Girl goes bald after someone puts Nair in walmart shampoo

Absolutely Horrible. This is criminal assault and makes me paranoid to buy shampoo.

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Maybe she'll have some empathy for what men go through losing their hair.

Good thing I dropped the shampoo meme two years ago

It's a teenage girl who was affected. Did you lose all your hair in your teens?

wait til they find out what's in the cocoa butter

>using shampoo
she deserved it

Then what is your sophisticated replacement for an essential cleaning product that was brought about from your desire to be different autist?

I'd look like a monk if I was bald, just gotta not get that shit in my eyebrows.

I started going bald when I was 14. Chadheads never understand the suffering baldcels live with.

>essential cleaning product
Marketing bullshit, water is all you need.

Nair isnt for your head

What's up with burgerland and having all their shit tampered with? Can you just walk into any store and inject poison into food that people will eventually buy? Is it not closed or packaged or anything? Are there no cameras or workers next to the food?

Plenty of guys start balding in their teens. I know a dude who was completely bald by the age 20.

Won't her hair just grow back?

Lmao, that's why you fucking stink faggot.
>inb4 no one complains that I stink

Yeah because nobody has the backbone to tell you.

No, it's a horrible assault on a modern day woman feminist who don't need no man, you fucking filthy incel creep. This must be what women in the 1400s felt like.

Yeah I started balding when I was 16 and fast. After the summer I had hairline of someone in his 30.

Your being scammed user and you know it. Dont lash out at me.

Yeah, but hair that long takes like a year to grow

Do you wash with water only?
Every other time I wash my hair I use water only.


>Waaaahh user smells
You're totally coming across as well educated

>girl experience one day of a man's life
>it's a disaster and she is craving sympathy
just kidding, this is really sad for her
nah just kidding it's an hollogram reality I could care less all you want is a reaction from me

if this happens to me i will kill myself

no fucking way that's not permanent is it? what the fuck is nair? why in the FUCK is there a substance that destroys your hair permanently but nothing else? only something particularly petty and evil could have come up with that.

>bought new conditioner from target today
>was excited to use it cause it smells really nice
>see this

Guys I'm fucking scared now

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What the fuck? I was thinking she got fucked for life. lmao fuck that hoe, she'll live to tell.

nah yea, it'll grow back. the worst part will be that she'll have to cut her hair crazy short for a while or it'll look like shit

It grows back. Even if it was mid-back length you're looking at two, three years tops for it to grow back. She'll probably still be in high school by the time it's done.

Would you be not fucking feel your goddamn scalp burning?

Women don't feel.

If you don't have a medical condition such as dandruff, you can get by with water just fine.
The first two washes will leave the hair a bit scruffy, but after that it's better than before.
Unless you're some methhead with dreadlocks or haven't been to a barber in a long time, it is better than straining your hair with some toxic shit.

It'll grow back. So what's the problem?

Lmao I used to use nair to rid my legs of hair and it smells like fucking garbage, I don't know how she didn't notice it

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Nair smells like death come alive (and immediately died). How can you not notice that shit? Plus it needs contact for a few minutes to do anything.

I know this because I "shave" (Nair) my pubes. No way you don't notice that shit, even diluted.