Have you ever made a girl cry? How? What did it feel like?
Have you ever made a girl cry? How? What did it feel like?
yes ex's
a girl in middle school. i was talking shit about her without knowing she was in the room. she just looked at me completely devastated.
i feel bad about it.
Yes I bullied a girl when I was younger. I'm unironically a sadist so no guilt or anything.
For the purpose of emotional manipulation, I turned a small hiccup in our conversation into an accusation against her of her being a shitty person in such a way that she could not deny it. She has a crush on me.
Sounds like making girls cry is an inherently Chad-like trait.
No but I almost did the other day during a voice call. I was drunk and we were joking around and I guess I sounded too angry with one of my retorts and she got scared. I still feel really bad about it
If you're reading this yes I'm still thinking about it I'm and I hope you forgive me ;-;
Yes and i dont feel bad about it at all
I specifically made sure to attack any insecurities most girls have (fat, small boobs etc.) And then i told her how she was shitty to me and i left before she could try and respond. She was a cunt to me and a lot of people
my qt ex LRD gf cried a few times because of me, or so she alleged. Becaue she would send pictures of herself crying i couldn't honestly believe that she was genuinely crying, so i guess it felt as though i was being lied to and used, like she was using that as an opportunity to make me look bad. She knew how to play me like a fiddle, she fiddled the shit out of me, it felt annoying, what the fuck? Thanks for reminding me you cunt.
screamed autisticially at a girl in school when she was annoying me. i still jerk off to the thought of having the power to make some slut cry with just my voice. her huge tits and ass didn't help either.
I mocked my gfs laugh in the hall in high school and she cried but i let her hug me and she stopped. She deserved it though because she was laughing at me.
whats LRD?
a few hours ago, i broke up with my girlfriend of 5 years
i forced myself to do it in person and i cried for the first time in years. i tried to reach for her hand and she snapped it back every time. she told me i should just leave, she didn't wanna kiss me goodbye or anything, so i just left. and as i walked towards the door she ran up sobbing and hands me a bunch of the clothes she was borrowing from me, saying she can't keep it.
Fuck, i meant to type LDR as in long distance relationship.
Why did you break up with her user?
i made a girl cry in elementary school and i still feel bad about it 20 years later.
I could be sure, but when a guy cry it's usually something serious, when a girl cry it's something soft and will get better very fast
>be in middle school
>be in soccer team
>get a free kick
>I get chosen to do it
>everyone is counting on me
>makes me nervous
>kick the ball with all my strength
>it hits the goal post and bounces off
>hits a girl watching from the side right in the face
>gave her a bloody nose
>everyone gives me shit both for fucking up and breaking her nose
I made an old lady cry. I don't know exactly how old, but from the sound of her 60s or 70s.
She was in my WoW guild, I was the main tank and she was a crappy healer. I put up with it for like two major patches while the other healers tried to help her to get better and she showed no interest in doing so. They were all frustrated with her but weren't really willing to press the issue because she was a nice grandmotherly old woman. Until eventually we had three straight hours of wipes on one boss and I screamed at her on vent for like twenty minutes. She cried and she and her husband pulled all their toons out of the guild.
the thing that'll probably make me a shittier person in most people's eyes is that I don't really regret doing it.
I bullied her all the time. It felt great, I love seeing women cry
You should have a daughter, your mentality would change (or not)
Yeah, but who knows if she was being sincere or if it was emotional manipulation. I'm betting on the latter.
Thats not how that works he'd just be a shitty parent
You can bully her a little and still be a good parent
One time in like 5th grade I was grouped with a gril on a group project. I talked with her for a minute or two about how short she was. Suddenly I look up at her and she is crying. I guess it was a real sensitive subject with her. I didn't think I was being a bully about it or anything, just discussing it matter-of-factually, but I guess I said something the wrong way that made her cry about it.
Yeah had fucked up exes, a girl when I was in third grade by running in to her and I make my mom cry crocodile tears.
Probably made a girl who had a crush on me cry by declining her invite to the prom.
Only felt something when my first gf cried because it was 100% my inadequacy that made her upset, other exes and my mom use emotions as control methods.
I made my ex girlfriend scream by unloading half a can of axe deodorant into her hair she lowkey liked it i think cuz she took my new phone and put her number in it later desu