>Is fat
>Doesn't shower
>Only eats junk food
>Doesn't use deodorant
>Stays inside all day
>Doesn't exercise
>Smokes and Drinks all day
>Jacks off daily
>Refuses to change for the better
>Blames women for the fact that they don't have a girlfriend
You Guys are fucking pathetic
Is fat
3 out of 10 for me.
Thank you for this, it made me feel a lil better about myself
The first 8 are a big No for me.
In fact, those 8 points are pretty much a checklist for fat people, and I *fucking hate* fat people.
Glad i could help with that user
Why would you like them? They take up too much space, sweats way more than normal people and they are ugly to look at
>Chad is fat, and doesn't exercise
>"omg it's so refreshing for a guy not to care about his body."
>Chad doesn't shower and stays inside all day
>"lol I'm lazy to, we don't have to do anything we can just stay inside and cuddle :)"
>Chad jerks off all the time
>"it's just masturbation everyone does it this isn't the middle ages lol"
No one is both a chad and Masturbates everyday. The longer you go without jerking it the more testosterone you will build up
>tfw masturbation and testosterone levels have minimal to none proven correalation
>tfw also implying that being chad means having high testosterone levels
where you getting your facts from user?
>>Is fat
I'm not.
>>Doesn't shower
I do.
>>Only eats junk food
I don't.
>>Doesn't use deodorant
I use it.
>>Stays inside all day
I don't.
>>Doesn't exercise
I do.
>>Smokes and Drinks all day
I don't smoke or drink.
>>Jacks off daily
>>Refuses to change for the better
Chnage what?
>>Blames women for the fact that they don't have a girlfriend
Where else would the blame go?
>where you getting your facts from user?
Jow Forums
>Is fact
>Blames shower
>Jacks eats junk pathetic
>Drinks use change
>Stays inside all girlfriend
>Doesn't off
>better and exercise all day
>Only Doesn't Guys
>Refuses to deodorant for the Smokes
>Doesn't daily for the day that they don't have a fat
You women are fucking food
>I don't smoke or drink
Well, to be fair, people who don't drink AT ALL, EVER tend to incredibly tedious prigs, so this is a red flag and may point in the direction of your overall problem.
I knew some drunkard would retaliate with that.
I don't usually drink and when I do it's in small quantities, because I hate most alcoholic beverages (I can only enjoy beer, actually) and I hate how it makes me feel afterwards.
ayy lmao, normalfags are such goalpost-moving faggots.
Daily reminder that self improvement doesn't change how other people in your life treat you.
All of that except the woman thing. I just want to drink myself to death, is that too much to ask?
Thats me apart from the smoking and drinking bit. I am a neckbeard.
Fun fact: People will actually treat you better if you actually shower and work out instead of being a smelly fat fuck. Who would have thought? you idiot
Well, yeah, if you smell then people are gonna say that you stink regardless of your caste. Who'd'a thunk it? You dumbass.
I'm talking about the SI meme. It doesn't cause people to treat you differently.
No one actually does this. Keep making an image of a person that doesn't exist.
best post in the thread so far
>ayy lmao, normalfags are such goalpost-moving faggots.
>Make a point that's been being made since Aristotle made it
>"WAHHHHHHHHH NORMIES KEEP MOVING THE GOALPOSTS! I can't keep up with all these brand new standards they keep inventing!"
>>self improves
>>goes MGTOW
>>ignores women
>>gets $
>>buys sexbot
>>lives well.
stop larping you fat landwhale.
I stay inside all day (between jobs and broke so only leave for groceries, extremely cheap dates/hookups, and to go on hikes), and masturbate every day
Staying inside makes me feel miserable but I do not even have enough change to get my bike fixed and go exploring, have been conserving the gas in my car for groceries, occasional dates, and job interviews.
I am trying to change by getting a job but I am having difficulty deciding what job to get. I do not want something I am going to hate or that is difficult, but at the same time I need an income or I am going to starve
>Staying inside makes me feel miserable
Why? Do you have something you want to do outside?
I stay inside because there is nothing interesting outside. Normalfags who say "just go outside lol" never specificy what you're supposed to do once you go outside.
