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Honestly confusing how they don't see this coming sooner, they must be really blinded by their ideology completely. Evolution wants you to have kids and it's inevitably going to make you miserable if you choose a comparatively worthless career over children

pfft hahahahahahaha. may this roast die alone and miserable with her rotting womb. her show perpetuated and glorified today's slut culture.

BASED. Dab on these roastniggers.

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>if you choose a comparatively worthless career over children
user how does it feel knowing that you will never have either of these things?

>making fun of people who have achieved more than the entire Jow Forums ever will in 100 years
>making fun of people who didn't have children, meanwhile you most likely never will either, except they at least had sex
>trying to put down women who, not only will be completely unaware of your existence and tears, but who even past their 30th birthday, will still find love

you talk about the wall, but you're talking AT it

incel cope and seething

>trying to put down women who, not only will be completely unaware of your existence and tears, but who even past their 30th birthday, will still find love
keep telling yourself that, you used up roast.

>believing women are unwanted after the age of 30

You don't know how pathetic men can be.
Which is ironic since you're on the mysoginist beta orbiter forums.

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at best out of desperation. how does it feel knowing that if you do end up with a guy he's definitely settling?

you're here too.

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I'm still young enough to have good prospects, I'm intelligent, I work hard, I'm an autist but I've gotten over the difficult shit relating to that and I have good relationships with women who are my age. Sure, I can't know for certain if in a few years after college I won't be a worthless NEET, but really it doesn't feel like anything knowing I'll never have either of these things because I probably won't be that shit of a failure

All this shows me is that men are incredibly shallow.

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No one denied how pathetic some beta men are. This thread is just pointing out the failure in otherwise successful women's life decisions to make them happy. Sure men like those in pic related are worthless troglodytes but that's irrelevant

it's not like women can offer anything besides looks anyway.

>Men are shallow and only care about looks
Imagine needing pic related to figure that out

>implying men have anything to offer

heard of civilization? you're welcome.

Whatever men have to offer, it sure exists in that most women aren't lesbians.

What do you have to offer now? Logically, what do men bring to the table in modern times? Not some accomplishment someone made in the past. What do they bring now? Certainly not money or good looks. What worth do you even have?

>idk what technological advancement is
oh mang, i'm so happy to contribute to the development of jois.

>Certainly not money or good looks
Sure men on this board might be ugly neets but there are rich, handsome men. If you are female you've likely never been with one because they have a lot to offer and expect alot in return that you may not have

>they didn't put pictures of 15 year old girls because they were too afraid of the redpill
damn, that's deep.

I see you can only piggyback on other men's accomplishments. What do any normal men have to offer? You can't give birth, you can't support a family or stay loyal, you don't take care of your looks so you aren't even good for fucking. What are you good for? The majority of you are completely worthless and you know it. A hundred of you aren't worth even one woman.


>muh looks
>muh looks
>muh looks
>right after

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The sane could be said about most women, not loyal, doesn't take care of their looks, a slut, there are plenty below and above the average for both genders and you seriously seem to be overestimating the average woman

The average woman could make a dating profile and get hundreds of responses because they have worth. The average male gets maybe a handful if they are lucky. Women are inherently more valuable. Arguing against it is illogical.

fuck i lost my sides and forgot to respond to:
>I see you can only piggyback on other men's accomplishments.
illiterate too. lol

>inherently more valuable
>derives value from the likes of others
lmao how retarded can you get?

Name one thing the average male has to offer that a woman can't get on her own. I'm waiting.

i'm not here to defend the average male.

|dumb virgins arguing|

>>derives value from the likes of others
Nothing to do with likes. The fact is any woman could find someone if they wanted to. They will always have some beta that wants them. The same cannot be said for men because men are worthless. Women get to choose and men have to take what they can get. I'm sure it hurts.

