i literally see dudes as 10/10 bf materal (which is a lot since i like not buff whites) or im indifferent
i would never date someone who was just settling for me thats a waste of his and mines time
I would never bf someone who refered to me as a something/10
I agree with this.
I broke up with a guy because I felt like he was just settling for me. It was sad because he was a qt Asian boy, which is my ideal type.
ouo how did you realise thet he was like that?
daym i didnt know that even azns would do u like dat
I'm like a size 5 (US size) and he kept pressuring me to lose weight even though he knows I suffered from anorexia for most of my life and that my metoblism is pretty fucked up so it's hard to lose weight without starving myself again. I think he just wanted a very skinny girl and that is not me.
im ed too if i ever try to restric i emo eat. did you gain while you were together?how did he react when you broke up?
I have a feeling my bf is settling for me even though he insists he isnt. This is the difference between men and women. Men complain that women dont date down or settle, but thats because we are saving our love for our 10/10. Whereas men have no problem using a bunch of 5/10s for sex or as practice gfs, then will immediately dump her as soon as someone prettier comes along. The latter is far more twisted and dishonest.
i meant to quote you lel
wow there's always some disgusting roastie that only goes for white guys on here. Fuck you thot fuck off to tumblr you've probably already fucked 3+ guys and I bet all of them were white
honestly saved i feel the same way wtf im curious to men s response to this
I lost some weight because it brought back those anorexic thoughts again and I started to restrict again. Thankfully, I have a couple people in my life who called me out on my habits.
I basically told him that I don't think we are compatible and that being in this relationship isn't best for my mental health. He basically said "This really hurts user. I thought we were very compatible. I guess this is goodbye." he kinda sounded like he may cry but we didn't talk after he said bye.
Who cares? You're probably like a 4
>i would never bf someone who refered to me as a something/10
>i literally see dudes as 10/10 bf materal (which is a lot since i like not buff whites) or im indifferent
Guys who unironically rate girls like this are assholes and should be avoided.
This sounds like bait. If you're serious, you are likely a very broken individual. As a man you guys sound fucking crazy and that's likely why the guys who "settled" actually left. Id leave finding out you were insane. Has no one ever said that to you before? "I'm not leaving you because you're not pretty, I'm not leaving because you aren't sweet and nice, I'm leaving because you're crazy, and crazy just doesn't age well".
protip: Women do this too. Calling someone cute = at least 7
>but thats because we are saving our love for our 10/10. Whereas men have no problem using a bunch of 5/10s for sex or as practice gfs, then will immediately dump her as soon as someone prettier comes along. The latter is far more twisted and dishonest.
Don't you realize this is the result of females having 10x more value on the market compared to men, allowing them to pick and choose from dozens of potential men, while men are forced to stick with whatever scraps they can desperately hope to get?
Retarded whores get off my fucking board
This type of thing makes guys leave. "I dont believe what my boyfriend says even if he insists it."
You're the problem?
See this here? This is an incel.
Learn to separate yourself from this level of individual and you won't be so fucking crazy.
i want a gf who thinks i'm settling for her while i'm thinking that she's settling for me, and then the two of us can demonstrate gratitude for being so lucky to have the other.
(which is a lot since i like not buff whites)
Can someone translate this autism into English for me?
Have sex and wash your tiny penis you seething incel.
>makes guys leave
He isnt leaving because he isnt a weakling. Just because I dont believe him doesnt mean I go around telling in his face that hes a liar.
Who said anything about acting crazy you absolute retard. Keeping secrets is perfectly natural.
>i want a gf who thinks i'm settling for her while i'm thinking that she's settling for me, and then the two of us can demonstrate gratitude for being so lucky to have the other.
Ladies, here's why you're crazy, here's a single person explaining the most common thought in the younger mind of a male.
Ofcourse, please just ignore what the man is saying about men's decision making, it's done you wonders so far right? You keep finding great guys who you wanna stay with your whole life right? Kek.
I've had this twice, but I'm extremely neurotic and both of them lost interest.
>huuur looks are everything
Hey look, a male version of crazy admitting crazy is a factor.
He is a great guy, we had one conversation about this and that was that. If I were talking about how great I am you would call me an arrogant and conceited. You should be worrying about your own lack of relationships instead of policing others.
It seems too obvious to be bait, but could anyone really be that not self-aware?
not muscular hwites pic related
im male and i only settle for those i see as 10/10s
my ex said i was a 7 and it hurt because it made me think she thought there were people who were better to be with her than me, idk if thats irrational but i thought she was an 11/10 goddess even with and because of her faults
i realised that when writing it
i obviosly meant below 10/10 or using that phrase seriously etc ya know what i mean
What if he refers to you as random shit /10
Like I'll say stuff similar to "would hold hands with/10"
But actually assigning a number feels weird. Even when a girl asks me to rate her I feel weird and usually rate high based on personality
how about we just don't rate people out of 10? you fucking weirdoes
It depends on if one's standards are reasonable or not. Besides, he could be lying.
