they can get frens and boyfriends at will.
So why do roasties pretend they can be depressd and lonely?
Why do women pretend they can be alone?
I agree with the boyfriend part.
However, friends are different. I was bullied all throughout my school year and have never had friends. The only friends I have made is with boys and then they just want to sleep with me. So not actual friends.
boyfriend is a friend who also sleeps with you
fuck off
Why would a man want to be friends with a woman?
this was meant for the roast, not OP
Except boyfriends get annoyed with you if you expect them to spend every waking moment with you or talk to you all the time because you literally have no one else to talk or hang out with.
That's still better than literally nothing and having no value in anything
Lol girls think being bullied is unique to them
You sound like a loser maybe you deserved the bullying haha
the majority of roast is uninteresting and boring, if not malicious.
Self-pity is fun. That's the bottom line. People engage in self-pity because they enjoy it.
And when people engage in self-pity, it limits their fun if they stick to the truth. To get maximum fun from the fun activity of engaging in self-pity, people have to exaggerate their misfortunes. And for extra credit fun, they have to pretend that their situation cannot be improved.
So for women, this means that to get maximum fun out of relationship self-pity time, it's not enough to sit around and say:
>Woe is me, Chad doesn't want to date me!
No. It has to be:
>Woe is me, I am never going to meet anyone and I am going to be alone forever and everyone hates me!
Women hate it when they're engaged in self-pity for fun and they're saying things like this and you pop up to correct them, because if their lies are corrected they are deprived maximum self-pity fun with extra credit fun. When you pop in and say:
>No way, femanon, I would TOTALLY date you! interrupts the flow of enjoyment coming from their self-pity and forces them to get by on the tiny, inadequate stream of self-pity that they can milk out of the truth, namely that there are lots of guys they can date at any second who just so happen to not be Chad.
>The only friends I have made is with boys and then they just want to sleep with me. So not actual friends.
So are boyfriends always just guys who want to fuck you? How are you going to develop romantic feelings for someone if you're not allowed to befriend them first?
Excellently well put, roasties literally cannot refute this.
It's also fun to watch them do all sorts of mental gymnastics when a guy tells them they would date them after the roast says she is lonely, ugly and undateable, since their inner monologue is suddenly interrupted they have to go around making some bullshit excuse that alligns with their self pity-ing.
Only women can be alone since men pursue women. Men are only alone when they choose not to pursue women. Basic biology.
Incels literally all have the same boring personality, if you can call it a personality.
How about you do your own shit in that case you stupid cunt
>>Woe is me, I am never going to meet anyone and I am going to be alone forever and everyone hates me!
>Women hate it when they're engaged in self-pity for fun and they're saying things like this and you pop up to correct them, because if their lies are corrected they are deprived maximum self-pity fun with extra credit fun. When you pop in and say:
You realize this describes incels and not women
>doing the same shit, asking the same questions, over and over
>always get the same answer
Fuck off, tard. Go back to where you came from.
Except women naturally attract attention due to having a vagina and incels are actively shunned, even in their own spaces, as evidenced by normalfags like you.
What does attention have to do with loneliness?
Wow a bitter incel. Never seen that before.
I don't acknowledge that at all.
I will say that a not insignificant number of people on this board who say things like that are wrong. They will eventually meet someone. And there are also people here who exaggerate to be able to enjoy that sweet, sweet self-pity. But, that being said:
>The life experience of the men saying that in places like Jow Forums supports the statement much more than that of the women who say it. The guys who said "I will always be alone" at least usually have been alone *to date*, whereas most of the women who say it had one or more prior relationships.
>There is a non-zero number of Jow Forums posters for whom these statements are true. Not exaggerated, not hyperbolic. True.
>It is vastly, VASTLY more likely that these statements are true when said by a man than when said by a woman.
In fact, part of the whole "self-pitying woman" problem is that there are a considerable number of men for whom these statements are true. Because they observe men getting to enjoy the fun self-pity associated with these statements, they want to enjoy it too. They escalate their self-pitying statements to equal those expressed by men. And that shouldn't be surprising, since self-pity and envy go hand-in-hand. (Pic related.)
What does rehashing this same conversation ad nauseam even do for you, OP? You understand more than half the people you are arguing with are not arguing in good faith and 100% of the people who disagree with you will not be convinced otherwise.
Why does it even warrant a thread when you know exactly how the discussion will go thereafter? I want babies with autism thrown in the river at damn birth
So incels are babies. Got it
writing 4,000 words like I'm reding that autistic brick of fuck have a scary train cake
>"Hi, I'm retarded!"
This is why niggers need to be exterminated.
If you're treated like you don't exist by everyone and not just the attractive kid you have a crush on, you're less likely to be able to make any sort of connections. Even the no ost grotesque women have people that support and feel sorry for them in their family and peer groups. This is not the case for males.