>The average woman will get more responses
That's not because they inherently have more worth you fucking retard it's because men have far lower standards than women and are willing to date a far greater proportion of them. Women have high standards of men because it's their job to select those worthy of passing on their genes. One could argue that the gender judged more harshly is more valuable because if you have to be vetted so thoroughly then your job evolutionarily is more important

Most based reply so far desu

you can't really be this retarded. value is explicitly an extrinsic property.

Yeah, writing shitty fiction truly is an achievement.

I hope she will do well in a retirement home where she gets mistreated and ignored by the staff whie they make her swallow pills to keep her senile.

Shut your whore mouth, you stupid bitch. Yiu no exactly NOTHING about the real world or how it's run. Mun run literally every facet of your life, from the seen to the unseen. We work in power plants, build roads, manufacture products, service technical machinery, design technology, enforce law, and do every practical task as hand that is required to retain our civilization's level of progress. I've worked as a nuclear power plant operator, electronics designer, service technician, and as a cogeneration power plant operator; in all of those fields, 99% men. The women that were in those businesses only served diversity hires, and even then, they could not cut it pi physically or mentally.

Women are LAZY, entrenched in drama perpetually, and only serve to male the boss' dick tingle when he walks in the office and gets to tell some woman other than his wife what to do. If there is anyone that is piggybacking on the accomplishments of past men, and is ungrateful to boot, it is empty headed twats like yourself. Women are fucking useless beyond having children, and this shines through in any professional environment of consequence. You are a collection of adult children that are coddled because men want access to you vagina, nothing more.

Shut the fuck up and get back in the kitchen, cunt.

bet you're so far deep into inceldom that you get off on the idea of being ignored

She won't need pills to keep her senile when the very idea of her depressing life will drive her mad itself.

>aw yeah i bet she's gonna be just... like... mmmeee
>yeah, suffer like me, bitch

Women can do all of those jobs. You know that being able to pull some levers at a power plant isn't a great accomplishment, right?

And hilarious that you call women childish when most men can't even cook or pick up after themselves. On top of that they never pay for anything anymore so the one value you had in the past is gone. You really are a bunch of babies.

>men can't even cook
yet all the greatest chefs in the world are men.

>Shut your whore mouth, you stupid bitch. You knno exactly NOTHING about the real world or how it's run. Men run literally every facet of your life, from the seen to the unseen. We work in power plants, build roads, manufacture products, service technical machinery, design technology, enforce law, and do every practical task at hand that is required to retain our civilization's level of progress. I've worked as a nuclear power plant operator, electronics designer, service technician, and as a cogeneration power plant operator; in all of those fields, 99% men. The women that were in those businesses only served as diversity hires, and even then, they could not cut it physically or mentally.

Women are LAZY, entrenched in drama perpetually, and only serve to make the boss' dick tingle when he walks in the office and gets to tell some woman other than his wife what to do. If there is anyone that is piggybacking on the accomplishments of past men, and is ungrateful to boot, it is empty headed twats like yourself. Women are fucking useless beyond having children, and this shines through in any professional environment of consequence. You are a collection of adult children that are coddled because men want access to your vagina, nothing more.

Shut the fuck up and get back in the kitchen, cunt.

Again the average man can't cook. Get into a relationship with a man and he is a pampered toddler used to a woman doing all of the normal skills for him. Can't cook, can't pick up after themselves like an adult, can't follow basic hygiene or proper grooming. I mean fuck, how many of you here don't even brush your teeth regularly? You need a parental figure to keep you on track because you are lazy and worthless.

Not really desu, my life is pretty happy and Im not suffering at all, I'm pretty fortunate in that regard. I don't want women like her to be suffering, it's sad to see another woman realise that ultimately her life hasn't been fulfilling. But I will point out the obvious reason that is, which she did herself even.

funny you say that every time i've been in a relationship i was the one doing the cooking. i have yet to see a woman other than my mother who can cook without burning everything to crisp.