? then why would he insist on the weight
probs to (you)
thats exactly what i feel ,im sorry male user owo did you call her out on that?
i dont like chads cute is piq for me t b h
romance isnt math
It's weird cause I've met guys that fall head over heels for girls that they really arent even compatible with and arent that pretty, and ive met guys that just use a girl for sex and companionship and then drop them when they're done
Personally I think I'd be the first but I've not much experience beyond unrequited affections
>i would never bf someone who refered to me as a something/10
>i literally see dudes as 10/10
I police others due to my confidence in the subject, my confidence in the subject comes from my consistency in relationships. Again, "be honest with me but also lie to me so I don't feel sad" sounds crazy to me :^)
How about you series of holes shut your cock holsters, quit posting garbage, and get the fuck off my board, you obnoxious parasites. Get out.
No, I get that. I just don't understand why she brought that up in the context of her other babble.
>I like literally never rate a guy unless I rate him 10/10 and that's a lot because I like skinny white dudes
Either she's gotten too many vaccines or I have because I'm not processing this. If a skinny white dude is your jam then why wouldn't you rate the skinniest whitest dude a 10/10? Is she trying to say there's an objective scale for attractiveness?
no i didnt, i didnt know if that was a rational emotion
though i didnt call her out most of the timed she made me feel weird or bad because i knew shed just get really pissed and treat me like shit
when i started doing that she used them as reasons to fuck the relationship up
I pretty much feel this way about relationships now.
I'm not going to get into one unless I'm like really attracted to their personality and them. Otherwise i'm indifferent and can't make the time.
>be honest with me but also lie to me so I don't feel sad
If you had any actual real experience with women then you would know this is basically 90% of women want and as long as you give it to them they are happy and make good partners. You claim to be well versed in relationships but when in fact you are just revealing your incel nature more and more. Crazy isnt an argument either. Have sex for real you retarded LARPer.
This is the most autistic shit I have read on here for a while.
Crazy isn't an argument? A guy comes up to you and says he'd like to wear your skin as a suit, but crazy isn't an argument so you still have to date him.
Who knew?
"Most women" kek
Unironically have sex for once.
With ratings for some guys its more that just looks lol, i know some that rate personality too. Besides how would you know what he rated you ?
I don't know why he kept insisting on the weight. All I know is when I lost some weight he kept inisiting that I lose more. He had made an offhand remark before about how he preferred really skinny girls. So yeah, that's probably why.
Whew. Kek. Insert various other NPC :^) shit.
Ah yes, you know you're winning an argument when you attack the person and not the argument.
Did you miss your fecal matter transplant or something?
Is it ad hominim when I described with exact truth your argument?
>have sex
Have children in a secure marriage, slut
I could say the same for you but that would be far too unrealistic. Remember you have to have sex with a lady before you can get her pregnant, user.
Oh man, someone so creative they couldn't make up their own comeback so they just repurposed the original reply, very very creative.
Focusing on the act itself instead of the end result is why you're a degenerate brainlet. Go scarf down some more birth control so you can piss it into the water supply and ride cock some more, reprobate. Get the fuck off of my board.
Everything can and will be measured, counted and calculated, this is the nature of commercialism and globalism. Thank social media and dating apps for this. They even have algorithms that measure multiple stats and mash them into one convenient number. You are looking for human connecting in a time when the majority of people your age decide in a split second and flick of a finger who they will mash their genitalia with tonight based on 2-3 photos and less than a 100 words most of witch are meaningless preferences. And yes you will bf someone that measure you on 1 to 10 scale even if he does not state it because this is the norm and you don't have the mental fortitude for more.
Double replies arent creepy at all, sperg.
>implying I use hormonal birth control
Hilarious. You will be accusing me of drinking tap water next.
>hurr degenerate
>hurr brainlet
>hurr roastie
>hurr cock carousel
How many NPC terms can you fit in one post? Do you robots think anything you say actually offends or upsets us? And yes I will ride my boyfriends cock with great pleasure. I respect your committed relationship with your hand, honestly its adorable, keep it up.
>when the braindead hedonist can't fathom that more than one person disagrees with them
Consider: this is not your community, nor is it full of people who like you for any other reason than that you have a vagina.
As an aside, I don't care what "vegan all natural biodegradable travel-sized" method you use to avoid the consequences of having taken miles of dick. Whether you roto-rooter your cooter or use sheep's guts, it's all the same shit. Now, kindly leave.
So now I have two retards who are obsessed with me? Thats pretty funny.
If it didn't bother you then you wouldn't be inflicting this board with your hysteric screeching about incels, cumdumpster.
Don't confuse obsession with revulsion, whore. You're like a rat in the foundation of my board, and if I had the means to snap your fat neck and dispose of you in a trash bag where you belong with the rest of kind so as to spare this board from your diseased presence, I would employ it.
Doing Gods work user, here is a recolored Buster only for you.