There are less than 1000 words in that post.
hahahaaaa peep peep motherfuckers
>Be discord tranny
>Don't even pass
>Don't even post my photos online
>Guys keep messaging me wanting to be lewd
>Tell them I'm a tranny who doesn't pass
>They still want to ERP
I thought it was just an incel meme, but women really do have it easier.
Imagine being this fucking stupid. Go dilate.
Oh wow I wonder why all of them were creepy fucks
You can't treat someone like they don't exist.
Men choose to make their own "support groups" and so do women. You're not just handed friends at birth if you're a chick, incel.
"boo hoo I'm so sad nobody will ever date me"
"I'll date you"
"fuck off loser"
You seem to be suffering from tranny derangement syndrome pal
>creepy fucks
lmao saying that on Jow Forums
Only trannies or women would believe something as damn stupid as the posts I quoted. I'm not even mad at them, since they possess the intellectual capacities of an animal and it would be illogical to get angered at nature for these creatures' stupidity, unless you want to elevate them to the level of a human, in which case you are equally dumb.
>Except boyfriends get annoyed with you if you expect them to spend every waking moment with you or talk to you all the time because you literally have no one else to talk or hang out with.
No they don't, unless you only fuck Chads retarded whore.
because men will pretend to be your friend until they get jealous of us talking to other men, as if we were not allowed to have friends. why are you so damn hypocritical?
>The guys who said "I will always be alone" at least usually have been alone *to date*
that has not been my experience when i was trying to date robots many moons ago. most guys that are willing to take a chance on meeting someone from here used to be pretty "normal" just messed up a little. there is definitely self selection thing going on in that guys that may think they will be alone forever are also not trying in the least bit to meet people.
i was also
It's... not like that.
I've added before people from here, and it always ended up with mutual ghosting. Gender doesn't really matter when it comes to engaging in meaningful relationships, and if you pretend it matters then... let's be real, you just want a vagina, not a friend.
That doesn't really make any sense. Irl women could befriend anyone, and online even more so. They cannot be lonely.
Gashes don't want friends, they want attention. Temporary, fleeting, which they quickly bore of when the conversation turns away from HER interests.
I see hundreds of these entitled thots whining about how they're lonely, how they're bored, omg I only got 1000 new followers on my Snapthot this week...
Women are holes. You have absolutely nothing to offer. Thanks to (((feminism))) you no longer even contribute to a household. You contribute nothing to a friendship; you demand attention and support from a man, while giving nothing in return. Because you have nothing to give any more.
Why do you even want to be friends with men? Because women can't be friends with other women; you're incapable of friendship. You hate other women, because women are just as needy and selfish and unreliable as you are, and you all know it. You need beta males who'll feed your emotional vampirism. All because they want the only thing you have of any value. Your hole.
pic related is about tripfaggots but still applies
Many such cases however
lurk moar newfaggot
No, women can get fucked anytime they want. Friends? Boyfriends? Yeah right.
>be me
>27 year old virgin
>gave up on men when I was 23
>meet a guy
>he actually seems to like me
>hope for the first time in years
>tell married friend about it
>self deprecate, but fish for compliments
>hoping that she'll say, "sounds like he likes you" so that the small sliver of hope I have will be validated
>instead she says that "wow that sucks I bet you must feel so horrifically hopeless I know I would. honestly it's way better to be honest about how ugly and stupid you are because then you can actually reflect on what that means instead of entertaining obviously fake platitudes"
>still have my sliver of hope after this because we talk for hours and hours every day for two months, fall asleep talking to each other, screen movies on Rabbit, send each other little letters in the mail
>he invites me to a big family dinner party
>my roommate is a Stacey who gets men to pay for her to take vacations to Italy
>she also constantly verbally abuses me and gives me dirty looks like it's highschool
>said Stacey infects my home with bedbugs
>I could lie and go to the party but I don't want to put him or his family at risk for bedbug contamination
>tell him the truth and say it's his call if he feels comfortable letting me come over and if so what precautions he wants to take
>he ghosts me
But yeah you're right OP the fact I could walk out into the street and find some homeless guy to use me as a cumdumpster and a meal ticket is really reassuring!
I stopped reading at virgin lmao. no one falls for this larp anymore.
It's true, man. Mind you, I had severe sexual dysfunction for most of it (vaginismus and general anxiety about touching my vagina) for most of it (inb4 "roasts literally need to have their vaginas fused shut to not toast) but yeah. It's true.
I'm technically a "volcel" in that I could probably find someone to come over and fuck me, but if you think happiness is just sex you're a mindless degenerate and need to be shot, anyway.
Fuck it, samefag.