>pulling levers
>in a fucking power plant
Try operating breakers, valves, pumps, turbines, and boilers, you ignorant smarmy bitch. I bet you wouldn't know a valve stem from a dildo, but you can still go sit on one and spin. You know nothing about fucking anything, you useless cumdumpster.

Most men like this either don't stay in a relationship with a woman very long or don't get in one at all because they are pathetic man children. You seriously think that a large proportion of men don't even brush their teeth?

Men have such a rage boner for sex and the city it's funny

Majority of kids are growing up in single mother/broken households these days, and shity children are a result of shitty mothers. One fucking job, ONE!, and they can't even do that right.

>believing other people can't do your easy ass job

user you aren't that important, any woman could do your job they just don't choose to go into male dominated fields because men generally treat them like shit if they are one of the only women working there.

stop dating shitty men

stop dating shitty women

stop creating shitty children

here, i fixed the world

Her net worth is 40 million, I'm sure she'll manage.

>Women don't choose to make dominated fields because men treat them like shit there
Got a source on that?

>relishing in another person feeling alone like you do
>thinking that their having made mistakes like you have justifies this
>I are the robotest
oh, well alright.

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Unbelievably simple and based

>baww stop having fun in a way i don't like
>t. moral fag

She'll manage alright but she won't feel fulfilled which is pretty sad desu

Sucks for her, at least she has money. I still get nightmares about my ex wife and I have no idea why given we have not communicated in over a year, I am going to die broke and alone if I cant get over feeling depressed or anxious.

you are on the sour grape forums

that's not men, that's just most people from this generation

No, men treat women like shit because you're fucking lazy and sit in the office all the fucking time. When it comes time to work, you shits are either nowhere to be found nor stuck on your phones. If someone tells you to get off your lazy ass, as they would to ANY OTHER MALE WORKER, you bitch and moan about misogyny. And when it comes to the knowledge department, you little shits are even worse.

You likely know nothing about heat transfer and fluid flow, nothing about thermal dynamics, nothing about combustion theory, nothing about ring bus operation, nothing about electrical or mechanical practical operation, nothing about material theory, nothing about boiler operation, nothing about plant chemistry, nothing about fucking anything at all. You coast by in life on your tits and ass, and your gender solidarity.

You are fucking U S E L E S S.

fair enough, and a better response than I was expecting. I still don't really like getting "fun" out of someone being lonely.

maybe she'll adopt. I wouldn't agree with her adopting a newborn, but I think adopting someone 12-14 could still be a fulfilling relationship for both parties.

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I'm not the arbiter of what this place is, but I see it as the sad grape forum. I'm not really all that sour, user. Just a sad, sad grape. (I do apologize for butchering your metaphor, but I found it funny)

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Working in the entertainment industry is an objectively bad thing. Not being involved in the production of a (((TV series))) does make you morally superior

Settle down Sheldon haha

>fair enough, and a better response than I was expecting. I still don't really like getting "fun" out of someone being lonely.
considering this skank glorified and perpetuated slut culture i can't help but feel immense schadenfreude to her misfortunes.

True that's a possibility and if she did choose that I would hope it goes well for her, adoption can be difficult through especially with an already developed child. It might be a lot to take on at 60 but if she did I would hope she could make it work

Yes, I'm sure it's all a conspiracy. By going out and admitting she made a shitty life choice, she is gonna convince all the career roasties out there to keep doing what they're doing and not have children.

Blow me, cunt. Just because you're educated doesn't mean you're a thin-wristed bitch. Fucking women n.v and normies need to leave.

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Sure I don't like that kind of culture she promoted I can't really wish an unhappy life on someone for that. It's probably not like she was promoting that culture to purposely detriment society, and more likely she didn't know the problems with it, so I can't blame her too much for it.

>It's not Sheldon, it's his Australian autistic cousin Shezzy
Not Shezza though, because you're a bit of a soft cock and act like a woman.

