Just vent. I know its hard. It wont get any better. We were fucked from the day we were born.
Ugly fembot thread
i want femanons to describe exactly what makes them physically ugly
I'm retarded so I have to fall for this obvious bait.
Don't be fat, there. 99% want to fuck you now. And 1% still has chubby chasers
I hate being ugly but I don't want to settle for a below-average guy. I know that if I wait hard enough I'll get lucky with a provider but just the waiting is so fucking hard. I've opened my legs for literally every guy that has ever showed interest in me and none of them stuck around. Where the fuck is my free meal ticket?
my face is partially paralyzed, acne, my chin is the size of a baseball, fat nose, large pointy forehead, and im fat
why is your face paralyzed
the nerve controlling the muscles in my face was cut during surgery
being ugly has fucked with me to the point of social anxiety and shutting myself in, I hate it, and would rather wear a fucking ski mask 24/7
doesnt really matter that im ugly. i dont leave the house
>I've opened my legs for literally every guy that has ever showed interest in me
that was the issue
You can't be that ugly, describe your face?
Hmmmm. Genuine question, how fat r u? Not bullying
5'11 over 350lbs
I think my face is kinda chubby even though I'm not fat, I don't like my nose, and I have soulless eyes
Are u euro? Y are u a shut in?
Not OP, but
>big nose
>long face
>small and thin lips
>long chin
Pic related sort of looks like an attractive version of me.
no, and shut in cause I'm ugly plus social anxiety
doesn't seem that bad. probably at worst a 4/10
Oh no broe that's, like, cut the twinkies
would you date a 5'5 140 lbs twink?
I prefer snowballs, but a lot of my weight comes from eating meat. I'd eat 2 steaks at dinner 1-2 times a week before I was 13.
too bad we can't meet fat anonette
Alright, are u a burger? If you are add me on discord. I'm genuinely interested in a fucked up femnon like myself. I'm not fat and in shape and enjoy outdoor hobbies tho. fukjannies#3229
4/10 is still ugly sadly. I know you're trying to be supportive though, thanks user.
>too bad we can't meet fat anonette
why not?
i said at worst, you're probably more like a 5 or 6. if you aren't fat the might add a +1 too.
Eat less? Sounds like your problems
>big nose
>long face
in theory thhose would help balance each other out
>long chin
unless you look like a literal crescent moon that's probably just product of the long face
I doubt it's as bad as you make it out to be
shit i havent had one of those in like 10 years
I can't trust this website, too many trolls (remember it's been overtaken by traps)
what makes you think being fat is my problem? I'm not interested in anything but dying so being fat isn't getting in the way of anything
What do self proclaimed ugly fembots think about their lives?
You at least have aspirations, right?
>Tfw no utterly damaged fat GF who wants to kys themselves only to turn their life around through self improvement and marry with 3 kids
Ur probably nowhere near me so rip femnon
sorry user I don't use discord, I only have hangouts
What're Hangouts? Never heard of that b4
>only to turn their life around through self improvement and marry with 3 kids
Except that's never going to happen because I will never settle for that kind of life unless it's with my prince charming so
like google hangouts? I haven't used it but it's an app that I couldn't delete
Yeah I just don't have a qt delicate face like the girls that get posted here do for example. But I think 4-5/10 is a fair assessment desu.
I only want 2 kids. Name ur prince charming even tho I'm a normie who's had GF's and know u have some semblance of an idea
L in a man but are willing to put up with someone remotely similar and say you love them even if I'm a shitty bf
As long as you're not fat you will be fine. And if you are fat DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
>Name ur prince charming
5'5 140lb twink
>I will never settle for that kind o life unless it's with my prince charming so.
>Tfw 5'9 fitfag
Maybe you'll work up the courage to add that user
I didn't spend the first half of my life getting fucked by people I don't like, I'm not spending the rest of it getting fucked by someone I don't like while having to raise 3 kids that will probably hate me
>blaming it on all that shit when you're 350 lbs
>at any height
I don't know why people are responding to these things. You don't deserve the attention.
Guys like this:
>not tall as him
>less than 25
And bam it's automatically attractive literally 94 percent of the time. Why do (You) get to post when you're the five approx percent of women that stays ugly no matter what? To get attention form the 80 plus percent male userbase is why, and you'll not even hook up with any. Oh look someone else responded. His first thirsty comment is a suitor. Do you know how that happens for guys? That's right, it never does. NO image, NO information, a random fucking offer anyway because you say you have a vagina.
Lose weight idiot. Then leave. Smile with the side of your face like the Fonz because I bet it's only one half.
