I just want a girlfriend who will dominate me. a small, big tits, a little bit chubby, nice thigs...

i just want a girlfriend who will dominate me. a small, big tits, a little bit chubby, nice thigs, qt who will make me beg to her if i want to cum, as she keeps edging me and teasing me. and taunts me as she stops right when im about to cum, then continues. and after i finally get to cum she keeps going, rubbing my sensitive cock. please god just let me find this women. please

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My body looks like the one in the middle but my height is more of the one on the right. Interesting

please post some pics

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I know it probably doesn't mean anything coming from us but you are very attractive

Though i agree on that body type being top tier, my favourite body type for girls would be pic related. As for personality, i'd much rather a chill, dandere,dorky gf. Much more sustainable in my case and opinion

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Please post pictures for research purposes

please be my gf pelaseee please femdom me

I don't want to get banned or become an ethot. Plus I have too much anxiety to do such things.

It means a little something, thanks.

Dreams like that are only reality for rich muscley dudes.

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duh, never post yourself on Jow Forums

go outside allready femanon