Is the roast beef meme true Jow Forums?
Is the roast beef meme true Jow Forums?
yeah, thats why it triggers women so much
no, the vagina is extremely elastic and I once fucked a 40yo who had the tightest pussy I had ever felt because she was petite and did kegels or some shit
however, I consider a shit-ton of failed relationships or a shit-ton of sexual partners to be a red flag for other reasons
yeah. vaginas ugly irl and actually smell as you would expect. the chances of meeting a girl irl with a nice innie vag is slim to none
>t. mr senior roast beef
How many girls look like pic related would you say?
My gf has taken miles and miles of cock and litres of cum from me over the decade we've been together and her pussy is pretty nice a trim
no its not true only incels believe in it
I once took a girls virginity who had the worst roast beef ive ever seen
she wasnt a virgin. i tell every guy i meet im a virgin
she must've been the tightest virgin to ever exist, my dick is extremely average.
even new born baby girls can have beef curtains.
Well yeah its entirely possible she lied to me. I always wondered. She told me she had done everything except actual sex, I believed her because she was my gf and we were freshmen in HS. She was a whore though, so she might have just lied to make herself look better.
Pretty much.
Idc though, I find shitholes more aesthetically pleasing anyway.
i love telling incels that this doesnt actually indicate anything.
Can someone explain me how are females so confident and ok with spreading their ass exposing asshole right in people faces?
I would be so emberassed to show of my asshole like that.
First of all I think it looks ugly, second its kinds of dirty when I think about it.
because they know we want to see it. no one wants to see our assholes other than gay faggots
Imagine licking her pussy while sniffing her butthole haha
I wanna tongue this delicious asshole so bad holy shit
Not true.
I never had sex and I have a roast beef, plus its pretty bad.
Probably will never have sex because im too insecure now.
can i suck on your beef like it has the cure for cancer?
It is a meme. Regrettably, because to have some credible identificator of a whore would be really good. Nonetheless, I banged an escort with a perfectly nice innie and had virgin gf with roasts.
I dont think youd like it user
Haha Imagine she drank a protein shake that morning and she tooted with her your nose in her butthole hahahahah and the whole room filled up with toot stink hahahahaha
how beefy is it. less or more than this?
Less than this but still a lot......
pics when
if its less than that you're fine and 90% of robots would suck on it given the chance
i dont feel like posting a pic here, do you have kik?
Theyd still prefer a perfect innie and would leave me anytime to go with a girl that got one
How much do guys care about their gf having roast beef/innie? Is it the equivalent of a small dick?
t. regular roast, not nearly as bad as though
>Is it the equivalent of a small dick?
Pretty much
what your pussy looks like is probably the last thing you should be worried about. if you want to go down the insecurity road there are like 10 stops you should be more worried about than your pussy lips
Im insecure about a lot of other stuff
but this one insecurity makes me feel worse than the others
its funny to meme about but i really dont care as long as your pussy doesnt look like a wizard sleeve
if a guy cares that much about it he probably just wont go down on you that much, he'll still want everything else
it really doesn't matter all that much unless you want to be a fucking porn star or something. if a guy wants to fuck you he's not going to stop because you have a beefy pussy, he's going to stick his dick in it because we're all horn dogs that need vaginas
Having labia isn't bad. The roast beef meme is for girls that have a couple dozen in body count.
most guys don't care, obviously a puffy innie is much nicer to look at but if you love each other in a relationship it won't matter, my ex hat beef flaps and I still ate her out like I've been starving for a month
Its probably because you masturbated too much
>all these supposed females
This website is truly garbage now
Would rather not be with a girl who has it. Even if you are a virgin he will always have suspicion. It jsut looks fucking disgusting
I dont finger myself and its here since before I even started masturbating.
>my ex
Why are you here? Do you think you're special? You're just another stupid normalfag.
Why are you pretending to be a woman to defend womens honor? Pics of your vagina with a time stamp or GTFO
>Why are you here? Do you think you're special? You're just another stupid normalfag.
I've been here since 2008, fuck off you incel reddit refugee
No, it's just a stupid meme.
There are virgins with Arby's sandwiches and there are moms with 3 kids with coin slots. I know Jow Forums likes to act like they know everything about women (despite having no experience with them) but roast beef is a meme.
>using the term incel
I know for a fact that you were not here in 2008. Now fuck off back to /b/ if you want to feel like your part of le special internet club even though you are a retarded normie with no skills or interests beyond following trends in a vain attempt to raise your social hierarchy.
have sex Imao
Prove it. Oh wait you can't because you are a stupid fucking normalfag without any experience. The kind of retarded normalfag that trusts a whore when she says its her first time. The kind of normalfag that believes other people generally tell the truth.
Of course it is. Why do you think whores get so mad about it?
>reddit spacing
>all these big lip femanons
yes, all guys hate big lip pussies, except for me of course. please rub it all over my face
>normalfag without any experience
normalfags are normal and have sex, whereas the incels here only read about women. Something doesn't add up here
reminder that the only one you have to blame for being incel is yourself
I stayed pure for a reason, but now thanks to this meme if I ever get a bf he will instantly have suspicions of my virtuousness.
This is kinda sad that some guys in this world think its true.
>This is kinda sad that some guys in this world think its true.
