Yellow warning of thunderstorms edition
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Is it illegal to question the holocaust? Where does the 6 million number come from? Is there sufficient evidence to support it?
give transpuppy gf
*pours petrol all over the thread*
Plump wants to fuck Poleaboo .. Not me ..
Plump is a great evolution of the Scottish friend gimmick
the holocaust wasn't actually that much of a big deal as far as genocides go
On a night wander because i am on too much tramadol to sleep.
Gunna go round my old neibourhood.
>tfw no English Defence League gf
>thats so epic lad :-)
Are you looking to get chinned soft lad?
mate you are being so epic rn
pls dont chin me :)
I will let you off this time laddy
cheers geez
>wasn't actually that much of a big deal
rofl fragile much kek
Look at that fucking gut
And smoking at 15
as in the holocaust was one of the largest genocides but theres plenty of other genocides no-one gives a shit about
Today was so comfy bros. I had the house to myself, I went and grabbed a blanket and cuddled up on the sofa with the cat watching the rain beat down against the patio doors.
I hope we get more rain and thunder.
very correct opinion my friend
>It's the episode where user convinces himself today is the day he's going to die from the thing that still hasn't killed him in two years despite what he thinks.
Getting fairly sick of this Anons, hate feeling so sick and disoriented wish I never got that brain injury.
i really want to come back but i don't know if my ex is still active in here :/
what brain injury
sounds like it sucks a lot
fuck ur ex
Is gay chinlet user here
Coming over here, stealing 70% of our haircuts
Haha, nah he's not, we're watching wrestling talking shit about you lad soz m2
In August of 2017 I hit myself in the head in an anger fit and then the night after I had my head caved into the side of a bridge during a mugging in Manchester and I believe that was the final concussion that fucked my head up after getting so many after so long. Second I was hit in the head I could feel the difference, for the 6 months after that I could hardly talk, still can hardly talk tbqhwy, writing during the period was abysmal I'd miss out half of the words I was planning on writing out in a sentence to be dismayed that I missed them out when I reread the post, worse still going from absolutely perfect grammar and spelling to having spelling skills on par with (at times) someone with dyslexia.
I could go on and on user but I've told the story easily 5 dozen times easily across britpol and britfeel
Just it's also left a permenant migraine in the right side of my head and that's the bit that's by far bothered me the most.
Order a vegan sausage roll down that gentrified greggs in East Ham, fuckin drowned in vag m8 if not kiss the sausage roll close enough
Right my luvvers! Mind out I just walked back through a right wet 'un.
Fuckin drenched today. Ran a D&D session with my slightly fatty chest looking like chris hemsworth pecs because the radiator in the cafe we use shrunk my wet shirt on to me like a corset.
Drowned in asshole more like. Loads of hipster benders round there, don't wanna be eating anything phallic.
Brilliant! Hope it was a good session at least. Could have been seen as getting more into the role, depending on character.
>missed them out when I reread the post, worse still going from absolutely perfect grammar and spelling to having spelling skills on par with (at times) someone with
I felt sorry for you until I came across this. How insulting!
Any big belly tagliatelle man in?
maybe go nhs and see what they say friend
Fcku Uyo Fagogt!
Think it worked out. I gave my players a gang of chain-smoking goblins to fight who mugged them for tabs. The fact that I couldn't breath properly sold it.
>Implying I haven't already exhausted my NHS options nearly if not entirely already.
Hopefully I somehow managed to get work with private healthcare lod. That or I beg for beta blockers and see if that does anything.
Iose weightt.
I'm trying user, dont worry. Have ready lost a stone believe it or not
post internet speeds
my brother is streaming netflix right now and I'm quite far from the router
sadding all over this thread like my boi thomas the freak cake doesn;t even matter
Yellow warning? Yellow fever more like
Not very good speeds there, big lad.
paying a lot via virgin as well
who is your provider and how much are you paying?
More like brraap
the better question is he connected via cable or not
I'm with Virgin and I'm paying 70 quid per month, split between me and my roommate and he is barely around anyway. Get very good speeds. Basically 35 quid a. Month from me. On the 200mb vivid plan or whatever which works for me because I download a lot of stuff and stream a lot of stuff.
me too pal, muh virgin fibre optic, what a load of wank
how close are you to the router?
No, I'm a phone poster. I am however close to the hub and connected via 5 GHz, as are my smart TV, my PC and my consoles.
