What the fuck is wrong with people who make
What the fuck is wrong with people who make <100k/yr and don't want to get rid of capitalism...
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Yeah, because importing millions of Beaners is so good for wages.
What on Mother Gaia's bountiful breast are you talking abut?
Does anybody respect landlords or are they just envious about how much surplus labor value LLs siphon?
Similar for bosses. I feel like people fell for this meme that CEOs do a lot of work and thinking. They have teams of LABORERS who crunch numbers, interview experts, test ideas, come up with plans, etc. and CEOs only have to approve them. They snort coke and fuck hookers all day (and count it as "hard work") and sort of guess based on the expert analysis that's handed to them on a silver platter.
You, like other lefty niggers, need to get it through your thick nigger lefty skull that someone or a company being allowed to have less of their money that they earned by whatever means stolen from them by the government and given to niggers is not welfare or "corporate welfare." On the contrary, nigger bums who don't work and who fuck up their lives with drugs, crime, and stupid decisions getting productive peoples' money, however, is welfare.
>muh landlords
If you don't like renting, nust buy land. It's so easy after all, right? :^)
>he isnt organized
>he doesnt work for a 501c
>doesnt work for a cooperative
>claims to be a socalist
lmao bottom text
you don't understand faggot,
it's called golden handcuff's. In order for slaves to do well, corporations exploit a psychological trick, they tell interns/analysts/vp/managers that in order to earn $xxxxmillions they need to give their best and get to the top by crushing the competition.
there you got it, sure bosses don't do a lot of work once they are on top, but that would be expected of a 50 yo boomer, they already DID a shit load of work getting up there, with no promise and slim chance of being wealthy.
kill yourself commie retard.
I agree, people should get their fair share. That's why I want people to stop having 80% of their surplus labor value stolen.
fucking based bommer scum.
THERE IS NO SOCIALISM in a country filled with niggers, france Socialism works well even with niggers because the ammount of shit jobs by products left-over by whites is IMMENSE, ie: floor cleaning slave, street sweeping, cashier, delivery, uber etc.... Only in a country filled with white can niggers ever get a """"""""""job""""""" and be productive, as soon as they roam a place crimminality becomes rampant like with french ghettos, that's why stupid niggers.
Give me A SINGLE country filled with niggers that has got a working socialism system without the use of oil to fuel 99% of it's economy ???
None. kill self.
How many shill threads are you planning to do today?
Discord trannies invading all boards
Look at all the fucking economics and psychology this fucker has to do to pussyfoot around the idea of refusing to give away surplus labor value. Can you just admit that you want to be the one leeching off of society and give it a rest?
wait faggot, who is getting 90% of it's value stolen ?
people investing in stocks get 3% annualy after inflation, so that's 3% stolen ??? kill yourself, you need money to make money and investors provide you that money wth no guarantee of seeing it back one day.
for the MUHH BOSS stealling all da money, if boss were to steal your every buck, why wouldn't he employ more people to steal more bucks from ? and then more and more and more, and so you see faggot, he can't just take in money. He will reinvest it, in order to earn more :) So what was greed (sin) becomes saving and it's a (virtue)
No arguments, only insults and presumptions? What a surprise.
I'll do that when you name me a single country in South America, the Middle East, Africa, or South East Asia that the US hasn't raped, pillaged, and actively contributed to the flight of refugees.
>expecting a commie tranny to ever read wealth of the nations tome I and II (1000+ pages of theory and borings statistic of the XVIII century about wheat and eugenism).
>people investing in stocks get 3% annualy after inflation, so that's 3% stolen
Oh, okay. Never mind. My bad dude. I didn't do the math right.
>use somebody else's equipment
>in their building
>using raw materials they provided
What is the "full" value of your labor exactly?
"They deserve to steal surplus labor value" is such a weak and absurd answer that's it's not worth my time.
I sort of see what you're getting at, but I have low self-esteem. I didn't think I could make both surplus labor value and "seize the memes of production" into a single thread so I just chose the former. If I were more confident like you, then I might have been able to pull it off.
If you don't want to pay rent, just buy your own land. See how well that goes for you.
I'll look into it. Thank you for the advice, fren
>the classical argument, muh us imperialism, muh colonialism.
Okay faggot, if the occident is the cause of africa/middle east shit show.
then F.A.G.G.O.T, name me a SINGLE great civilization for niggers africa before europeans came in ???? none.
for the middle east you great retard, there has been a lot of great civilization, halas IQ drop due to Islam politics and inbreed weddings send it all to a shit show, (persia and north africa mainly)
yeah you didn't you fucking retard, and everyone investing in stocks isn't a billionnary, it's called not being a retarded niggers using it on strips and drugs.
