Tfw no possessive and needy bf that wants that wants to talk to me all the time

>tfw no possessive and needy bf that wants that wants to talk to me all the time

where r boys like this hiding

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stop baiting me... please I'm sad enough
ummm hey

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>tfw all people like this are trannies or faggots

God how do men end up like that. I'm the complete opposite direction.

>t. obvious catfishing
Up your ass and around the corner

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How could you want to talk to anyone all the time. Makes no sense.

You're either a faggot or a literal one in a million. No girls like needy guys.

I can be your possessive bf, add me:



Already found a bot that I'm comfortable talking to for most of the day. Feelssogood. You'll find one soon, user!

>tfw I'm the opposite
I'm not needy enough, I can disappear off peoples radars for weeks and go back to them like nothing has happened. Go figure any form of relationship is hard to maintain, how do I cure this?

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They do until they realize they don't and true to cut you off once it's too late

>ywn be a girl
>ywn attract a man of any type

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nice generalization about girls, i guess im one in a million then fag

shut up im a real femanon

>ywn get endlessly baited by fembot threads on Jow Forums
I mean I dunno...

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me but you're not a girl, you're a tranny

whos fault is that...


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i am not a degenerate tranny faggot, I AM A GIRL



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And if I'm ugly? Then what


Sweet Bianca had one and u know what happened to her giraffe neck, stupid based girls thinking guys like this are cute

this is me but its because im ugly and overly sensitive to everything

please be my gf

Guess you are dipshit

i-im sorry


>Sweet Bianca


She had DOZENS of boyfriends like that... at the same time

um heyyy me too im a fukin baby

you will get tired of it. i dated a girl for a year that was like this and it got to a point where i just wanted to be alone because it became too much.

you think its nice at first, she texts you first, comes over out of nowhere, always wants to do stuff. lets do this lets do that. i honestly got tired of it, it was so mentally draining it got to the point i felt bad for wanting to just be alone for a day

That's what all trannies say. Go rope you mentally ill retard

Look for some kind of thirsty discord faggot, there's a bunch of them over here.
Meanwhile true men are too proud and busy to waste all their day talking to you.

Why do people act like Bianca was a bad person...?

she was a mentally ill whore though

i want a real man tho sadly just want him to not ignore me and just want me all for himself :(

I think it's the part where she sold child porn and extorted guys for drug money, calling them worthless and disaposable if they didn't comply

>tfw no possessive and needy gf that wants that wants to talk to me all the time

where are girls like this hiding? I want a gf like this.

Ah yes, now the threshhold gradually increases so as to disqualify the robots ITT

Whats ur discord sister.

What girl doesn't want to be a femme fatale?

Because she was. Don't you hate niggers who rob and steal?

She was an e thot, not saying she deserved this shit but she still was an e thot just a fact man now eat my shit

tell me urs cus i dnt want to be bombarded

HOLuxuic#1232 It has a suicidal picture tho

>first gf would take days to respond to a text
>barely talked about her emotions
>got annoyed whenever i told her i loved her
>says she cant do it anymore
>texts me a week later saying she made a mistake and wants to get back
>tell her we take another shot at it and ask how shes been holding up
>she doesnt say anything
>the next day she doesnt say anything again
>ask if she got the text
>no response
>waited for 4 months before getting a new gf

>new gf is incredibly clingy and loving
>constantly talks about her emotions towards me
>tells me she loves me because she knows ill say it back to her
>says she never wants me to leave her
>says when she talks with me she feels something shes never felt before
>calls me before she goes to bed
>texts me when she wakes up saying she misses me
i feel like i dont deserve her
you guys need a clingy gf

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Im not that guy but maybe youll add me to. Probably not.

Is this an irl gf or an e-gf? Either way you're a lucky bastard and need to get off this fucking board

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They like them for about 2 months. After that, they get an inflated ego and then start shopping around for other guys/orbiters. Is what it is.