>Lose weight idiot.
"No." I would truly rather die.
Of which is why you don't get to post here. You don't deserve it. If we could just lose weight and have women run full speed at us without even a fracking picture then it would be a thing we would immediately do. You don't even want a bf. So why are you here?
You're not. You're fake either way.
Now fade away from this place.
Why fuck them if u didn't like them????
>You don't even want a bf. So why are you here?
Jow Forums isn't a dating site
and I want a bf. I would love a sexdoll bf modeled after my favorite celebrity. i know too much which is real people are just too dangerous to be around.
they fucked me, it wasn't consensual
well then, there's your option. Fat fucks are truly one of the most disgraceful and shameless things humanity has ever produced and each one that drops of cardiac arrest is just one step closer to a cleansed world.
it's my personal opinion that predators who prey on children are far worse than fatties who create a lot of jobs by being fat
>literally orbiting hamplanets
Women CANNOT be robots, it's this simple.
I didn't say anything about child predators being better or worse, I said fatties are fucking disgraces on the species
this is some shitty LARP and retards are falling for it
I'd still smash desu
you said fatties are one of the most (without supporting your argument) and I said something too. free speech is great
not a LARP
Hey I was curious as to if there were any actual girls on r9k, this may sound like I'm trying to get internet pussy but I'm not I'm just geniunely curious as to if these post r real girls or nerd larprs BlueBOi#3968
just started transitioning
felt cute
it does feel hopeless sometimes, doesn't it? i just want to be cute, i'm not asking to be some kind of bombshell.
i've been told i'm a dead ringer for Maisie Williams, which makes it even harder to figure out how i look considering people are divided on if she's adorable or looks like a troll. I think she's very pretty though.
i wear a lot of eye makeup because i really feel like my eyes are my worst feature. i'm about a 4.5/10 until i smile, then i'm a 0.
... Damn I was gonna come in here and say y'all are all beautiful in your own ways but after reading this thread, y'all are kinda fucked up. Maybe it's not your looks, evaluate yourself and your morals as opposed to your height and weight.
I'm hideous. I hate myself. I have no desire for anything. I lost all will to live. I hope someday a truck runs over my lifeless body.
Oh shut up and be my GF alrdy
Although to the rest of y'all who just hate yourselves, don't. I think you're beautiful and I'm just some dude on the internet but that's gotta count for something I guess.
She is incredibly qt; they're giving you compliments. Why don't you like your smile?
If only you realized I was being serious.
If you saw what I was doing 30 minutes ago you would be calling 911 on me and finding the nearest mental hospital.
i feel like i have really deep dimples that just aren't appealing! i don't know how to describe it. i've always hated my smile... i feel like my face completely changes. the dimples and smile lines just don't suit a round face.
Smiling is a pretty attractive thing in general, and round faces are cute anyhow. You can get used to yourself the way you look in a mirror if you see yourself there more often than in photographs, so you get used to a normal-ish face and it looks weird to you (but not to anyone else) when you take on a different expression.
I like how incels say "don't be fat," but most of them are fat and want to be chased by 10s.
Its also kind of hilarious how 3s and 4s think they deserve 7-8s, and shit all over "chubby chasers."
At least they're getting laid, going for what they like, and aren't afraid of some bully desu not liking their trophy waifu gf that boosts their shitego
I'd be calling you back to bed to find calmness in my loving embrace
I'm a fat guy who's fine with a fat girl so long as she has an alright-looking face
I look like pic related
But originally
You write like a literal nigger
I'm white, high as shit tho. I guess you can call me a kike if you want but like whatevs lmao
Why live if you're doomed to look like this? Really
Honestly, shes clearly not mainstream pretty. However, I find her to be pretty attractive and would not reject her if she wanted to go on a date or something.
>big nose
>big forehead
>hair that looks messy even when I brush it
To top it off my friend told me that I look older than I am, they said its not because of my skin but my bone structure. Still hurt! I nearly cried lol.
I have had the average person rate me to be a 7/10 but I swear I am probably just a 4/10 on the highest scale, maybe a 5 if I really go out of my way to look good.
Yes, I guess only some people would consider this pretty. I honestly just feel like a deranged version of what a japanese person should look like.