>be me
>have history of extreme depression
>diagnosed OCD
>diagnosed GAD
>refuse medication because I won't fall for the medical Jew
>go through really bad thing (bedbugs, getting rejected, being fired unfairly and needing to protest the matter legally, being punched by my stepfather in the face on Christmas day)
>tell "friends"
>they tell me to stop whining, no one cares
>they change the topic
>they tell jokes about it
>they minimize the problem
>get so desperate for any sliver of genuine concern or affection I make a suicide threat
>Not sure I'm really suicidal but that seems like the only way to get people to pay attention since people only give a fuck when you're dead or close to being dead
>they either laugh, dismiss it, tell me to calm down sarcastically
>actually feel suicidal
To quote an old normie saying, "congratulations, you played yourself". Anyway, I think I'm not going to talk to my friends anymore. Unfortunately, none of the shit they say to me is as bad as the shit I say to myself.
You could always marry me I guess, as long as you're nice and won't cheat on me or play stupid mind games.
On the contrary: because men pursue women, when a woman feels alone she needs only allow for a man to pursue her, no work is involved on her part because women are more valuable on the sexual marketplace than men. When a man feels alone, he must actively attempt to win favour with a girl, and compete in a saturated market, which is next to impossible for an alienated robot (who occupies the lowest tier of sexual value).
>wall of angst
>20 minutes later
>marriage proposal
wow theyve sure got it tough dont they
This reads like a Quentin post
She seems really sweet and genuinely troubled, I'd do my best to help her with anything she needs help with.
Fuck it, I'm going for a walk. It's 11:25PM. Here's to hoping I get stabbed.
Ahahahaha, yeah, nice try. So I've actually taken up anons on their offers several times and here's what happened:
>message a guy on discord
>has shit taste in music, I don't play video games so we don't have too much in common but whatever he seems nice
>video chat
>he screenshots my face and puts it in one of those "fembot faces" folders and posts it online to laugh at me
>message dude on Discord
>he immediately starts talking about sex, asking for nudes
>tell him I wanna wait but that I'm willing to be his "e gf" for awhile and then we can meet
>keeps going back to nudes
>finally I tell him that I am not going to send him nudes ever, and that if we ever do have sex it would be after a substantial time period
>he deletes me
>add someone on discord
>actually seems okay
>we meet
>he gropes me
>I say no
>second date
>he slaps me when I tell him to stop groping me
Oh fuck off dude.
You creeps only make these "marriage" proposals to women to validate your narrative. You wouldn't actually marry us. Most of you are plotting to humiliate us in some way - find our faces, doxx us, etc. If that isn't your goal, it's sex and onc
e you get that we're no longer ~*~pure virginal waifus~*~ we're practice gfs and you bounce. And if you are serious about relationships you're abusive lunatics.
But yeah, whatever keeps your fucking narrative afloat.
God I hate trannies so much.
So let me get this straight - you're a man. And you have guys offering to fuck you because they have a weird homosexual fetish. And because horny creeps with a fetish want to fuck you that means women have it easy?
What does any part of you have to do with women?
Telling someone you will never send nudes is basically stating you have zero attraction or interest, why would he keep talking to you at that point?
to keep his options open, stupid
Except posting nudes is a surefire way to lose your job and have your life ruined.
>But yeah, whatever keeps your fucking narrative afloat.
you do that well enough yourself by assuming what my narrative is.
i dont even post on this board that much so i dont know the prevailing stereotypes or how rare this view is but i know from experience theres a lot of genuinely amazing women out there that are worth keeping and the shit filters are plenty enough to weed out the useless cunts early.
im a born again incel, between 17-23 i had 7 girlfriends and looking back i fucked up with all of them, at least 2 were genuine wife and best friend material, both have gone on to get married to complete chads (both millionaires, onces a professional footballer, the other husband runs a company with 10,000 employees or something) while im left holding my dick at 32 having been alone for 9 years thinking i was doing the right thing in fucking all women out of my life.
youre perpetuating your own bullshit if you think all men are out to abuse and ruin your life, the girl in OP's pic says the same thing.
>being friends with each other
So many of them have huge distrust for each other in their friend groups
>friend groups
Femanon rage is best rage.
>unless you do this thing that has only existed in the modern era you don't love them
>robots whine about tfw pure gf
>expect nudes
God, men are such as joke.
ever been at a party full of normies and felt alienated and 'lonely'? you fucking retard?
>frens at will
I'd actually kinda like this. I used to have some online friends as a kid. It was good to have someone to shoot shit with occasionally. But ship's sailed now.
May be rare but at the best of times, f-f friendships can be really good
>Why do wahmen do a thing?
Men and women literally cannot be genuine friends unless both of them are gay and I will stand by that until the day I die
how do i make a (female) friend as an autistic friendless loser (female)? i'd say being male and finding a gf/ female friend from here is easier, at least you occasionally see posts about that.
I don't know if that's possible but we can make a compromise, I sniff and rim your (female) anus with my (male) nose and tongue
>they can get frens and boyfriends at will.
