What's the best job for a NEET robot?
What's the best job for a NEET robot?
Dressing up as a pretty girl and serving that big dick
Depends on why and how long you've been a NEET for. Do you actually know what NEET means, for starters?
Are you going to actually answer the questions OP? Why and how long have you been a NEET for?
I've been a NEET for about 2 and a half years now and yes I know what it means.
Stop trying to force that stupid red pepe meme
Kill yourself
my current job seems comfy
sit on computer all day and enter data
dinner break listen to stacies stories
come home and play league of legends
rince and repeat that's my life but at least I'm not homeless
Mental illnesses and just lack of motivation to work.
I thought about being a security guard because you don't have to deal with people as much and there's no stress or strain on your body.
What job do you have?
How did you get that job user? I'm a brainlet so I don't think I could code or could I?
did you go to school to get that job?
t. wagie stuck in a cagie
coding, IT, programming, etc.
I have a friend robot that would go down by the bridge and he would blow guys for $40 a pop
He could make $200-$300 for a few hours work
If i could get past sucking a dick...I'd.. I'd do it
Delivery. Tons of money, only requires a beater car, requires very little work and you spend most of the day sitting down in your car listening to music.
Is there much demand for these jobs? are they hard to get? do they require higher education?
>Mental illnesses and just lack of motivation to work.
Alright, so that cuts out both anything that requires skills, and manual labor. Tough one.
yes, yes, yes. roafdsf
delivery of what? you mean postmates/ubereats etc?
Why skills though? I like fixing things. Also I don't mind manual labour, I just hate the repeditive robotic shit I did at my last job, I felt like a slave and it was so stressful. I'm already dealing with mental illness, I can't handle more stress on top of that.
T. Wheaties ass neetie
So I guess I'm fucked then? I might just have to pursue security or just do what my dad does(forklift) and put up with all the shit from normies.
that can also work, it makes far less money but if you're okay with spending most of your time doing nothing. Better to work for like, Dominos.
Well I was a NEET robot and now I'm a supervisor at a grocery store somehow with never holding a job before. I like handling the safe but I also handle the self checkout all day. If you're a schizo you can probably do it. I may be but it still bothers me sometimes.
And by manual labour I mean, I like gardening in my yard. Outdoors labour is nice as long as you don't have normies giving you shit.
Meant to say schizoid. It's different
should I apply to dominos and quit my assfaggot job at fast food? it seems a lot easier.
the only concern I have is the wear and tear on my car.
So, i've been working for them for three years on and off. Went through a spurt just doing lyft/ubereats kinda shit. Find a store that's got good volume and has a smaller zone. Look at the map that of locations and go somewhere higher end that's surrounded by other stores. I put on less than 50 miles a day
>So I guess I'm fucked then?
yeah, pretty much.
Are you in IT, coding or programming?
Data entry at an office building
suck cock for cash faggot
Yes. Are you a dumb incel
>using incel as an insult
Swallow bleach normalfilth and go back to your shithole plebbit.
Angry, lil man?
Then maybe deliver newspapers. I do it and it's the least social job I know about
Fuck off subhuman normal. I'd make you scream for days given the chance.
when I worked I would think about how much better it would be if I did an important job like driving a bulldozer. I hate jobs like fast food and other complete wastes of time.
it makes me sad that I'll never have a real job.
Macdonalds cacheer. You wont have the job for long when you hang yourself.
Too bad all you can do is cry to your mom because someone called you an incel online, you faggot
How did you become supervisor?
Probably a janitor
>walk by visor display
>tell manager those visors are super
>got job