A male coworker of mine asked me "why are you so self loathing" and this was my reply:
Have you seen me? I'm a fat ugly chick with a hatchet face who hasnt had a boyfriend in five years and am stuck in a dead end job and acquired huge amounts of student debt and i have no real skills, i'm whiny, i'm annoying, and i'm going to remain in debt, childless, single, and fat until i finally neck myself at 30. Oh and i have bed bugs so im constantly itchy and covered in open sores...This is the part where you get uncomfortable or annoyed with my whining and stop talking to me and so the only way i can possibly recover the veneer of friendship is to go back to joking around since people only barely tolerate me when i LARP as a slightly fatter, slightly hairier female seth rogan"
That about sums it up.
People's bones don't change when they get older, so you'll probably just age into it.
Hey, I understand the bed bug thing. In high school I had bed bugs through all of it because my mom refused to accept that we had them because "Thats what gross people get." So yeah, had to go to school as a chubby girl who wasn't particularly attractive covered in bed bug bites! Fucking awful.
I'm sorry to hear about your struggles.
Yo india where you at? Maybe its my portuguese blood but I find you natives very attractive
I guess it just sucks because I want to give off a cutesy image, not a mature one.
Every time I look at myself in the mirror I want to rip my face off
At Brazil of course. I dont live in a tribe and stuff but my blood is white and native.
Well if you happen to be of Terena heritage we may not be as far apart as you think
Honestly, cuteness has more to do with how you act and carry yourself than your baseline appearance. The messy hair probably helps your cuteness factor, you know.
Basically my coworker said that at least I'm getting my masters and "trying to improve" myself:
Pretty close to giving up. Like i basically hauled ass to get that scholarship. And i got bullied out of it. And now im stuck with another year of debt.
>bullied how?
My supervisor screamed at me so much i couldnt so basic lab skills. And even if i do get a phd it probably wontmatter, i'll still be poor, probably wont get to work with insects anyway, will have hit the wall, will never get married and will be too old to have children that arent fucking downies worthy of getting tickled with a coathanger. Whereas, like [our mutual friend who is super hot and has BPD so she attempted suicide for attention thrice] is hot.She can easily bag some rich guy To take care of her problems. And she can sit around with people to take care of her kids and indulge in whatever passion projects she wants. (Another friend) is literally just chilling and doing a women's studies phd for fun because her boyfriend already bought them a house.Living as an ugly chick is life on nightmare mode.You suffer from institutional sexism that makes meaningful work next to impossible and you cant even compensate by having an SO. i'll never be an entomologist.
>your mom was in denial
DUDE WHAT THE FUCK, THAT'S WHAT MY MOM JUST DID. I sent her a picture of what was a textbook photo of a bed bug and showed her my zigzag pattern of bites and she said "oh its just a spider".
Thanks for the sympathy, user. Y-you too.
Okay then, what are you minimum requirements in a bf?
Minimum requirements:
>is nice to me
>isn't obese
>has a job
>wants to get married
>wants kids
>likes hiking / does shit besides playing video games
>is interesting to talk to / funny
Oh and
>left of center
Since people should date people with similar value systems
user theres still hope
im fucking and dating a femanon that weighed 380 pounds and is 6' tall. but what made me stay with her was the fact that she doesn't demand much of me, smart, optomistic, feminine, etc. in fact she hates me spoiling her with gifts and sending her out to dinner cruises and the like because i want her to feel like a princess to alleviate her trauma from past relationships that abused her and bullyed her for being fat, and that i know full well that she wont take advantage of me.
out of the billions of men out there in this world, there is a guy that will love you for you and your body.
Most fembots are salvageable if they
>have a cute voice
>have a skinny body
>have cute thighs
>have a decent sense of fashion
>chubby cheeks
>resting bitch face
>baby teeth
>deformed smile
>uneven eyes
It is rough. I just want an ugly bf that's never gotten female attention but also has self respect to love before my 20s end.
It's so hard going to work everyday and dealing with people. People really do judge by looks. I try to be kind to people but its hard to come off as kind when I naturally look pissed off and cant even smile. It hurts seeing pretty girls with nice smiles get anything they want.
I try not to make eye contact with anyone. I'm too dumb to have a job from home. I just want to be in a bubble forever or just die.
don't kill yourself user. we all love you even tho we don't know you. you are a part of the family.
What if you're not outwardly feminine? Ive seen ugly and fat women with bfs who worshipped them but those girls still know how to give of cutesy or mommy gf vibes. I'm basically the opposite of that.
The more I look at myself the more I look like a literal tranny with a wig.
Fuck my life.
>femanon that weighed 380
thats disgusting, m8.
This is my thread now. My bitches aren't ugly but they're mine and I've got proof, it's my body and my bars nigga YEAH nigga YEAH nigga
wakanda forever innit
british like my britbros
gona live for corbin
Hi let's get this show on the road