Though I do so abhor playing Nazi games.
What's a strip?
What's the value of your labor, though? If you think some of it is getting stolen, you need to be able to answer that question.
>one guy meticulously crafts toy soldier bodies and toy soldier heads
>you just screw them together
If together the two of you make 100 toy soldiers this way, how many are yours? Do you deserve as much of the result as he does? Are you expected to split the finished toy solders 50/50 even though your job was much easier?
What was "the full value of your labor"?
More than the capital owner's share.
Mali empire. Your ignorance is not an argument.
How? Deflections aren't answers.
chicken strips maybe?
>mali empire.
first off you retard, this prove my point more than ever,
they have had a shitty civilization with no great wonders/thinkers/mathematicians/inventor.
second you fucking nigger lover, malian have one of the highest iq among all niggers nations, around 80 i believe when niggers average is 70 (60 for somalian math intelligence)
YOU'RE LITERRALY SAYING, there is no correlation between IQ/RACE/and wealth.
holy fuck kill yourself commie retard.
>name me a civilization for "niggers africa"
>there has been great civlization in the middle east, mainly persia and, north africa too.
you're not even reading the full post KILL YOUR SELF FUCKING COMMIE FAGGOT
It's the other way around. The population of incarcerated individuals was rising, and then came the rise in private prisons. There was no demand for prisoners, those just happened and as a result there was a demand for additional jails and prisons. Private facilities are (usually) a cheaper alternative to state owned and funded facilities, since the private owner pays the startup cost instead of making the state pay.
>being that much of a faggot.
this, plus judge can now send DANGEROUS niggers behind the bars instead of letting them roam freely because of a lack of space.
>private prison.
that's the most american thing i've seen in years.
>they deserve.
i said they already did their fair of value producing and their is NO space for everyone NORE everyone has the will to work +100h a week (certainly not you commie retard).
and so, It's the best way to thank them for their service. faggot.
Will you give a single argument or keep sperging like the commie nigger you are ?
kek fag.
holy fuck, OP BTFO AS PER USUAL.
Because I want to be that person that makes < 100k
Was some kingdom that caused an inflation when they were going too mecka or whatever. Nubidia, not sure how much of an empire it was but it was a nation that had parts in the Chartage vs Rome wars(punic wars or whatever the name was) and I think there were other occasions of empires. Cant remember since I dont know too much about that. Uhm Nobatia. Im pretty sure that you need some kind of water source or river for civillisations to really work out as it enables trading and acces to more resources. China has the yellow river, Egypt the Nile, All of Europe is a fucked up landscape making the water sources more and plenty. I mean Russia is so big and relatively few of people only because it lacks the water. Only the european part off russia is populated good because of the rivers. I mean Russia always wanted trading ports for a reason in the later centuries. More water equals more power. Water gives protection against foreign invaders. Hell only Rome and the vikings could fuck with the brits. Russia had a shit economy because it was only landmass.
Nothing is stopping white people from cleaning hotel rooms or picking berries.
If you make little its problably because you are dumb. whats even dumber is actaully thinking communism works. Some dumb fucks even believe anarkism works.
Why do communist refuse to accept the fact that hierarchy exists in humanity? Why do communist normalfags constantly shill their garbage here?
>dude my boss doesn't like do any work brooooooo
This is the true slave mindset. You're such a retard you can't comprehend life outside of your immediate vision.
Numidia was berber not nigger you dumb cuck
I feel like communism could work in a small community. But never in an entire country.
I think the reason only pathetic faggots like communist propaganda is because its always aimed at trying to make you feel big and powerful. It shows one strong man which is not a representation of a single man but meant to represent the strength of millions of men. Communists propaganda never promotes the idea of the individual being strong by himself. The concept of a lone man facing off agains the entire world does not exist in communism. In fact its the opposite.
This appeals to the lazy and weak because they have no self esteem. They know they would never be brave enough to fight alone. They know that they are only strong if they are storm one fat guy with a thousand limp wrist faggots behind and in front of them.
None of those were real civilizations. You don't need rivers. Look at the mongols. Russia despite being landmass was still more advanced than Africans. Africa has many rivers and coasts. Coast with easy access to the worlds greatest resources and trade routes and yet they never built civilizations beyond city state levels
Apart from illegal labour that accept the worst working conditions and pay in the country that greedy employers gladly take in
OP, I think you're right. These people legitimately believe that delegating work to others is a 200k+ a year job. Or worse, and more likely, they know it's unfair but hold a desperate hope in their hearts that someday it'll be themselves in that position. It really is just rooted in selfishness.
