Parents making me pay a therapist to listen to me complain about being a wageslave

>parents making me pay a therapist to listen to me complain about being a wageslave
>think not enjoying wagecuckery is a mental illness
>therapist doesn't understand the problem, but prescribes me sleep drugs that keep failing to work

jesus fuck i just want to be NEET

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Take the Szaszpill.

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do not pay him wtf wy

if they don't see the charge they will come up to see me and terrorize me
if i can't even go home from work and be in solitude away from my parents (interacting with them makes me want to die) then there's no reason to live at all. literally none

what is this mister? plz explain

>Szasz was born to Jewish parents...


just lie and save up to move out

or jus lie even moar

an hero user
it is the only way
my managers at my mcjob keep pushing me to work more hours and i finally ordered the helium tank
it's like the weight of a jalopy being lifted off of my chest

i do not live with them though. but they will come up and terrorize me

i barely get paid shit anyway. my dad makes 4 times as much as me

can you cut them off then? or if you cant larp as alright

>they will come up and terrorize me
just walk around naked from "stress"

Don't let them in. What's the issue?

Stop acting like a pussy, pussy.

>but they will come up and terrorize me
that's why I didn't tell them where I live

>can you cut them off then?
they own the apartment/condo i live in, and i pay them rent every month

my dad told me to quit my old job because it made me miserable, i lived off my savings and didn't take any money from them. i only spent money on food

then i got a new job offer after almost a year and i had to take it, he hated that i was NEET (even though it was the only time i was ever happy) and bought this condo so i could wageslave here. and said i have to pay them $800 a month to live here (not like i have any choice). this is 1/3 of my wages

read above

so move out and get your own place where you can live by your own rules

"Szasz argued throughout his career that mental illness is a metaphor for human problems in living, and that mental illnesses are not "illnesses" in the sense that physical illnesses are; and that except for a few identifiable brain diseases, there are "neither biological or chemical tests nor biopsy or necropsy findings for verifying DSM diagnoses."

>get your own place
i can't afford that

well of course. i don't think i have any mental illness at all. i just absolutely hate wageslaving and it makes me miserable

unfortunately i have no choice, because i am poor
so i am forced to do what makes me miserable 5x a week

then get a better job that pays more. your two options are:

1) accept money/benefits of cheap housing, but live by their rules
2) make enough money you can live on your own

buy a cargo van and live in it, then you don't have to deal with your stupid fucking parents

you can easily survive on 500$ a month

lmao imagine being bullied by your parents

absolutely shameful

>therapist doesn't understand the problem
The problem with YOU not enjoying wageslavery, or your PARENTS thinking your broken for not wanting to wageslave? Cause if its the second the therapist seems kinda based

>go to psychiatrist
>she asks me about my life
>asks me about dating
>have to explain long term breakup
>she thinks I'm getting better
>she give me medecine for 3 months until next appointment
>go to pharmacy
>she forgot my klonopin
>now I have to call the front desk or her voicemail and ask them to put it through
god damnit.

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>then get a better job that pays more

did you ignore the part where it took me nearly a year to get this job?

>The problem with YOU not enjoying wageslavery, or your PARENTS thinking your broken for not wanting to wageslave? Cause if its the second the therapist seems kinda based

i go to therapist because parents tell me. they insist i need to "get help" because i don't like wageslaving

the entire reason i am terrorized by them into going to the therapist is because they seriously believe
>"maybe [the therapist] can hep you figure out a way to be very happy those 40+ hours a week instead of miserable. because you will need to be working for the next 30 years. even longer if you don't like it and therefore don't excel"

the fact is if i believed i would be wageslaving 30+ years i would have killed myself. i don't believe that at all

>prescribes me sleep drugs
aint gonna lie, I started probably the most prestigious position of my life, suddenly lost the ability to sleep, cracked, quit, became a NEET, and immediately regained the ability to sleep. just give up and quit OP

i actually did that. it was the greatest decision of my life and i regained my health and ability to enjoy life. i started going to the gym (now if i go after work, i can't sleep for shit) and i slept 8 hours a day, usually waking up around 10am-noon

now my sleep schedule is all fucked. i can't go to the gym or else i will be up even later. it's absolutely fucked

i can't quit then my dad will force me to go to walmart and mcdonalds and beg to scrub toilets for $8 an hour or something, basically make less than half what i make now for something that is even worse

i get to sit in a chair and be bored, wait 8 hours until i go home. that's horrible and it's like torture, but at least it's better than some mcjob for sure

am i gay for first seeing this?

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yes. very much so
so work on your skills to get a better job. it isn't that complicated, user

>so work on your skills to get a better job. it isn't that complicated, user

it is a bit complicated

first, i have little energy or motivation after work to do any of that shit.

secondly, there is no guarantee of anything. i am a programmer. sure, i could learn a few more languages but then i might never need to use them. that's just the way it is. there is no "learn [x] and you're guaranteed a good job!"

learn python and/or java and you're pretty much guaranteed a job, even if you're a spaz

what a lame existence. you know how to pretty much perform meta-manipulation, arguably one of the strongest super powers in existence, but are too goddamn stupid to stop cock blocking yourself from living a fulfilling life.

