How are you holding up zoombros?
2000s born general
Kys wojak posting mainstream dick riding nigger faggot
Wojak is for normal faggots
>all of his friends are lesbians
Lesbros are a complete meme. In my experience, lesbians want nothing to do with men and have no interest in their friendship whatsoever.
I was born in 1989 and am here to tell you to get off the lawn or die. You have the entire Internet to go to and there is ZERO reason why you would end up here.
>barely 17
man the fuck up you god damn pussies. Jesus christ. You barely stuck your fucking toe into the water and already giving up. FUCKING FAGGOT RETARDS. You fuckers have a clean slate. I have to fucking live with my failures, and even then I still know better than to whine.
This. Most lesbians Ive met are pretty insufferable
17 year olds are still in high school where everything is dreadful
nice user, you sure told him!
you stole my fucking idea negroid
Look at all these shitty fucking edits that dont even alter the picture anymore and only add or remove some text to the image. You fucking cummy-poopoo-peepee-oomer retards aren't producing anything of value its just the same reused assets being passed around like a bunch of monkeys in a circle smacking a rock around and smearing your shit on it
Fucking exactly user
report all zoomers underage b&
Borm on 2000 AmA
you don't want a piece of this ?
Haha good one! very nice tumblr reaction image!
no one cares
ama? can you please go back
Zoomerfag here, this shouldn't be a thing, our generations goal should be to stop being self centered fags and start accepting reality in all of its shitty beauty. r9k is a trap where you will inevitably either start worshiping traps or turn into a "suicidal super mega ultra depressed doomer", who can't decide what they want from life. Stop LARPing as a mega introverted big brained complex protagonist and live your fucking life.
based 07 chad here
>where everything is dreadful
IT GETS WORSE. WAY WORSE.There isn't a single fucking thing that can happen in high school that can compare to the shit of adulthood. But it's not a case of "my pain is greater than your pain". Nah, it's not that at all. It's that you retarded zoomers still have a fucking opportunity. Like I said, I have to live with my choices, my mistakes and my failures. You faggot high schoolers still have the opportunity to spare yourselves much of the needless shit I've faced. You have a clean slate, you have opportunity and youth. It's too fucking early for you to throw in the towel. And fucking believe me, you WILL regret it later in life when you'll look back and think "if only I had done X instead of being a faggot". Even if it's only a fucking illusion, it's still better than just facing the reality that you fucked up and now it's harder to do shit. That's what pissed me off, you're pissing way your opportunity that I desperately wish I had, but know I will never get ever again. So man up. Sure, you might not make a 100% recovery, no, you probably won't live whatever foolish fantasy you have about life, but it's better than giving up and really feeling the misery.
take your paragraphs back to r*ddit, old man.
pizza time!
>spent youth glued to a screen, not living life
>going spend rest of life slaving away for the government (military)
I just want to live damnit. This aint it
too long didn't real suck my dick you stupid fucking nigger
86 Doomer here, Doom Metal > the sound cloud trap faggotry these babies listen to. Black Sabbath was made before my time but I can still appreciate it.
>being born in [current century]
Are we "zoomers"? I guess, but I'm 19 not 17. I haven't been here for a few months now and I can objectively say it has gotten worse. There were less gay/tranny threads and fewer "ebin pepe kek!!1!" As someone whose been browsing Jow Forums since 2012 it's heartbreaking to see it die like this.
>can't read one paragraph on a discussion based imageboard.
I guess this is a zoomer thread after all.