So how low are your standards for dating a woman?
So how low are your standards for dating a woman?
i'm a 36 year old virgin that has never been on a date. just waiting for a clone of myself but female.
not that low, im not even 25. I've probably got time, right? haha...
that bitch looks like megamind if he was a white lonely single female whos only sexual encounter was with her creepy uncle george
I'd date her if she wasn't a fucking redditor. OP you need to lurk more you stupid fucking reddit cancer.
I could clean that girl up and make her totally dateable and fuckable.
She's white and she doesn't look fat. Makeup and a new hairstyle can fix her problems.
I could totally Pygmalion this bitch and then fuck her brains out.
Eggmans female clone.
I found this off of here you fucking retard.
its funny how this bitchs looksmatch would be eggy, but since she's a woman she probably gets a 6/10 anyway
I dont care if a woman doesnt look photogenic. im more interested by the content of her mind. a nice ass always helps too.
Do you just people solely based on your own subjective perception of beauty?
She's holding up a picture of her Reddit username.
Is 5"11 short? everyone in the city I live in seems to be near my height or taller. I feel sort anytime I go to Walmart or the airport
I don't care faggot original faggot.
not this fucking low, christ
did eggman finally transition? Not even passable, looks ugly but female
>tfw I have eyes like that
Nothing worse than having those fucking hooded eyes...
I fucking hate them
she looks like a fucking zombie with a egg head.
I would date her. She looks like she could make you cum using her mind alone.
>just waiting for a clone of myself but female.
bruh I admire your hope but I'm not even sure those exists, at all.
eggy only dates e-stacies
>has to actually be female
>not fatter than me
>roughly on my level of attractiveness
Even that seems like I'm asking for a 10/10, given my shitty luck
Weird way to say Ms. Eggman
If we're talking physical I really only require biologically female. I have preferences but for standards, that's it
For personality tho we have to get along and click together. If you're a boring person that cant talk about anything and has no interests I'm not gonna care. If you have a ton of hobbies and interests and are able to hold a conversation as well as make jokes and have a fun time, then I'll be excited to talk to you. I can hold a conversation and all that as well so I dont see why I should have to carry it constantly or only hear about the 4 TV shows you watch and spend the rest of your time looking at memes
now SHE is a certified femcel
Is this Eggie's sister?
All I want is a biological human female who's willing to date me. Is that too much to ask?
Dating your clone would probably suck. You'd both never even say hello to each other.