Fembots why are you single?
Fembot thread
cant find someone who is not a creep
>inb4 "too ugly" or something similar
no, the only way you can be a "fembot" is by mental illness like social anxiety for example which makes it hard to interact with others at all.
>latina into white guys
>roast beef
>too clingy
>very ugly
can i smell your toothbrush? i swear im not a creep
based latina wants to suck on white balls
>make a thread that deliberately asks "fembots" to post
You post a cute hex but ultimately you are part of the problem, OP.
>shut in
>social anxiety
can i use a thong of yours to floss? i'm not a creep, by the way.
Literally me in every way possible. I wouldn't say I'm ugly though but more average, but my social anxiety makes me behave like a retard on drugs
I'm totally fearful of every man except my dad. I know he won't kill me but with other men you just never know.
nice wadanohara picture user
i bet you get nervous waiting in lines at the grocery store
wanna be my gf?
>Fembots why are you single?
more importantly, why don't you have a large male dog to fuck your brains out?
pretty mentally ill and i avoid people because of social retardation and anxiety
Thank you!
wtf i didnt expect this and now i dont know what to do
M is this you?
i cant tell if you are referring to an online or real name
Because men want nothing to do with an ugly woman, and a fembot at that.
I am the depravity itself now please give me your contact i know i got really excited there I'm sorry I couldnt help it :(
i have a habit of cheating and i realized in the end im just hurting whoever im with. now im single and i can mess around with anyone guilt free
got gangbanged by 2 guys i met on tinder last week they didnt even know each other i made them meet
it would be so nice if it werent a larp
100% sure I made that guy run away god why did god create me so retarded like this
I am not a larp I promise
>tfw cucked by my own post
>social anxiety
>extremely ugly
>bullied my entire life
>never asked out never asked to a dance
>the only people i attract or people who have literally never seen me
first year in college done, no parties, no drinking, nothing everyone said would happen but uhhhh it gets better....right?
I don't want anyone to touch me.
too late, i just teleported behind you
Real name, initial
Because I'm hopelessly in love with someone who has no desire to be in a relationship with me.
Being with someone else seems like cheating.
Don't want to give someone false hope either.
This is the only way.
because i want my ex but he has someone new. i hope his new gf gets hit by a bus. ill start talking to him after and then show up to her funeral with him
I wouldnt mind dating you cuz I'm ugly like that myself.. contact?
Oh god he really did leave. Why did god make me so awkward that I scare guys off by my autism. I deserve to get sexually harrassed
I feel like I'm definitely somehow mentally ill; I can't even look guys on the street in the eye without feeling nervous or embarrassed. But at the same time I'm too prideful for tinder or edating.
You love the idea of them user, break out of it
Date me instead I won't make you feel awkward I promise
>want relationship, friends, romance etc
>get nun
>had one ptsd erelationship when I was young af and the guy never met up with me
>develope a tulpa, schozophrenia, and previously mentioned ptsd
>nobody lives here and I dont want to do anything online ever again after that
It was rigged from the start
>also Im a guy lmao
If anyone lives in virginia ig talk to me lmao
>everyone wants to date the other fembots in the thread except me
Im a living cursed image
no one asked me for a date either, just a question
That's not possible user I feel awkward all the time
Which one are you then? I'll see and will think about it
>tfw ywn get asked out
fuck everyone fuck captcha
Well I would try my best not to make you feel like that even if I'm bit myself, seriously would try to make you feel nice cuz I know how it feels to be so awkward
Im the one that got asked if I would be nervous in grocery lines and if I wanted to be their gf and quickly after calling me a larp. Nigga why you trollin
Oh well not them, but I'm down to talk to you and we can see?
>last relationship changed me
>cant trust anyone
>feel like i annoy everyone i try to talk to so i give up
im fucked
Well, what's your location? I just sadly doubt it's close to me.
what happened with your last relationship?
Yeah let's talk what's your discord?
I'm in EU so probably not close to you but if you want still we can talk.
whole thing was based on a lie and he manipulated and gaslit me all the time, acted like it was all my fault and never apologized
I'm gonna make one, wait please a bit.
Did this guy use Jow Forums? I know somebody who's exactly like that and is a frequent /soc/ poster
A guy from r9k or where
nah he's a redditer im pretty sure
>he's not a gamer
Why do you ruin this for yourself? How am I suppose to talk to you if you don't have a based hobby such as this? I wonder what we can talk about now, that isn't the weather?
I mean a throwaway you dum. I don't like posting mine in public.
I did everything right but somehow everything turned out wrong
why the fuck did I have to live in virginia
That's a positive surprise, so far it's been only burgers for me. Which part of europe?
>All these fembots lamenting loneliness
Just ask one of the anons to talk goddamn. Do men have to do all the work?
>I mean a throwaway you dum
>you dum
Can. Oh that's nice I thought you'd be in North America. You?
Eh nevermind, here you have:
Plz be near San Francisco
>tfw everyone gets an r9k bf but ywn
You will if ur near me. Post general location
thats because you are a guy
I've added you my discord initials start with c
user stop fapping to loli and accept my request
If there is a single fembot who looks like hex maniac, I want to love you with all my heart
God she's SO CUTE
Any of you fine ladies interested in fat balding men who live with their parents?
a-asking for a friend ofc
In case he never adds, what bidogams do you play fembot
how old and whats your location?
are you interested in asian girls by any chance? do you have contact?
26 and Ontario, Canadia
If you're wondering how thicc, 6'2" and probably like 270
Sure, Moi#1009
Got a question for you fembots, do you think their are boys who like you irl but are too nervous to take the initiative and speak to you?
god i can only dream
gonna back off since i dont stand a chance against that other asian girl
yeah, my oneitis
does any femanon want a normal weight 30 year old virgin in the north east please god say yes im so ronery
Do you like him back? If so what prevents you from talking to him, about hanging out at least?
I ask this because theirs a girl I like at my job and have crushed over for 8 months. After getting in shape and more socialable with other girls I still lack the courage to talk to her.
I just want to be alone. Not interested in sex either.
pls no, I haven't gotten an add from anyone yet
Just want a nice indoorsy gf to consume media with
of course I do, it's just that I moved unexpectedly and since we were both shy there was no exchanging contacts sadly. I'd say just do it, hurts more when you don't take the chance and end up never knowing.
Are u white? If ur white and don't have deformities I'll let u be my fat gf and work out with me to get qt
Posting sadcats until or adds me, this is not an empty threat
Thanks senpai I plan to talk to her now that I quit my job. Inthink one of the reasons I didnt speak up was because I try to keep it professional at work.
I think there have been a few instances, but they're few and far between.
>in hs there was always a weird tension between this one guy and me
>never spoke to each other though
>last winter me and a guy were the only people in a bus and he kept taking peeks at me
>at my little sisters graduation party i kept making eye contact with a qt i had fallen in love with and he always returned it
>but nothing came of it of course
I have about 50 of these bad boys
no problem user, I'm rooting for (you) !
The chonk ones speak to me the most
here is another one for your collection user
This hurts me more than it hurts you
ty user
Are you still here you qt sperg?
I'll be here until I run out of sadbois or the Smash Bros. update drops
>mfw the latter happens before the former
Is it because I'm Canadian?