I have no energy for arguing with idiots on the internet though, so best of luck with your thread.
Seems brave to just fuck off with the tribes resources when the oceans are too great for a normal canoe. I mean it just seems odd too start a civillisation in the savannas. They were mostly living of herds like goats or bulls. not sure if they could just start agriculture like that. Too harsh landscape and someone must know how to do it before you start farming. You can have some big villages but a city cant be provided only by cattle herds. There must also be a reason too build a city. I mean can you just imagine that you whitout any knowledge of the outside world was teleported 2000 years back in to uganda or whatever. Lets just say that you spawn as black but you keep the same brain as you have currently. You live in a village of 200 and whit no knowledge you are going too start civillisation. how do you do? Become chief of the village? like people before you havent tried. Lets say you manage. Attack neighboring tribe. you want too conquer it but how easy is that? lets say you defeat the enemy tribe army. Now you have killed all the males and you are now chief over an angry tribe of orphans and widows. Now you have pissed of bukaku that lost his father, but fortunately his uncle is his the right hand of the lekuke-tribe. New conflict and a never ending war has started. sometimes a unifier manages like zulu but othertimes the dynasti crumbles. Its quite hard to unify people under a common cause when the only interest they have togheter is cattle farming wich tribes might have done good before the invaders came. Euroasian wars were driven by the search for more resources. Not to much to discuss if the tribe is doing just good.
sure faggots, the lack of watter :)
and now they are a prime exemple of culture. OH NOO ! the europeans.
Holy fuck kill yourself. north africa doesn't have any water and yet it did host some of the greatest civilization on earth.
fucking killyourself youcoping nigger
>Coast with easy access to the worlds greatest resources and trade routes and yet they never built civilizations beyond city state levels
Holy fuck kill yourself, numidia was a north african kingdom of berbers.
fucking being such a pleb.
Numidia was an ancient Berber kingdom located in the region of North Africa in what is now northern Algeria and parts of Tunisia and Libya. The Kingdom existed from the 3rd to 1st centuries BC. The Kingdom of Numidia was established as a client kingdom by Rome following the Second Punic War. It was annexed by Rome in 46 BC and, after a brief period of restored independence, again in 25 BC.
not him, but Suddan had many routes and the Nil river, yet no great civilization. for the trade routes, it gave an easy to the mediterean sea. fucking pleb
Fun fact: total world income per year is $70 trillion.
Divide that evenly among the adult population, and each person would get $14,000 per year
If you make more than $14,000 per year currently, you would suffer from any kind of socialism.
If you make more than $14,000 per year currently, you are technically one of the "wealth horders" that Bernie Sanders and other faggots are always bitching about
>He continues to come to a thread he hates
What if you had access to more resources like easily accessible education, robust public transportation, group negotiated (cheaper) healthcare, a union to help negotiate salary, and full access to the legal system? Do you think it would be easier to get access to $100k/yr worth of purchasing power or harder?
>Name me an African kingdom
See, this is what happens when you play Nazi games. Can you even imagine a world where he goes "Oh, I forgot about Egypt, my bad dude"? He didn't actually ask the question, he just feels right so he is right.
Wait, please tell me this guy is trolling right? Fuck! I forgot about human nature. I breathe, so I must give away 80% of the surplus labor value I generate so some dickhead can buy his 3rd yacht
That is super TL;DR my friend. Can you put it into a meme that isn't wordswordswordswordswords?
Thank you, my man. These posts are what makes it worth it.
Based originalpilled.
I'm glad you asked. It's one of the most consistent misunderstandings I'll ever see. Fiat currency isn't made of magical pieces of paper. Labor, natural resources, and capital have been and will always be the value - currency is an abstraction of it (abstraction to absurdity if you learn about the federal reserve). So no, socialism isn't about redistributing literal dollars. It's making sure the workplace respects workers, first and foremost by giving them access to the surplus labor value they created, but then it's things like making sure people have access to healthcare, education, and housing. Take Amazon's delivery network, for example. What if the trucks and warehouses were seized and then used to transport medicine to disaster areas? In this way, it's not the fiat that's being transferred, it's the capital.
It's not even that everyone gets paid the same, but it's making sure the industry in the society is not harming the public good.
If we kill all the niggers, how much would we all get then? Because this sounds like something we can all work towards.
