Is living in america really like this?

is living in america really like this?

Attached: average day in the USA.webm (720x404, 1.99M)

America is a big place, there is no single American experience.
Anyone that says "you only say that because you havent't traveled around America" has, in fact, not traveled around America.

Yeah but only in major cities

Depends on where you live, really. In large cities, scenes like this are fairly common.

How do you even eat that much? I understand chub if you don't work out.

There's much to unpack here.

>blacks brawling in the street
>morbidly obese white women
yeah pretty much

>blacks fighting
>obese white women harassing people
>white men assaulting people without reason
Yeah that's any big city in America.

>without reason

lol come on

Or they have depending on the starting vs ending points.

Silly rhetoric.

What is the fat bitch mad about? I have no sound.

yes, young white guys attack women all the time

Yes, yes it is
It is the same in rural Walmarts

>Yeah but only in major cities

The funny thing about major cities is that it's possible for these subhumans to be doing their thing while a block away Uberchad and an utterly flawless Stacy are living lives of perfection. Their environments completely overlap but never touch. It's like a Star Trek episode where a group of people has been knocked out of quantum phase with everyone else.

Anyone have a link to this with sound?
I wanna hear the whale hit the ground.

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what a top Iad

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>lol just look the other way when its white ppl doing it

Americans deserve death camps

He was defending his friend.

Whomst are you quoting? WHOMST

Toppest of keks were had.

>assaulting people without reason

She was gonna fuck his shit up, you idiot. Goddamn non americans are pussys. It must be the lack of guns.

That's something I noticed too, moving from the suburbs to a crowded metropolis. There's no gradient moving from rich to poor, classy to trashy, it's all jammed in together.

Man, I wish that "knock down the landwhale" would become a thing. I would love to see like 100 videos like this back-to-back.

What a fucking hero, my sides

The most money is in cities so the reason is obviously to do with rich men vs desperate men trying to beg. Why beg in a forest? Why hook there or similar? The money brings the crime. Must take good with bad or you get neither.

fucked the (You) up right there.

>She was gonna fuck his shit up, you idiot.
nigga just walk a bit faster she was never going to catch up lmao

No shit Sherlock, thanks for answering a question no one asked. This is why no one likes being around you.

she's fat and deserved it

based (in the most original way possible x inifinity).

They call it the concrete jungle for a reason friendO! Yep! YEP! YEPPP!

You're right. That lard-zombie was coming at the camera man in full force! That niggah just saved a broski's life before he dipped out of that scene! That fat lard zombitch was gunna eat him!

Implying that zombie's are ever nice creatures!?

....user, JUST

Doesn't matter. Stand your ground, don't run away like a pussy.

Did we find out who the guy was? He can't get away with this

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>depending on the starting vs ending points.
The If you go around, then the starting and ending points don't mean shit, because no matter what route you take, there's enough variety in between to blow that belief out. Retard.

Not everyone is a woman beater. She got tipped over like the tubby lard bin that she was! camera man avoided getting an assault charge and that one lad saved the day by handling the obese zombie!

You sir are a fucking monster

Sweaty fat fuck who smells like dogshit detected.

Emotional bias is a thing. Where you start dictates how you will feel for the rest of your life.

Don't be naive about things.

You cannot cure ignorance with travel.

>getting mad for no reason at all
Oh, I forgot to be nothing but bait rather than conversational. My posts are so bad DX

Be a bigger faggot.

This board is going to shit faster and faster.

FUck off, this was a fucking crime.

Get the fuck off this board you are such a redditing fag

Hahahaha I've seen every part of this video in some way or another living here kek. This is American "culture"

0:17 based
I wish shjit like that happened by me.
also need a link with audio

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This shit looks like a dream, nothing that just happened make any sense.

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She was walking over to assault the cameraman, you retard.

>She was walking over to assault the cameraman


Yep, it was obvious. She even stated that she was gonna fuck him up in the original video.

>fuck niggers
>Yeah fuck niggers!
>fuck landwhales
>Yeah fuck them!
>fuck people who assault people for no reason
Modern white "men" are a joke

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you're just fat shaming at this point

>Emotional bias is a thing. Where you start dictates how you will feel for the rest of your life.
What the fuck does that have to do with anything, you pretentious faggot? Things are different in different places. That's an undeniable fact. You can say "they're all shit though" and you can genuinely believe that, but the fact of the matter is that they'll still be different kinds of shit.

thats how you get assault charges and beatings from white knights. also wouldve been hilarious to see that thing try to keep up

You are a frog

Fat people need to be shammed so they wont be a bunch of fat fucks.

she just wanted to talk with him...

yes yes this is very accurate though a tame example

Big facts.
If I never got bullied for being a 200lb hambeast during my school days I'd probably be near 300 by now. Instead that made me get my act together and now i'm a thin boy, feels good.