What shut the fuck up roastie whore. You can still get laid by chad in your 60s. Not even comparable to a man in her situation

it doesn't matter what her intent was, she promoted and profited from it and her misery is the price to pay. i mean it's not my intention to commit manslaughter while driving but if i do i have pay the price for my negligence.

If I could get away with beating you to death with a 3 foot pipe wrench for the express purpose of not having to see your absolutely abhorrent posts, I would. Normalniggers are tiresome, and you're no exception. Get out.

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>Creating a TV show that promotes sexual promiscuity is comparable to manslaughter
Yeh sorry user not exactly

>an incel has a brief tantrum at being named, also attacks women

She wasn't complaining about not being able to get laid you retard, she's complaining about never being able to have children now which is completely different

i'm not saying they are identical. i'm saying there is a price to pay for actions.

Do you really need to be so pissed at an anons post that you would be willing to beat them with a pipe? Sounds like you have some issues desu

also one argue what she did is far worse as it affected an entire culture while manslaughter is a death or two.

True I consider that but can the effect really be measured

what's the price of a death? in both cases we have to make subjective valuations.

I'm just saying you can measure that someone's actions resulted in the death of a person, we can't exactly do that with the influence of a tv show

i wouldn't be so sure, there are population metrics we can gather. rates of promiscuity of viewers vs non-viewers, etc.

How else do you suggest getting lobotomy candidates to shut up?

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A job within construction or mineral treatment
Most women are weak so they can't do them

How can we be sure that the higher rates of promiscuity have a causal relationship with watching the show as a opposed to promiscuous people being attracted to the show from the start, it's not exactly that simple

Haha what an absolute dickhead.
>Don't have a family just buy stuff

Retarded image, your standards are too high if you think she got ugly. No wonder you're a perma virgin.

still looks beheadable

must be all the canadian milk in bags

ofc it's not that simple and we should expect that promiscuous people to be drawn to this kind of filth. i guess we could implement fmris and eegs to see before and after watching effects. i would also say there are easier methods such as combing media to see how much positive sentiment toward promiscuity is associated with mentions of the show.

but hell for me i think anyone glorifying promiscuity is deserving of schadenfreude regardless of efficacy.

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Maybe it catered a certain group of people who already existed. I hate to break it to you but it's actually not in a woman's immediate interest to settle down with a retarded, slobby, abusive male a lot of the time. Half the population has IQ's under 100, half the population is 5/10 and below, a decent chunk of the population are shitcunts with no compassion, a decent chunk are boring turds. It's only logical that the majority are by and large undatable, especially if you're looking specifically in your age range which again narrows it down. Does having children fulfill you? Not really. The lady in OP could easily have some pets, a husband and a nice home. It's not children, it's her terrible personality that's left her without any love in her life period. Usually I'd say it might be life circumstances but she's obviously been a colossal fucking faggot bitch and brought her misery on herself while trying to bring other's down with her via her horsed faced Jew show.

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this was excellently put and deserves recognition.

No, this would mean the gender is worth the same. Men are just on a broader spectrum, because there's much above and below the average, but the average stays the same. If anything, this statements argues women are worth more, because of it's not up to them to do the selection of passing on genes, no one does

This is beautifully written user.

This however, is garbage. It's clear that you've never read any kind of anthropology study in regards to this subject. You also contradict yourself in your blind assumptions.

>this would mean the gender is worth the same.
>If anything, this statements argues women are worth more

You also refer to a spectrum without giving any kind of analysis. you also refer to an average without specifying what that average is. Anthropology dictates that women are always the selector, this is true for 99% of the known species on earth. and as women are the selector they are instinctively are drawn to more powerful males to increase their offsprings chance of both survival and chance to thrive. Not to mention her own comfort.

You sir are a moron.

If I can drag them to my level I have won.

or maybe because not everyone is a degenerate like you

Can't the bitch just adopt or get artificially inseminated if she wants kids so bad