Get that English(US) fuckshit out of my gloomy doomy comfy rain feels thread
It's just what it defaults too, although on Crunchyroll I have to set the language to US English otherwise it won't stream certain animes.
Oh yeah I know about those and Japan.
I know about what you did last summer. For me? It was wanking over Love Hewitts titties!
It's time. I like sleeps
Got banned from Jow Forums for posting this video.
Can't sleep lads. Can't really not go to work again. Will get in trouble.
>not having a 1gb/s leased line.
You are all speedlets.
his fucking body language is so weird
he literally looks like he's trying to crawl out of his skin
Poley totally fails in his 'grr I'll take on the night watch!' task yet again. Can't do anything right the daft scamp.
Bloody hell, he talks about the same exact shite there as well.
get powerlines if your wifi is shite, I think virgin forces you to rent their one tho
It's gonna be a slow one tonight
Maybe all the other regulars are out shagging
>LONDON (Reuters) Britain's 10 hottest years on record have all occurred since 2002, in a sign of the effects of climate change, a report by the UK Met Office published on Wednesday shows.
Wew lad
You know ive just come back to check on everything and i had that exact same though when it said "11 new posts"
I mean im part of the problem but fucking hell does it die at night this thread, so
Whats everyone doing tonight? For me its spliffs and listening to the rain
lads any suggestions for stalking somebody online?
i swear this person is a ghost.
i know where they work, their name, their friends even but i want to see if they are single or not.
ive been through people they knows instagrams, facebooks and twitter followers with nothing coming up.
what other social media do people use?
its a fucking megacity with tarmac and high traffic pollution, climate change is a myth
not sure if its still around but used to be good for stalking folk
Do you actually believe in it? Personally im not really for or against the idea theres alot of evidence on both sides but i have to say if it gets any hotter over the next few years. Im making a grey matter wall
it doesnt look free (maybe it was before)
im keen but not that keen
I'm feeling like shit tbqh m8
>brother talking about how it would be easier to be single forever because he's had a little tiff with a girl he was seeing
fuck sake, Elliot give me strength
Whats the crack lad?
But user this isn't Ireland, how could I possibly get a shag here?
people have been banging on about nonces and child abuse lately so I just stop posting, fuck them let stew in their schizo mess.
having a post din din rollie why watch tech how-to videos
Tippy tapp
That memory you try to forget but you can't
Rain patter
Tippy tapper
>import the desert
>become the desert
Really gets the noggin joggin'
Going to start watching Another Life on Netflix, luv scifi and luv Katie Sackhoff
simple as
Aye sick of the sight of the word now. I almost glossed over your (you) when i saw it but aye. Rollies aee the way forward. Amber cheif loyalist here, you found owt good ?
>you found owt good ?
jps hand-rolling baccy is decent and cheap
I meant on the videos fella but ill agree there. I have had that before but it feels almost wet in a way in comparison
incel tory cunt thread
doesnt matter which party you vote for, you just get pakis
keeps it fresh dry baccy blows and found a preppy little spit fuck who helps a brainlets like me understand things
Hey guys, posting from my phone since this place is blocked on my work computer
Just had a conversation with my co-worker about how scary it is to walk alone at night time
About a 20 minute conversation
The best quote i ever heard about voting was " you just pick the dick you'd most rather get fucked by " i still have never voted..
>MFW suicidal thoughts are still gradually getting worse
Well lads you know what they say
Watch your back Poley...
Real /comfy/ hours ahoy!
How do you drag that out for 20 minutes?
"Ahh. The nights quite scary eh?"
"Aye.. Sometimes aye" skiving that is
*puts 50p in the thread space invaders machine*
Another Life is pretty shit so far
Are you watching dara o'brains go 8bit on channel dave ? They have a thing on last night called dave station too. Live babe station. But a fat guy chilling, presumably dave
Really can't sleep. Got to be up in three hours for work. Not been in the last two days. Yesterday I didn't even phone in. Life's falling through my fingers. This always happens. Fuck sake.
Think we just have bad social skills
Normeis tell each other stories to keep it going.
Well looks like your going to be on a redbull day then. Or a 30p can day, how shits ya job? Still though m8. Get yerself in its better than nothing and for the sake of a bit of grief for the day or two. Its paid grief
No don't do the telly.
That sounds funny though. The babestation piss take.