Do you have any "positive dealbreakers" for a gf? Things that, if she has that one thing, you would want to be with her no matter what.
Do you have any "positive dealbreakers" for a gf? Things that, if she has that one thing...
If they don't break the deal, they're not deal breakers. Call them "deal sealers". Come on man.
>If she has that one thing, you would want to be with her no matter what.
A big meaty jiggly butt.
I have this issue with anyone that I just can't stand company for long. Even if it's close friends I fucking hate spending too long with them. If I found someone I could genuinely sit in silence with for a few hours and we're both happy with it, I'd be ecstatic.
The ability to love me for who I am despite having no personality.
I push people away when i start to develop feeling as some kind of defensive mechanism, maybe from past traumas. So i guess if shes good at making me develop feelings its would break the deal.
based and bootypilled.
im going to ignore all the physical attractiveness stuff. i think it would be hard to leave a girl that i can have good arguments with. im not talking about fights, just playfully tense arguments. theres something addicting about it for me.
If her favorite TV show of all time is Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Dominant and kinda geeky
I'll fucking swoon for a dominant woman that enjoys geeky things. My top 2 preferences are horror and anime
Loves me for who I am, for who I REALLY am and not the person who I have "the potential to be". Someone who sees me as I am right now, and is capable of loving me. For the record, I would love anyone like that no matter who they are and no matter what else they do, all would be forgiven and forgotten. Prostitute, drug addict, single mother, retard, cripple, obese, dying, retarded, I don't care.
This desu, I would rather a 4/10 face with a 9/10 ass than the reverse
my deal breaker is women who have friends who are sluts
>i want to be loved for who i am
>if i got this i would even be willing to look past any of the flaws i'd usually look down on
Do you see how you come across user?
Having a dick is a deal breaker
Why project and twist my words into something I never intended and never felt? Being loved for who I am is the only standard I have; it's also the only standard I would never go back on. Nothing else satisfies without it, nothing else matters with it. I don't see how that's me looking down on someone. I only even listed them because they're things OTHER people usually look down on. For you to twist my intentions to the most vulgar opposite of what they meant, to make them a wholly foreign creation without a trace of my intention, is very rude of you.
A girl with real interests. I have had a lot of female friends in my life and although I enjoyed their friendship they were mostly basic, shallow people. Good people, but shallow nevertheless.
Even my female relatives have very basic tastes and motivations. Their behavior is oddly similar. They fall into pre molded personalities.
Any girl with genuine critical thinking, even if she has different philosophical and political views has my utter most respect.
I know how it feels. I ask people to leave my house and turn down invitations sometimes.
I need radio silence every day for at least some hours.
I know I'm kinda lame, but if she was as empathetic as I am I don't think anything else would matter. I love the outlook the life I've lived has given me, and I think if I found someone else like that I'd always love them.
she runs under a 5 minute mile with a decent face
>I push people away when i start to develop feeling as some kind of defensive mechanism, maybe from past traumas
Fuck this shit. I've had so many chances with so many chicks but every single time it's like there's a voice in the back of my head telling me she's just gonna hurt me, i'm gonna make myself look like a retard, i'm gonna get played, i can't trust them, i'm not good enough, etc. Because of the shit that happened in my past I have bad trust issues. I can't even trust my mom or my best friend, let alone a girl I like. I just build a wall around myself and block everyone out, even if it's unintentional.
I dunno what hurts more, that almost nobody fits this criteria, or that I lost one that did
I feel ya user, I tried to ignore that voice for a recent relationship and then got played like a fucking fool. The ONE TIME I tried to ignore the voice. Idk if i'll be able to emotionally recover ever. Seems like that voice you were talking about will never go away.
>she finds me attractive and wants to be with me
She wants to marry me and have my children.