Find a girl online who says she's "forever alone" and literally has zero friends and nobody cares about her

>find a girl online who says she's "forever alone" and literally has zero friends and nobody cares about her
>she's desperately single
>you get interested in her, maybe she's just like you, a 30-year-old virgin
>you ask her how long she's been alone
>"2 months"
>you freak out
>"no no that was just my last fuckbuddy scenario not a real relationship, I've only had two of those in my life"

Ragequit so hard.
I guess 2 months without BBC is the female equivalent of facing the true hell of being alone.

Attached: 1528115064543.jpg (760x901, 294K)

>tfw not a girl who gets dick all the time
>tfw tranny who's never had a pp in butt and never will

Attached: d9f.gif (600x450, 140K)

Being born a biological female is the biggest privilege in life.

It's not fair! It's not fair it's not fair!!!!!
Why did I have to get a bad roll in life!!!!!

Go back to being a man dude

I can't it makes me attempt suicide

Instead of trying to change yourself to avoid mental pain how about just don't give a fuck and don't kill yourself?
I learned in life that not killing yourself is really as easy as literally not killing yourself.
I*m a pedo so don't tell me I'm not oppressed and don't feel pressure from society

I wish I was into dick for your sake

>tripfagging discord tranny psyop
>tries to blend into communty using anime girls images with knowyourmeme filenames
Like pottery.

But I'm too sad I don't wanna live

I really cannot relate but I'm sorry you feel this way???

>But I'm too sad I don't wanna live

Why do trannies always kill themselves?
Don't say oppression

Because we can't live the way we want to or in a way that's even comfortable on a daily basis.

>tfw tranny who's never had a pp in butt and never will.
Nice balls nigga.

>Because we can't live the way we want to or in a way that's even comfortable on a daily basis.

Same goes for me but I'm not crying like a woman about it

are you that ugly and masculine?

>am naturally very feminine in personality
>somehow surprising I'm emotional like a girl

Yes. I don't cry about it all over the board for no reason!!

I know I made the joke on purpose.

Should've just stayed a guy then. At least people wouldn't look at you weird and treat you as a mentally ill freak. If you can't pass, just stay a dude.

This. I can't understand how hard it can be to just be the gender you don't want to be.
Don't make a scene about it. It's just gender, not your life.

People don't view me as a freak anyway cuz I just look like a normal dude

another thread ruined by an useless tranny tripfag

all threads are mine