
>IQ of 133 when healthy
>It sinks to 113 when I am totally sedentary
>Going to get drunk, drop my IQ 10-25 more points from 113, and lift weights to build muscle
>Going to take that muscle to work and pretend I'm Chad when I'm actually autistic
>Going to be totally silent and let my body do all of the talking

It's this easy to have sex.
Just show women your power by wearing it on your body. They won't care what race you are.

They just want something strong that will take them to what they want. I can only see myself having sex with a 17 year old white girl from Walmart in the future. Will lie and say I'm going to college.

Attached: 1534543492621.jpg (305x326, 39K)

Fucking cringe talking about your IQ so much.

>going to

Strenght =/= power
How do you think that fat balding middle age guy got to fuck that 22 year old thot?

But it's the only thing keeping me weak.
If I can turn into a stupid idiot, I will be strong like an ant can lift 50x its own body weight.

That's all there is to it.

>IQ of 133

why do shitskins larp about everything?

It takes mental strength and fortitude to build muscle. Women just want to control power.

That's what they truly desire.

Because it's not a lie.
It's fact. I wouldn't be on this website with you if I could do half of what you can, but I can't.

So I'm stuck with you.

Sry to tell you this but most meatbags are gay. Usually because they only get superficial women that fuck like shit and then setlle for gay sex
Women just like to look at them and "try it out" but at the end theyll rather fuck some average looking guy thats very powerful

Most gay men look like women.
It's not rocket science. Women want men that look like men and are strong like men.

Half gay men look like women the other half are very strong guys, just go on grindr and check for yourself

When you say "look like women"

Do you mean "No muscle, weak, effeminate"
And the contrast being "Muscular, strong, etc"

Both of those look like women.
I went on gay tinder and got 100+ likes on it, but I wouldn't have sex with the men on there because they're men and don't deserve to be sodomized because they're foolish.

>smoke weed compulsively 5 times a day for 4 months while neet

>test at 130 during this

Feels good man

>Mixed race
Stopped reading there nigger.

could be asian white.

Even worse. Infecting the gene pool with a small penis and small statue is not a good thing.

maybe hell get an asian gf and you dont have to fret about your race? dont be so negative user.

A pure West African is .145 FST away from me.
A pure West African is .153 FST away from a pure European.

Amerindian DNA, especially southern Amerindian DNA, is so far removed from Africa, that it's laughable. Almost twice the genetic distance white people are, and it's a part of me.

Attached: Me2.jpg (812x593, 184K)

You're a mutt, but you could be worse.

>im super not black latin american but i'm also more black than that super not black part!
imma guess youre one of those argentina is white kind of hispanics.

Thats kind of right.

Good luck then.

No. You autistic? You don't say. I could never have told.

No. I genuinely don't believe Argentina is white at all. Argentinians are virtually like me to a pure European.

>talking about your IQ
shut the fuck up you cringy nigger