>not him, but Suddan had many routes and the Nil river, yet no great civilization. for the trade routes, it gave an easy to the mediterean sea. fucking pleb
it was literally called the Kingdom of Kush and they took over Egypt, how do you forget a centuries long dynasty with a name like that lmao
Working in a wagecuck job is basically communism because it robs the surplus value. The best example is a chain fast food restaurant. One can be in a super-busy location (freeway location, near college campuses, etc.) while the other one is in the ghetto with not much activity going on most of the day. If you work in the busy store and get paid as the same in the not-busy store, you're not padding Shekelstein's bank account, you're paying for Tyrone and Shaneequa to goof off at the store across town while you're slaving over orders.
Because I don't think any of the other systems have proven to function any better, and society will only evolve another one if and when it is ready for it.
Don't tell me you're trying to meme a full Marxist utopia on me. That shit never works out well.
Just like, make money, then invest it in the US stock market. Fund your IRA and maximize your employer's 401K match (if they have one). Keep buying the index, especially when it crashes, if it ever goes down again.
Then retire, take it all out, and be comfy in your older, weaker years.
>Do you get off to people lording power over you?
I'm just wondering what reason there'll be to stop seizing stuff after all the rich people's stuff is seized unless the seizures proceed under some fair-sounding rationalization rather than the naked logic of
>this is mine now.
I hate goddamn commies.
That's crazy dude. Holy shit
Yeah, but I was hoping for a system other than barbarism.
Why couldn't stuff belong to the working class if there are more of them than there are land lords and pharma execs?
Also, ACAB, but that's for another thread
Sitting down and learning about American interventionism and its history was a real eye-opener for me. I was so disappointed and disgusted to learn how we actively fucked over other people, and not just once or twice, but consistently, for decades, because of something as petty as an economic system. We literally could not imagine a world where people operated on different economic principles and decided to kill them instead. And LITERALLY just for the money. Even the joke-y term banana republic comes from the US overthrowing elected leaders in order to keep banana prices low.
>make shit pay at first job
>use it to say I have experience
>get better job in better location
>still shitty, talk to recruiters
>"well, I'm already making 45k over at XYZ"
>"okay we'll offer 62k"
>stick with that job and get raises
>now make 6 figures
still single though
He has a point; Egypt is more of an Arabic country than an African country, and has for most of history been considered a part of the Middle East, not Africa.
One time, there was this discussion about what the United States did during the Korean war. And the phrase came up "Kim Jong-Un is telling the truth about the sheer vampirism of the US troops". I was stunned. It made me understand why there are laws of war that the UN tries to enforce/encourage - how could there be peace after wanton and indiscriminate destruction?
Of course, this is an emotional reaction. There's plenty to be argued in the realm of economics, inspiring insurgencies, destabilizing possible trading partners, and class disparity in war fatalities if one were to get into the particulars about why interventionism fucking sucks
Okay, that's great dude. This thread really isn't for you then.
I suppose. I would like to formally apologize for mentioning an African country that was not African enough when pressed for answers by somebody posting pictures of Nazi marches.
Sometimes I just talk to hot recruiters on LinkedIn and meet up with them for breakfast and pretend it's a date. They gush about how great I am, and then I never talk to them again while they desperately leave phone messages wondering where they went wrong. I never take it personally though, because I know that they're just trying to flirt with me to use me. Outside of recruiters, women never pretend to want me like that. It kind of ruins reality.
Brother, you forget that all of the world's powers are playing these games. We only remember the ones who won them.
When the balance shifts and the Chinese are winning, I guarantee things will be worse.
What about bums who don't work and fuck up their lives with anime?
Still welfare?
get outta here Red kike. i may hate the System but i sure as well won't have it replaced with an even more unfair and exploitative one. how about you give yourself a free ride?
Fuck commies, niggers and jews.
I don't care what kind of economic system we have as long as it's explicitly for the benefit of whites.
Red commie girls(female) can get a free ride on my dick.
Do you understand?
Because there's still the possibility that I could do something completely retarded and meaningless but still have enough mass appeal to make boatloads of cash. It's stupid but it works.
You could say hope is what keeps humanity struggling.
You could also say that hope is what allows humans to thrive.
>country has good taxes and owners of big business can easily get rich there
>big company moves to that country in order to make more money
>country taxes the living shit out of big companies
>said company moves away in order to make more money
It's really not that hard, if you want to stay economically relevant you make sure that lots of big fucking companies stay in your country.
Basically, they want to maximize the ceiling of achievable wealth and excess because they are blinded by the pipe dream of reaching that ceiling themselves. It doesn't matter that they will in fact never actually reach it or that the act of raising the ceiling lowers the quality of life at the level they are actually in. It is completely irrational. But it's not all their own fault, they have been manipulated into this worldview by the people who are at the top, the ones who actually do benefit from the ceiling being raised.