How are trannies able to invade literally every community and subvert it to their will? Are they actually smart or organized or do they just have endless freetime?
How are trannies able to invade literally every community and subvert it to their will...
Everyone wants to fuck a sissy it's pretty much a fact these days
>How are trannies able to invade literally every community and subvert it to their will? Are they actually smart or organized or do they just have endless freetime?
There aren't that many trannies, sonly a few. Most of the """trannies""" are baiting trolls and autists and Jow Forumstards take the bait every fuckign time
They are in high demand and accepted in culture it's a no brainer, that and r9k is a gay board
they're well organized and target the low iq and vulnerable
no that's bullshit. Random communities like the Vinesause community and the Dwarf Fortress community and the creepypasta community, just random shit have been dominated by trannies
Simple answer is robots can't get women so they go for boipussy
wanting to fuck a cute boy dressed like a girl has nothing to do with this
Because if even a single tranny exists in a community everyone else in that community loses their fucking mind
see? two of them. you are so used to retarded posts that you wouldnt even notice the shills if you werent looking for them
So basically all of Jow Forums
Most likely from a beta provider to enable their passive lifestyles, they work themselves into a headspace of 'being different' or 'being depressed', and attempt to find 'likeminded' individuals and feed off their energy. Since the gender dynamic between men and women is fucked since women unabashedly flaunt their domination and monopoly of the sexual marketplace, good women are in short supply. Therefore, men feel the need to placate the worthless ones for a semblance of emotional validation and/or intimacy, which in turn empowers even those worthless ones. It's a vicious cycle. Literally the only thing that can be done is to call them out calmly and tell them to kill themselves and use all available resources to let them know they are not welcome.
Kinda hard with all the sniveling worthless men out there, attempting to curry favor with a woman that is not even a woman. I believe the term is "Clown World".
and OP is probably one too!
Your post comes off very gay.. but I'm pretty sure it does.
Because almost nobody takes them seriously, for both good and bad, they treat them like a friendly and curious little animal. The powers that be have subtly convinced everyone that they're harmless and offending them is a sin comparable to murdering your own brother. People only start giving a fuck when it's already too late and your forum admin is bending over backwards trying to please this harmless animal who has effortlessly attained boundless powers, and at the same time wondering why users are hemorrhaging.
How am I shilling? Jow Forums has turned gay and lots of robots would and want to fuck a trap.
They are social pariahs and do not have the same responsibilities as other internet users. Most have been alienated or discarded by family, have no friends outside of the internet, and bleak romantic prospects.
If you have all the time in the world on your hands you can be on the computer all day. Shit what else would you even do(
By the way OP, why are you namefagging?
if they didn't ruin everything they were a part of it wouldn't be so bad they'd just be another kind of freak but they invade and dominate
You wouldn't pound a sissies boiholes?
Think of it this way - they are simply emulating actual women. And women ruin typically every community founded upon brotherhood - whether a brotherhood of 'gamers', 'incels', or whatever.
But answer my question
If they have all the time in the world they should spend it on /lgbt/ or Grindr
trannies are jobless adults
they have more time than teens
they seem to get jobs as codemonkeys too and spend literally all of their free time online. Its weird I've never spoken to a tranny who likes any offline activity
That's mostly your schizophrenia speaking, you're seeing trannies everywhere.
Traps are not gay, fuck off
>literally every community
You are aware most trannies literally arent trannies and most trannies are gross autists who live on their computer
it's the same handful of people making and replying to each others threads
It's like the gender version of white guilt
hate fuels us, negative attention is still attention
and yes we're manipulative sociopaths
Yep, click on one of those anime picture threads and it will be 50+ post with under 10 IPs every time.
you will never look remotely like that cute girl
Because there are less communities online, and more people using the Internet.
It's like being surprised that there's so many nazis online these days.
do you look at least twinkish? I might jack off if you get fucked by dogs live on cam
maybe not user, but you will never be an attracive man either
That's true for cisgirls as well though.
they can get closer
you could have just been a cute submissive boy who could still be accepted by society
l really REALLY like this image, can l save it?
>they can get closer
lmao life is LITERALLY like my animes
That's why it was made
I mean they can at least be cute
I do
"could have" is exactly it
but we are accepted by society user, even idolized to a degree right now thanks to sjw fads
You can be boymode and cute. Look at faggots, they do it all the time.
Do you think being trans is about putting on a dress or something? Come on user.
a cute boy becomes a weird looking girl once they become a tranny
There are trannies that look more female than "real girls"
like 3 lol
Meanwhile every cis girl looks like this
>like 3
at least educate yourself on the subject, there are tons in places like asia & south america where it's normal and they're not even pretty white ones
The trannies themselves are for the most part wrecks and highly unlikable so it's not so much them. It's all the enablers around them that push the tranny agenda for them.
One day techno-science will make the 32 Baskin Robbins flavors of gender a reality instead of this larping fantasy we've all collectively decided to believe in (or tolerate/intolerate to varying degrees), and then humanity will be free from the tyranny of the XX.
They're not taking over anything except your every thought. You're mentally ill dude.
>hate fuels us
This is true.
I always tell people on here that they should just ignore the things they don't like, more often than not they call me retarded for saying that, and that instead you should actively make them feel unwelcome by being mean. Then they go on a personal crusade to give more attention and notoriety to the things they don't like and then wonder why it's started catching on, why people have posted it more, why trolls have latched onto it etc. I wonder if they'll ever understand that they are going about things the wrong way, that to actively make someone feel unwelcome is to ignore them and deny their existence.
Bailey Jay is a beautiful goddess! I will not say one bad word about her! SSSSHHHHHEEEEEE is a woma-