Do any moms actually visit here? There's gotta be at least a few right? If so, why? Why do you come to this cesspool?
If no moms show up turn this into a MOMMY thread please
Do any moms actually visit here? There's gotta be at least a few right? If so, why? Why do you come to this cesspool?
If no moms show up turn this into a MOMMY thread please
Other urls found in this thread:
There are no women here, and the set "moms" falls within the set "women", so....
There are dads here though.
>There are no women here
I've met up with several fembots and have fucked two
You're just not looking in the right places
And yes fembots are horrible people but still. It's easy
I'm a mother. I've been coming to Jow Forums for years but only r9k recently. It's an oddly addictive board. Sort of like a train wreck in slow motion
Law of averages says there has to be at least one or two no?
Prove it. Post pics of your kid(s)'s social security number.
Oh god it's you, please kys
Prove it. Post video of childbirth.
Ha no. I don't need photographic evidence that I've been here.
I'm a bored housewife, of course I'm going to shitpost
Mmmm mommy please
Jack my wee wee please
Understandable, you're just an awful person
Ah, hello fellow sex haver
Here is a (you)
Now I must go back to being pleased by my harem. Too-da-loo!
What is your husband like? Is he tall? How did you two meet? Does he know you browse here?
How many kids
Thanks for the (you) passive agressive user
I'm a dad, proud father of a 5 year old girl.
When she's a little older I'll train her so no fucker could ever rape her or do her harm.
The physical stuff maybe, but you will be hard pressed to not have her be influenced mentally by the kind of media she will no doubt consume during her lifetime growing up. Next thing you know you financed her college tuition so she can be brainwashed to spout marxist shit and to give her a one way ticket to sexual empowerment.
And why might that be hun?
Wife, same height as me, we met in an airport, and yeah she knows
Just my daughter
H-how am I being passive/aggressive?
Or are you projecting your insecurities on to me?
I didn't really put much thought into it.
Oh, so its not really your kid
You just adopted
Welp, now Im bored
See ya!!
Not like you have much thought to give
Not towards your posts no
Idk you seem to be invested in what I say
You're not even a real mother.
Why lie?
That's a silly way of seeing the world
Time for the 1267th thread about robots desperatly wanting a mommy gf then REEing into the abyss when women dare want a daddy bf.
>like a train wreck in slow motion
why are you like this
How old is
>your wife
>your daughter
Because this board celebrates depression and sadness. Of course I'm no stranger to wallowing, but this place makes it a personality trait
>15 adopted last year
>29 in a month
why adopt a 15 year old if you're both under 30, seems very strange to me, also I was about to say don't push you sexuality onto her but she's probably old enough she can decide for her self what she likes
She was a student at my school and it broke my heart how she was living. I wanted to pull her out of the foster system and give her a real life. Also you might be taking gay panic too seriously, just because the parents are gay doesn't mean they're forcing their sexuality on their kids.
That's nice of you guys. Just want kids to grow up and figure out sexuality for themselves, personally think there could be a backlash of kids coming out as lgbt too early and then finding out they aren't actually what they think they are
Whoa that's really old. How do I get adopted by a supportive gay mommy?
I'll be honest, I don't like that line of thinking. I knew I was gay when I was a kid, so did my wife. And I didn't want to mention this before because of where we are, but my daughter is trans. She told me early on in our relationship before we adopted her. And before we started her transitioning we took her to therapists to a absolutely make sure it's what she wanted. Trust me, we did not force her into this. But she's so happy now, she's come out of her shell, she's smiling, she's moving past her awful childhood.
oh so you're a degenerate piece of shit that likes seeing men mutilate themselves.
my misery isnt your entertainment, mommy
That's really not the case, but I'm sure you're too brainwashed for me to argue against you.
Not everyone knows they're gay early on, lots of people figure this stuff out later on and just because some people do doesn't mean you shouldn't assume everyone does, I don't get what you don't like about that because it definitely happens and it's shitty when it does
Your situation sounds fine to me, but some parents do push their shit onto their kids, same thing happens for straight couples.