Then why don't I have any friends and I've never had a boyfriend?
You probably willingly ignored them or outright denied them
I don't know why robots equate creeps on the internet to a potential life long partner. If anything, shouldn't you promote how selective females are with their partners? The ones that aren't get pumped and dumped.
Nope. Nothing of the sort. I've been turned down many times.
Mmorpgs worked well for me, too bad they're a waste of time otherwise. Maybe fandom depending on what you like. Literary fandom demographics will skew up in age so the people may be more reasonable
>I don't know why robots equate creeps on the internet to a potential life long partner.
I literally didn't mention nor imply anything of the sort, maybe you are projecting a bit?
Comee here for the best nudes! HHot femaless and traps
discord gg/dmB39ty
If you've been turned down by men you must have a serious deformity, are morbidly obese, or have mental issues, so which is it?
I know if a chick approached me, I would never turn them down.
>I don't know why robots equate creeps on the internet to a potential life long partner
Because they are? Your problem if you're too lazy to make it work.
I don't know. Maybe because real life actually involves women getting rejected and it's not the fantasy world you created where women are constantly being drooled over by men.
You didn't answer my question, which one is it?
No friends, no past relationships, getting actively denied repeatedly as a woman, that's more than just "real life", sister.
I would say mental illness but that never seems to stop other people from getting a boyfriend. Who knows. Probably butt ugly.
being mentalcel makes it easy for me to sympathize with femcels
>Who knows.
You do and you are either ignoring it or lying on the internet to try and look like you aren't an unlikable person overall.
>to try and look like you aren't an unlikable person overall.
I never said I'm not unlikable. Obviously everyone hates me since I'm apparently the only woman ever to not have a bf or friends.
>I'm apparently the only woman ever to not have a bf or friends.
I never said it was impossible, you are putting words in my mouth, is this what you do to people in real life too to make them actively avoid you?
Do you understand how statistically unlikely it is for a woman to be in the same situation as you?
I think it's more common than you think. Spend some time off of Jow Forums so you can deprogram yourself. There's a lot of adult female virgins without friends out there. This is literally the only place that believes it's impossible.
they want pity points,womens are a hideous manipulative horrible thing,never trust one,never feel pity for one
Do you even know the difference between a "male associate" and "boyfriend"?
Let me guess: the only one you can name is "sex".
>Spend some time off of Jow Forums so you can deprogram yourself.
I like this one.
I have a job, I'm not a complete NEET, hikki, loser.
Let's break this down, I have 5 female coworkers in my department between 18 and 27, 1 is engaged, 3 have boyfriends, and 1 is constantly jumping between men.
Being the bitter sack of shit I am, I eavesdrop on the women in other departments, and have overheard 13 in this age group mention sex, hanging out, or their boyfriends.
You are the minority of a minority, a grain of sand on the beach.
I know but it still happens. It's not like there's a lot of us out there but we do exist just like male virgins.
did you just say fren?
Such is the life of an unattractive female. Incels on this board whine and whine about being male, but it's not about being male. It's about being ugly. And ugly women have it bad too. If not worse
I know your ilk like to spew the "but it's not REAL" excuse in response to this, but literally what is stopping you from talking to people from here, not even for the purpose of a relationship?
If you are fat and have a face like you were bashed with the broad side of a coal shovel, it wouldn't matter because it's the internet, you'd be no more than some text on a screen.
Just like friendless adult female virgins are an extreme minority, people who just want genuine friends here are too, but they exist, you just need to search.
>he thinks you can make genuine friends on Jow Forums
>Here is an option
>Ehhhhhhh, no
I rest my case
You did it completely to yourself
I can't make fucking friends
I have a very loving long-term boyfriend, but he is essentially all I have, or at least, one of the only friends I can be truthful with. (I am really grateful to have him though)
IRL I am too off-putting, and it seems like my interests just don't align with my female coworkers in my age group. I inadvertently push them away and don't even realize what I did until the conversation is over.
Online might actually be worse. I've lied to most people about being female so that I can befriend guys and have friends to talk to. Of the two I've actually told, the first it didn't matter how he saw me at all because he thought I was a guy for the first 3 years, and the 2nd immediately tried to get in my pants
I just want fucking friends I don't have to lie to
If you get volume of attention, eventually you'll think the quality will also come along.
Alas, for the average ones, the only thing that comes along is cats.
I've tried talking to anons here and all they want are lewds. Most are actively orbiting other girls. The other downside is most aren't anywhere near me geographically and I would really like to meet someone in person and not just have an online friendship/relationship. Also, this
>The other downside is most aren't anywhere near me geographically and I would really like to meet someone in person and not just have an online friendship/relationship
This is even richer than just the ">le Jow Forums >le friends *smug reaction image*"
I refer you back to this