hey user, whats getting you down today?
Hey user, whats getting you down today?
My ex gf had a IRL boyfriend the whole time while we were together, but got pissy because i told her i was cheating on her, so she lied about me and said i tried to get her to kill herself and that ruined my life, her lying about me.
I wish i could sleep like a regular human does, I can't waltz to work late and my excuse being
>"random horrible thoughts attacked me and prevented me from sleeping"
A board I browse regularly is dying
Finally listened to the Dinosaur Jr. album 'You're Living All Over Me'. Had heard of it for years since I used to frequent /mu/ though was only really encouraged to listen to the band by one of my co-workers (started with their self-titled album followed by 'Bug', skipping YLAOM as I thought I was not prepared for it). In short felt incredibly happy then kind of cried half-way through 'Little Fury Things', the album itself especially in the first half exceeded my expectations incredibly and the song mentioned is so unbelievably good its put me in that mood where you realize you'll never do anything actually cool or interesting in life and that everything around you is so dull and grey. I'm trying to force myself through backlogs by killing sleep and that's hitting me a little, also there's this humming noise that I'm guessing is from my neighbours, very unpleasant.
What is wrong with them? Do they not recognize you or something?
Which board?
I browse /tower/ on 8ch
Nothing really fren i am actually pretty comfy.
>ex gf
ok stopped reading, please leave.
Been there fren
Everything dies fren, just find a new place.
You sound like you need a fren fren
I hope that everyone reading this has a comfy day/night, remember to appreciate the little things frens.
eg e-gf i should say.
Oh silly user, you spelled e-bf wrong. We all know that no girls e-date.
There are no other places
There's always a place fren
Yeah... you're probably right, user. What a fool i am.
>still no Drow gf
Cheer up user, when sad remember comfy day.
Grab a nice drink, put on some comfy tunes and relax.
enjoy the smaller things like nice weather.
I'm losing it, Maybe i should walk it off or something.
Look user, I don't mean to come across as crass or rude, but there really isn't. I used to browse an imageboard for male virgins and it was the place I called home. No matter how shit my life was, I always had that place. It was completely different to Jow Forums, wizchan, etc in that nobody gave a fuck about being a virgin. Yes, you had to be a virgin to post, but there weren't any threads about being a virgin, women, complaining about normalfags, or even thinking you were superior to someone just because you were a virgin. Instead anons posted about other things, such as sharing their passions, hobbies, and interests. I learnt how to play mahjong. I followed the growth of a puppy to dog as an user would post pics of dog walks. I had some of the most intellectually stimulating conversations in my entire life there. The chan was barely active, with about 1 post a day, but it was the comfiest shit ever. I'd browse it in the early hours of the morning, looking over old posts, not even able to tell which ones were mine anymore as they were years old. Then one day the admin pulls the plug, and we were left without a home. Someone posted a link to /tower/, and so we built up a home again. However, in recent months incels and other angsty teen virgins have found the board and began posting, with no regard for the small culture and community we had built. It isn't the same again, and it never will be. I'll never have an imageboard to call home, and there aren't any other places online for virgins to gather and talk.
Do something comfy and find the positives in stuff, you'll be ok fren just remember happy thoughts.
Well then keep moving user, if you managed to do it twice a third time isn't impossible.
As a lot of smart people say "all good things must come to an end", just remember that you can always find things that bring joy. How grim a day may seem, you'll always reach a point of joy again. only you can decide how much that happens. For some people that's human connection and major stuff like that. But try to find joy in smaller things like nice weather, a good song, tasty food, looking at a bug or something. And most important of all, remember that there's no rainbow without rain.
That sounds niche, not surprised its dying if so. What happens on the board?
I'm seeing a friend on the 3rd, I guess you are kinda right though, aside from that co-worker I mentioned there's no-one I know in this town that I talk to really. I can't tap into the drinking culture and social life around here nor can I banter, that makes it virtually impossible to relate to people around here. 90% of dialogue outside of work in this town consists of people either asking for cigs or mistaking me for someone they know (and the awkwardness from the latter case makes me feel unwell at best).
You know not every poster on Jow Forums is a oversexd tranny or a poltard, it's still possible to find nice anons to talk to n such, but then again you don't need people you can get a pet for example. I sure do hope you find your comfyness user.
I can find happiness in life, it's finding happiness on the internet again. Outside of places for my hobbies, there isn't anywhere to just talk.
just keep looking user, you'll find a place.
Life, I suppose, just feeling so burnt out on everything. It's not as if my situation is terrible, but I just don't have any drive, I feel as if nothing is ever going to get any better.
I'm about to fucking lose it man. I can't go back to work another night. I just can't. I want to cry so bad. I'm a failure and a retard my parents expect me to go back to school soon and they don't know that I'm probably not going to. Were poor so their hopes and dreams ride on me.
I'm 22 dropped out of college four times in and out of psych wards can't hold a job for longer than a few months everything is fucked. Debt is piling up can't afford medical bills.
Part of me wants the sweet relief of death a permanent sleep with no more problems and part of me is just tired and scared of being yelled at constantly on the job. I've been nothing but a burden on my family.
Work soon. Not sure if I'm going to just fall asleep in my car and hope I don't wake up or what.
Hi fren, comfy user here.
I might not have time to talk to you and give advice but i just wanna say i hope you find a fix.
Remember to find joy in little things, i know you'll find comfy stuff user.
-comfy user
I don't deny that I can relate to many on here, after all that's what I enjoy in spite of rampant bait which has always been present. Granted I dislike communication via Discord and the like - lack of anonymity kills it for me, I cannot commit to talking to someone over the internet unless I have a pre-established close bond with them and trying to force it feels like I'm both betraying them and betraying myself. Pets do not seem like a solution - my sister gets pet cats all the time presumably as a surrogate child so she can spoil the life out of them despite her financial situation; to me they're merely a distraction at best. Our tenancy agreement also forbids pets. I mean I am rather comfy now, though there's an emptiness that comes with it.
Do you think you'll force yourself into anything? Get your feeling completely, would you like a hug?
I've got to go now, but I just want to let you know that I haven't visited r9k in years. I came here on a whim, and this happened to be the very first thread I saw. Its nice to know that there are still some good, decent anons out there amongst the porn, politics, and shitposting. Thanks
im mentally ill and nobody likes me cause im a slut
i had to break up with my girlfriend of 5 years that ive had since freshmen year of high school just a few hours ago. we both did not want to but i had to. ive never had a single other girlfriend in my life and this is my first breakup
i forced myself to do it in person and i cried for the first time in years. i tried to reach for her hand and she snaped it back every time. she told me i should just leave, she didnt wanna kiss me one last time
im not gonna kill myself or do anything crazy i think. i dont know man. i cant shake that feeling of that weighty feel in my fucking chest. its so painful, physically and emotionally. ive told myself so long that suffering is growth, but now im experiencing true suffering and i feel lost because of it
Perhaps eventually, I just need a big push into something.