Ugly fembot thread

Just vent. I know its hard. It wont get any better. We were fucked from the day we were born.

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i want femanons to describe exactly what makes them physically ugly

I'm retarded so I have to fall for this obvious bait.

Don't be fat, there. 99% want to fuck you now. And 1% still has chubby chasers

I hate being ugly but I don't want to settle for a below-average guy. I know that if I wait hard enough I'll get lucky with a provider but just the waiting is so fucking hard. I've opened my legs for literally every guy that has ever showed interest in me and none of them stuck around. Where the fuck is my free meal ticket?

my face is partially paralyzed, acne, my chin is the size of a baseball, fat nose, large pointy forehead, and im fat

why is your face paralyzed

the nerve controlling the muscles in my face was cut during surgery

being ugly has fucked with me to the point of social anxiety and shutting myself in, I hate it, and would rather wear a fucking ski mask 24/7

doesnt really matter that im ugly. i dont leave the house