You're right, I'm being too defensive about it. I'm of the mind that we need to move past the binary of sexuality and just coming out in general. A world where 'I'm gay' isn't a badge or something to be proud of, just a trait of a well rounded person. Something that people don't need to be scared to admit.
Oh of course, child pageants wouldn't be a thing without shitty parents. I never want to force anything on my kid, I want her to grow into her own person.
>15 adopted last year
bruh you didn't even raise this person and you try to claim you're their mother
You're right. But I'm trying my hardest to become someone worthy of being called a mother.
So is your daughter a biological male? Have you ever seen her penis? Does she ever borrow your clothing? Have you caught her masturbating before?
Yep biological male, I have gotten a peek at it, she uses one of my shirts to sleep in but other than that she's too small for them. And I haven't but I've been very clear that it's nothing to be ashamed of.
Serious question, how would you respond if your daughter started displaying sexual interest in you or your wife? Like purpeosfully exposing herself to you spying on you while you were showering? What if she openly admitted she wanted to have sex with you, or came to you claiming she was sexually frustrated and really needed a handjob as relief?
Also, is she circumcised?
>Tfw no user mommy to show off my diapers and small pee-pee to
>Tfw will never have diaps changed by a mommy who's proficient at it and desensitized about it
>Tfw not nursing to sleep on a mommy RIGHT NOW
not that user, nothing to do with brainwashing, it's just too fucking obvious
you're a lesbian who says you like to come here to watch men's misery
I would calmly explain to her that those feelings aren't okay when it comes to family members.
homeschool bottom text
well it doesn't help that most gay parents exploit their children as far as anyone's seen. not to mention the dynamic can easily screw with the psyche, as it normalizes abnormal behavior and inclines them towards it.
Well that's just not true, that's blatant fear mongering.
I've had a baby but I'm not really a mom.
I was gonna ask if you were the same lesbian mom with a daughter that had like K cups from the big titty mommy thread a couple of weeks back, but I think their daughter was 6 or so. Nevertheless, I now must know your respective cup sizes.
What if the set of women who visit this site is disjoint from the set of moms?
Don't remember a big titty mommy thread, but I have ruined normal titty threads. I'm the one with P's.
Were you the one that was bullying an (allegedly) flat girl, together with another big titty femanon, who seemed to enjoy the bullying?
Yep that was me. And she was a fan, I'd never insult a woman because of the size of her chest... Well to their face
Post mommy milkers
youre not even a real mom you lesbian
Gib me sauce pls.!
Only because I wanted it as well. It's not like I like or anything, baka!
not a mom, but I am a mommy.
I wish I'd gone to school with her
God damn them abs~
why do you resort instantly to saying hes projecting their insecurities? he called you passive aggressive
>have fucked two
sure you have user
oohh got them with that sassy nickname yas.
Are you a muscular mommy like your pic implies?
What? I call everyone hun
>"i have lotsa sex with lotsa fembots guys so much all the time"
I dont believe u
based davesterio
How did you get the kid? Sperm donor?
What race are you?
Adoption, I'm white and my wife is Asian
tfw no mommy gf
Does being a mommy gf count?
Hey hun how're you doing~
Not that guy but I'm alright today!
Hey are you the one that was in the christmas thread that everyone was shitposting about a year ago?
I'm glad! I love when others are happy!
I don't think so? Why?
Fifty-five days until a trip so YEAH I'm happy! Just under two months.
That's great! Where are you going?
Unironically enough Disney World. I'm going to the Happiest Place On Earth with my depressed ass and I'm going to gorge on food.
How wonderful! I hope you have an amazing time there hun!
Well considering I've squirreled away a nice chunk of change to build a lightsaber, already paid for the food/board/flight... I'm going to do whatever I want.
Oooh you've got it all set then~ go nuts!
I just need to beat out the clock. Then it's good times and good foods.
Good boy, beat it out for me~
I'm sorry I had to
Nice joke but needs more meat.
if there really are some mommies in this thread i just wanna say, if your SON wanted to STICK his COCK in your VAGINA, and HUMP YOU, would you be SICKENED or DISGUSTED or HORNY