How do I tell my discord bf I'm trans? We're meeting IRL on saturday. He's flying to my city. He's seen pics of me but I always filter them so I pass better.
How do I tell my discord bf I'm trans? We're meeting IRL on saturday. He's flying to my city...
Just show him your dick.
I don't want to scare him off. I really like him and want to marry him and adopt qt children
The best way you could do this is in your suicide note.
If you made this poor fucking guy fly to another city to see you, I unironically hope he beats the shit out of you when he finds you that you catfished him. I hope he uses a lead pipe, actually.
This is really the only answer faggot, better hope he doesnt snap and do something irrational. He'd even have a legal defense behind it.
I haven't betrayed him. I am a woman. And I never explicitly said I was cis
>I haven't betrayed him. I am a woman. And I never explicitly said I was cis
For offering this argument, I now hope he beats you TO DEATH.
I know he has a gentle soul and he will love me. It might be a shock at first but the strength of our love will see us through.
Chances are he already knows youre a girl (male) its easy to tell
>I am a woman
No you're not. Why do trannies always lie?
>low quality bait
but pretending this is real. you knew he was wanting a girl. even if you identify as a girl now, you presumably have the 10iq necessary to understand that he would want to know whether you have a boy's body. that you would leave out such crucial information that you yourself know was crucial, and is now the cause of your dilemma, indicates you have lead him on in a very grievous way.
be honest with him: tell him you have been misleading him. tell him you are trans. if he still wants to meet after you finally tell him what he deserves to know before wasting his time, money, and feelings, then fine.
these niggers actually got baited into another tranny thread, when will you faggots ever learn...
You're disgusting and you deserve to be treated poorly for your actions and beliefs.
Allowing myself to be baited gives me an opportunity to express my visceral hatred for trannies, though.
It's like if someone posts a video of nigger families fighting in a Chuck E Cheese. Sure it's bait, but I *like* videos of nigger families fighting in a Chuck E Cheese.
>I didn't lie I'm a "Woman"
I hope you get your head caved in you lying whore.
don't blame you user, these bait threads have become viciously rampant on this board and it really makes me livid
Cmon guys... This is elementary.
Just be careful he doesn't go mental and stomp you
I hope he beats you to death
This is a sad larp, but anyways it's not unreasonable for him to cut you up in pieces and toss you into a lake
why do you need to tell him?
if you TRULY care about him, tell him
He already knows it and probably want to suck your cock
Why tell him? Just say you only like anal and hope he doesn't find the pp
oh sure, you delusional fag
Fuck off you narcissistic fag. You got this poor guy to fly out for you and won't even tell him you have a dick. You're selfish.
he probably knows and will larp he doesn't
keep the phone near to call the police
But I hope he kills you trannie scum
Do him a favor and hang yourself.
NEWSFLASH: most people think woman means vagina, not skinny man on hormones. Youve been intentionally deceiving him and for your sake I hope he's not violent, but you brought this on yourself dumbass sodomite
Kek I know this is bait but I hope to God this is real, lol I have no idea how I would even react in that situation
I am not prejudiced but I would probably have to whoop the niggas ass
lmao as if any trannie with fool anyone
even kids know you are a man dressing as a woman
the kids who don't are forced to say by (((progressive))) parents