Mbfn, dnt b a idiot nd fuck it up

Good luck on that desu. For me it always goes like this:

>Be there for her 24/7
>Try to be a nice guy, be romantic, try my best at saying jokes even though I come up with them from Google
>Be a good listener, conversationer, etc.
>That continues for months
>This happens

Pic related. It's me at 2 am and having to wake up at 8:30 to go to work

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What a fucking cunt, she doesn't deserve love

man ive3 always wanted gf but also i'm super annoyed when people talk to me a lot... i usually just like doing my own thing all day. guess there's one perk of being a khhv

okay post kik and i'll haev cybersex with you rn

Ikr, but I forgive her for all her wrongs. We no longer talk but I still miss her a lot. I think the threads about BPD girls got me attracted to them and I thought to myself it'd be all fun dating someone like that.

Loyalty > Love.
Even when you're in love, you can still stab somebody in the back. Loyalty is something more

Only normies have kik

k then bye dumb binch good luck finding a man

Ah yes, that same old feel is back again.

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just wanna be someones clingy gf pls god

I'm here for my clingy gf. Anyone left?

say asl then maybe

27/m/midwest USA

>meet girl here
>scared about coming of as clingy because I'm clingy as hell so I hold off on messaging her immediately the next morning
>she starts messaging first instead
>always tells me good night before she goes to bed even if we didn't talk that day
Now I'm just waiting to officially be bf/gf before I pour the rest of my entire heart onto her, giving her messages like "I love you" to wake up to ad drowning her in those three precious words every day.
Clingy needs clingy.

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How did you meet a girl like her on r9k?

Alright user, I've talked to a few fembots in my days here so Imma give you the official Chad-lite(TM) advice.

Be talkative, be sincere, and most importantly be lucky; you either have to be one of the first people in a thread to start talking or wait in the thread until another femanon pops up and take the initiative with grabbing her attention.
Peruse threads where femanons would lurk, whether that be ideal bf/gf threads or just something that pertains to your interests and also is interesting to femanons.
In those threads just talk normally and be interesting / engaging in your conversation with the femanon, and then when the time is right give her your contact so you can talk together later. It is much better for you to give your contact to her to prevent other anons from swooping in and trying to steal her or just in general harass her.

For example:
One girl I met here was in a thread about head patting and I started flirting with anons by digitally patting their heads until one of the anons who really enjoyed it started engaging me in more conversation in the thread; we talked a bit more there and then she dropped her discord and we transitioned there.
Now for reasons I won't get into it didn't work out between us, but that's for later after you have that chance in the first place

The girl I met and am talking to now posted an "ideal bf" thread herself and you know what I did to grab her attention?
Instead of saying "yep" to each of her ideals and I led the conversation by showcasing that I met them or what was similar in myself to them and brought up further points of discussion to them, while talking a bit more about myself in them.
Everyone else gave basic bitch responses but I actually tried to talk to her in my response, and her first reply to me was "you seem interesting"
We exchanged a few more posts and then I dropped my discord for her so we could talk more later, and we did.

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Woah I wasn't expecting such a detailed response, but thank you for the advice, kind user! I'll do my best to make use of it. I hope things between you and that femanon work out.

>tfw no bf
came too late and everyone's taken

>came too late and everyone's taken
But I'm still right here waiting for my clingy gf.

The most important thing is to make yourself interesting, intriguing, and to stand out from the rest of the common grade peasants on this website.
And actually being a good and intriguing conversation partner is where that starts.

Pick up on her interests and work from there and it's better to type more than type less, she can skim whatever she wants but she will simply have so much more to work with and you have much more that sets you apart that way too.
There was another girl I could have gotten contact from as well recently but I didn't because I already have the lovely girl I mentioned in my first post with me.
That was in a thread about age gaps and such so I just talked about myself and the topic and she started clinging to me calling me optimistic and warm.

>Woah I wasn't expecting such a detailed response
Exactly, THIS is what you need to be putting out to capture their attention.
Detailed responses like this are quite different from basic bitch replies and shows that you are actually thinking with what you are typing out, and it makes anyone want to know more about you.

I really hope my advice can help you too user, I want to end all of our suffering here.
Life is too shit to have it be unnecessarily shittier by being alone.

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Back of user, she will be mine!