Well namely I want to work because I am bored when I do not have anything to do all day, and once I am making money I can go out when I have downtime instead of just being home all the time. When I had my own place I did like to be inside too though, but I had money to get weed and would have friends or girls over and watch cartoons. I can not do any of that now so playing video games by myself is making me miserable, my friends invite me to hang out and I have to come up with some excuse or reject them because I am broke as a motherfucking joke.
But I feel like a job bussing tables I would do for like two months at best and leave it. Same for fast food, I have an interview for a car sales job but I am not even sold on that. I know myself and if it is gay I will not want to continue to do it. What is a good job for robots?
>>Is fat
>>Doesn't shower
>>Only eats junk food
>>Doesn't use deodorant
>>Stays inside all day
>>Doesn't exercise
very ocasionally
>>Smokes and Drinks all day
no, but smoking feels pretty good
>>Jacks off daily
>>Refuses to change for the better
i'm changing in more imperceptible areas
>>Blames women for the fact that they don't have a girlfriend
no, society and my unwillingness to cooperate is to blame. this is both on me and on them, as for all relations
Thankfully I'm none of those. Feels good
Also do not forget
>Blames a black man for all of those and why the women fucked the black guy instead of him
>Is fat
only a little bit
>Doesn't shower
no, I take baths
>Only eats junk food
yeah because healthy food fucking sucks
>Doesn't use deodorant
wrong; I like to smell good
>Stays inside all day
yeah I have agoraphobia
>Doesn't exercise
fuck that shit
>Smokes and Drinks all day
>Jacks off daily
yes, I have a masturbation addiction; I just get super horny all the time
>Refuses to change for the better
yeah I don't like change
>Blames women for the fact that they don't have a girlfriend
>Doesn't use deodorant
>Stays inside all day
got me there
>only use deodorant when i leave the house
>stay inside all day
>jack off all day
>have a girlfriend
>Is fat
I am underweight
>Doesn't shower
I shower daily
>Only eats junk food
I usually cook really fancy meals
>Doesn't use deodorant
I use it daily
>Stays inside all day
I go outside daily. I go on a long hike at least 3 times a week and bike 5 days a week.
>Doesn't exercise
See above
>Smokes and Drinks all day
I have never smoked and never drank more than a few sips with a nice meal
>Jacks off daily
This I do
>Refuses to change for the better
This I kinda do
>Blames women for the fact that they don't have a girlfriend
It is mixed. Mostly my shy personality
You are thinking of reddit incels and mid to late 2000s neckbeards.
0/10 for me but I have a small dick so who cares
The only correct points are smokes all day (ciggies not weed, that shit freaks me out. I do drink every night, and I do blame women for not having a gf and being KHV.
>>Is fat
Im a little skinnyfat, but Im working out and gaining muscles in the right areas.
>>Doesn't shower
I shower everytime to go out
>>Only eats junk food
Im decreasing my junk food for dieting.
>>Doesn't use deodorant
Yes, I do.
>>Stays inside all day
I work, go to gym, and I'd go downtown just to chill. When Im home I try to practice guitar or just watch tv.
>>Smokes and Drinks all day
Stopped weed because psychosis. CBD oil for me. Still do shrooms though..
>>Jacks off daily
*Sigh* Yes, I do. Can't fight my urges...
>>Refuses to change for the better
Elaborate on "change for the better"
>>Blames women for the fact that they don't have a girlfriend
I blame the fact that Im a social autist that can't deal with people because many of them tend to be annoying.
Kys fag
>Is fat
>Doesn't shower
>Only eats junk food
>Doesn't use deodorant
>Stays inside all day
>Doesn't exercise
>Smokes and Drinks all day
>Schlicks daily
>Refuses to change for the better
>Has a boyfriend and has had multiple ones in the past
Double standard tbdesu
I'm none of these things except the last one
Your move, redditard.
Wow, talk about a pick me up. I'm only 1/10
So fucking every day would make you low T?
You're retarded, nofap is a placebo. Shitty foods and sedentary lifestyles lower T; it just so happens that sedentary people jerk off all the time.