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Can't tell if you're baiting or not, but if you aren't, an hero asap and get off this site. There is no "we," go back to r*ddit.

We need to dox this guy in the webm

You're worse faggot

>literally thanking people for collectively sliding their dicks down your throat
Peak cuckoldry

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>missing the point this hard
And besides, peak cuckoldry would actually be staying fat or even getting fatter because you enjoy the bullying and have no desire to "get back" at or "show" the bully.

This, i'm alot thinner now from being bullied in the longrun the bullying actually was beneficial
and yes it is america is a fucking shithole and I actually HAVE travled around america, landwhales won't openly attack you but there's alot of daunting flaws with america that lead many people of the world to openly hate on it all the time this webm being one of them

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>the real cuckoldry is when you do whatever you want, real men cave in like a little bitch and allow themselves to be pushed around by people
yeah, fuck those cowards who treat normalniggers like the insects they are. If you dont suck your bullys dick you're a faggot

that is not what I said, please stop this.

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gimme dat burger

This. ive been living in and out of cities, and the people you meat couldnt be any different. niggas in Houston and dallas dont act like niggas in rural arkansas. its like night and day

sorry its gone now.

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What is this hippos problem? Is she covering for the blacks? Does she not like being filmed? Was she planning on fighting? Is the guy who pushed her over a crackhead or the guys friend? Where are the police? Why hasn't someone gotten stunned by the cops yet?

gimme dat booty

those were her boyfriends

>fuck people who assault people for no reason
>for no reason
You're missing a really big point here and I don't know how we can make it any more obvious, friend. Get your IQ checked.

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>doing anything in an inner city probably run by #niggerlifesmatter

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based crackhead originally

>America is a big place
With the size of this woman you can say that again

Its what you believe in. "Getting back" at your bully would be smashing his teeth, not changing yoursel so he'll like you more lol.

Dont get me wrong you should lose weight, but you are absolutely being a little bitch when you lose that weight because others pressured you into it. The alpha thing to do there, if you really want to "show" them something, would be to gain more weight, just to show normalniggers that they are insects to you.

>Not everyone is a woman beater.
lol of course you're a BBW fetishist, fucking degenerate

And who says I even wanted to be fat to start with? That was a result of my parents feeding me junk food through out my childhood, which spiraled into bad eating habits for when I could make choices for myself.
I was sick of not being taken seriously because of my weight, I was sick of not being attractive, I was sick of looking at myself and feeling disgusted.

delet this shit right fucking now

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Cops in America only kill you if you're innocent. If you're actually committing a crime or look like you're going to commit a crime, police pretty much stay out of it. It's literally not their job to protect you.

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except most people just dont give a fuck about being fat

thats not the point. No one wants to be fat, they just want to eat. Regardless the point is that you changed yourself not by your own initiative but to appeal to people who humiliated you. Thats top cuckoldry. Its good to lose weight, its bad when you started doing it to gain approval of people who shat on you.

Cow-tipping is a national pasttime here in America.

Shit you're right. Wish I could roll back time and just be myself instead of giving in to peer pressure to improve myself.

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Her caloric haze made her mistake him for a french fry

If you hang around a large city long enough, you'll probably see something close to this. Usually not all 3 events at once but one thing happening at a time.

After a week in downtown Dallas TX, I was witness to a white man beating the shit out of a black woman, police finding dead black trannies in the river, Mexicans having a gang brawl outside of a bar in the nightlife district, strippers rolling through the streets, twerking on top of an SUV, handing out business cards, and a white guy eating another white guy's ass in the bathroom of this bar called Bombshell's.

>I was witness to a white man beating the shit out of a black woman,
>police finding dead black trannies in the river
and that's a bad thing how?

It's subjective but I'm just telling you the kinds of things that happen in big American cities on a daily basis.

Joke all you want bud, it wont change the facts. Its good that you lost weight, but you should have done it for your own health, not because some punks called you fat. Seems like you still have self esteem issues to work on if you're influenced that easily

New York: The greatest city on earth

I'm assuming you think white guys giving each other rimjobs in bars is ok?

eh they'll probably be floating down the river too

>usually not all 3 events at once but one thing happening at a time.
Well, that's what makes this particular webm so endearing, isn't it? It's like the Triple Crown of urban degeneracy
>melanin enriched gentlemen having a lively debate
>dummy thicc healthy at any size bbbbbbw getting triggered
>erratic pozzed hobo out of fucking nowhere
>all recorded on a Huawei by a program developed by the technocratic yuppie elite
It's like the muddy rainbow you seen on an oil slick. Beautiful, in a very sad and depressing way.