It wasn't supposed to get this far, what do

Contact me and see if we're compatible

simple, be my gf, here is my discord Pomenru
this faggot will trow you away if you are not compatible

This user is delusional and will try to force things.

op here noones taken unfortunately

Don't stick your feels in crazy

I don't have discord, any use hangouts?

based, fuck orbiter faggots

>that wants that wants

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okay give email or discord or whatever faggot

yikes, imagine thinking you're a chad in any sense because you're in a thread full of the lowest testosterone beta faggots on the website and thinking anything you type isn't on the same level of basic bitch shit lmao kill yourself holy shit

longpostin' is my day job, but so is being lonely. Pls explain

I think I'm actually serious... Meeting someone on here would be cool

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right here nigga holy shit im lonely and original

[email protected]

I'm like this and it makes me feel like a burden to my girlfriend, despite her claiming that I'm settling by being with her.

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I've added u user

The Chad bit is obviously a joke, and besides I already know my personality is much better than a loser like you who is so rooted in pessimism and crab in a bucket mentality.
I'm a Jow Forums autist loner too, I'm just also a bloomer to learned how to take care of himself and find what he wants in life.
My advice is only for the true and honest people out there, normans will never appreciate what I give out but that's ok because I don't gel with normal fag aura anyway.

Hello, Akkofag.
Someone like you has already established a very high presence so I'm unsure how that will effect you, but.
The length isn't the main jib, it's the meat of your posts that truly matter.
Just actually talk to people about things that are interesting to the both of you, while telling a bit of a story about yourself in a way that people would like to listen.
And like I said before it helps to be one of the first people who replies to her; grab her interest quick

The biggest thing is being genuine in your posts, not putting on a character or something ||like what you kinda do now with branding yourself with Akko||
A lot of it all is being in the right place at the right time; if you want to meet someone here just keep putting yourself out there and try to post in threads where a femanon would be lurking in.
Eventually you will find someone who is fun to talk to, and they will think that about you as well.
Then you do the contact step and play the field from there.

Not a female and on a different board but my one and only best friend I also met on Jow Forums; we engaged in pleasant discourse over the subject of little girls and how he was taking one to the movies.
We hit it off talking and exchanging long posts so I asked him for contact and now it's years later and I call him my bf and tell him that I love him cause I do and he's very special to me.

If you want to meet someone just actually talk to them like a real human being, the ones who are worth it will respond.

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met her online and exchanged discord info then from discord exchanged phone numbers because her preference is to call on the phone
she called 10 minutes ago to tell me she missed me since we last spoke (7 hours ago) and to sing me another song she wrote

>subject of little girls
user I....

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>Now for reasons I won't get into it didn't work out between us

Mmhm, did it look I was stuttering?
We're hebephiles mind you, though in 2d lolis are always pretty sweet.
A shame you're limiting yourself like this, there's a lot of mutual joy to had with youth.

Physical attraction alright?
It's the basis of any relationship and I didn't feel like it would work out between us with a lack of it and I was honest with telling her my thoughts about it all.
She was a very sweet girl and I liked her very much so I don't like saying this like this since it feels like a massive insult to her that I didn't initially find her physically attractive.
Later I started to associate her face with her posts and felt warm and such but it was too late by then.
I kicked myself a lot over this one and told myself I was a pile of shit for being so shallow but I've learned from the past and what my priorities in a relationship are and I will always thank her for the sweet but short time we spent together,
I really hope she found someone out there to make her happy, she deserves it.

>Physical attraction alright?
You're pathetic, you deserve everything bad that happens to you.

Physical attraction is a natural part of a relationship, partners are a strong emotional bond that is also sexual; such is a romantic partnership.
Sexuality is an important part of romantic relationships too and it takes being a mature adult to accept that.

Imagine the suffering she would go through if we were being intimate and I just couldn't feel it for her like she did me, isn't that far more damning than calling it quits early on?
I did find her physically attractive later on, and realized as well the difference a camera makes vs irl; I think the biggest issue was the shock it had to my system.
A bit of a lesson to my fellow 2D aficionados, 3D isn't perfect like your Chinese cartoons and the association you have for that person WILL set in.

I don't know if you're serious or just shitposting, but I've already given my deal of introspection here and reached my conclusions.
Sometimes I forget just how toxic it can be here.

I'd also like to point out that your post is very low effort despite calling yourself a longposter, you aren't making a very good first impression of yourself.

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>first impression

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If by possessive you mean you want them to possess your body then I'm your guy. That's a huge fetish of mine.

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