suicide either even though I was at the lowest point of my life.
Only thing that separates our perspectives is circumstances and that fact that you probably have an enabling mom or dad to fall back on.
holy fuck let me post you retarded robot
I get depressed as fuck if I am not working even though I really don't want to
My job isn't really a wagecuck job though as I can work from home and when I'm in the office I get in at around 10am
Flexi time is the best am I right?
this is fucking retarded, what will you do affter the 8 months are over retard
I honestly miss my wage slave time probably wouldve done it for another year if the shop didnt shut down. I still remember walking into the shop not knowing the company had gone into liquidation and seeing the hundreds of closing down sale signs at once, it made me kind of sad at the time.