It started off as a meme here but redditors migrating here took the memes on face value and there we are
pic related, pretty much the same thign that happened to Jow Forums
>still reddit spacing
I've wondered for a long time in normalfaggots have the mental capacity to realize that they are cancer. Does the fact that you are a cattle in human for existing just to follow trends ever get to you? Do you ever stop and think about your effects on the things around you. Are you capable of having such thoughts?
stay autist zoomer shit lmao
>Study says niggers are more dangerous
>b-but i have black friends that say their neighborhood is safe
>muh niggers
how about you join your fat retarded friends at Jow Forums and stay there
Post your vagina or stop posting.
>it started as a meme
Fuck off with your bullshit historical revisionism. You came here in what? 2014? Now you go around telling other newfags about what it was really like to push your agenda. You are such a parasitic piece of shit and you don't even begin to realize it.
Speak english "LMAO"
>waaah Jow Forums
>still spacing ever single sentence
>like this
>still pretending
>to be an oldfag
>to cope with such a shit existence
>living as human brain dead cattle.
Why? It is true. Or are you one of those naive morons who thinks it's genetic?
niggers might be all you say but I don't want to hear about niggers in fucking every thread, fuck off you mongoloid
I really just can't wrap my head around it and i've thought about it a lot. Why have normalfags come here in such large numbers? Why do newfags pretend to be oldfags and push agendas. Do they realize they are parasitic cancer and enjoy it or do they have cognitive dissonance?
What motivates a normalfag to continue posting here and even further, to tell others what the culture here was and should be like.
The example still fits. My argument remains solid and yours is nothing but anecdotal. Anecdotes you likely got from other random people.
maybe not everyone here is or has been a sperg like you
Too much bad dragon
Why do you continue to reddit space? Why do you continue to act as if you know what the original population of this website was like. FUCK OFF
that's a new kind of roast beef, I have to research first
Still waiting for the supposed virgin roasties to post pictures.
>Still waiting for the supposed virgin roasties to post pictures.
keep waiting, they'll post them tomorrrow
>still reddit spacing
Again, stop posting you parasitic piece of shit. Please answer my question first though. Are you conscious of the fact that you are cancer or do you believe you fit in? Why can't you just lurk?
I'm not going to become a thot who posts her vagoo online just because you want me to, user.
insert your penis into a females vagina and achieve orgasm by means of an oscillating back-and-forth movement
>ywn rub your blonde gf's cute ass
How do i deal with this brehs?
You have a penis and can't post a picture of a vagina. Posting your vagina will be completely anonymous. Unless you are in fact a whore who has showed her vagina to hundreds of people before you stupid tranny
is this advanced baiting or actual autism
You guys are always so quick to drop scientific evidence why haven't any of you nuts ever found any evidence or any kind to support this? Hmmmmm
Your trickery won't work on me, dear user.
You must be such a loser irl..
yeah women are not real
What a beautiful roastie *chew*
Cognitive dissonance it is.
>reddit spacing
>dude like uhh duuuuuude liiiike duuuuuuude
>people actually like duuude taking my reddit.2.0 website as more than just a place to boost their own egos
pics or gtfo
>y-your a loser
>browses Jow Forums
>desperately wants to be a part of the ruins left behind by losers
The labia minora and clitoral hood are homologous to the foreskin in men.
Men can be born with a longer or shorter foreskin, so women can be born with a longer or shorter labia.
But men can also stretch their foreskins further over time manually, so i don't doubt the same can be possible with girls.
I already have. Its common courtesy to read the entire thread before posting you stupid fucking newfag.
If I were to post it you'd just call me a whore based on the fact that you think a roastie equals non-virgin. There's no way to prove it here after all. Either way, only the sorts of girls you were describing would ever post their genitals online.
imagine being this guy unironically
if this is bait congrats I fell for it
No I won't. Post it or you are full of shit.
>No I won't
I have a feeling you're projecting about being full of shit here.
>imagine being this guy
What a reddit thing to say. You all talk like faggots over there
Why is it that you human cattle think that anytime anything happens outside your little normalfag range of normal behavior it must be le bait or le trolling. It really shows how much of a normalfag you are when you do this
>someone doesn't fit neatly into normal society
>dude you have to be trolling
>dude this is bait right
>dude is this like a prank bro
Stop posting and lurk more. Let me guess what your next post is going to be again. Have sex or dude this has to be bait. Well now its not going to be but we both know that was the first thought you had pop into your head LMAO. Normalfags are so predictable.
I have a feeling you're not a female. Anybody who claimed to be female use to be told tits or GTFO. You went the extra step of claiming to be a virgin with a roastie pussy. Post it or you are full of shit. GTFO
>use to be told tits or GTFO
So you're only doing it to fit in after all? I figured desu.
Go fucking find out jfc
No i'm doing it because I don't believe that you are a woman. If you post your supposed virgin roastie snatch i'll post my penis. Now post it or you are full of shit.
>inb4 roastie hur dur nobody wants to see your dick
Also make sure to show the hymen.
Yes yes. Thats right. Leave the thread to spread cancer in other threads. Thats what you also do when you almost come to the conclusion that you are cancer to this website. Just pretend it didn't happen and become distracted rather than evaluate yourself.