>i have little energy or motivation after work
I have little energy or motivation period
I know some Java, a bit of C and no Python. I'd actually like to get better at C and learn Python and C++, but that's realistically not gonna happen.

>you know how to pretty much perform meta-manipulation, arguably one of the strongest super powers in existence, but are too goddamn stupid to stop cock blocking yourself from living a fulfilling life.
What the fuck is meta-manipulation and how the hell is user cock blocking himself?

>learn python and/or java and you're pretty much guaranteed a job, even if you're a spaz

i know java, that's what i do now.

>but are too goddamn stupid to stop cock blocking yourself from living a fulfilling life.
i don't understand how i can live a "fulfilling life" if i have to waste 8 hours a day wageslaving

if i could be NEET then my life would be quite fulfilling

unfortunately i am too poor and my family would terrorize me daily if i did that. i have actual hobbies and interests and passions, but they're not ever going to make me any money

>What the fuck is meta-manipulation
the ability to program. you take nonexistent things like an idea and breathe life into it through abstractions (patterns).
>and how the hell is user cock block himself?
he's wielding the ability to bring literally nothing into something yet uses lazy as an excuse to prevent him from doing so.
you don't have to do that. i mean, you can go the wage slave route, but i wouldn't recommend it. i make over 6 figures working from home. i'm a programmer myself. i'm a lazy piece of shit too but that didn't stop me from using the ONE thing i could do in my sleep to make money.
>i have actual hobbies and interests and passions, but they're not ever going to make me any money
you just have to continuously refine your skills doing whatever you enjoy. the money comes later. it always comes if you're shrewd enough. i recommend figuring out a way to combine some of your hobbies if you want to generate money. homemade "novel" shit is always cool and people won't balk at price due to rarity if you take commissions.

>you don't have to do that. i mean, you can go the wage slave route, but i wouldn't recommend it. i make over 6 figures working from home. i'm a programmer myself. i'm a lazy piece of shit too but that didn't stop me from using the ONE thing i could do in my sleep to make money.
how can i make money from home?

>you just have to continuously refine your skills doing whatever you enjoy. the money comes later. it always comes if you're shrewd enough. i recommend figuring out a way to combine some of your hobbies if you want to generate money. homemade "novel" shit is always cool and people won't balk at price due to rarity if you take commissions.
oh i absolutely can not write novels. i can only do non-fiction. and the things that interest me are controversial topics

there's really no way i would make money from my hobbies, unless some very rich person decided to donate money to me just because he likes what i would write about. i even have to keep it more of a secret, because i wouldn't be very employable to anyone if they knew

it's not really a choice though, i can't just choose what is interesting.

and i work on what i enjoy basically every day. i am even going to write a very well-researched, in-depth article soon. actually i'm working on the outline and will be writing it starting over the weekend. i have been gathering research for weeks.

of course i will publish it anonymously. i don't want fame or recognition (actually in this case it would be infamy) i just want the truth and facts to be known

additionally there is a programming project i want to work on. it's hard since i have to waste most of my day at work. but, once again, it's not something i would tell anyone about or put on my resume

>oh i absolutely can not write novels
just read that over again and realize you meant "novel" in a different way

yes, this is my brain on sleep deprivation (something GUARANTEED since i have to wake up at 6am and the sleep drugs the docs give me don't work)

whatever though


>not creating your own publishing company under an umbrella media conglomerate in which you hide your identity by having a lawyer register the corporation, possibly in delaware, then establish a shell company under said conglomerate that establishes the llc of said publishing company
>not starting a separate llc under your own name where you are just a PR firm
>not employing yourself by establishing a b2b relationship between your PR firm and the publishing company
>not receiving dollars off of advertising dollars off of all websites where you may possibly host your writing
>not affiliating with anyone else in these realms under said companies _as_ said companies, not yourself
i'm not that old, but i've realized that if there's a will there definitely is a way. i probably wouldn't even be a fan of your work, but i don't believe that anyone should feel hopeless or spellbound to a fate of eternal suffering. the power is yours.

Tell them to fuck off your property
You're an adult now. If they can't respect that, treat them like any trespassing nigger

>Killing himself instead of just quitting

Proportions, user

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yeah nobody is going to advertise on the website

>websites that would host my writing
are not going to pay for it, it's volunteering. it's free

>i probably wouldn't even be a fan of your work
possibly not. depending where you live, you could be imprisoned for sharing it
hence why i feel a moral duty to continue. i speak for those who can not, for fear of being imprisoned for spreading facts

actually they own the property and i pay them $800 a month to live on it

but i can't find any other place to live

i make very little, and i have no choice but to pay them 1/3 of my income to live here, really

>just create your own company bro
Are you in fucking high school?

Save up and then leave. When you do, then tell them to fuck off. Stop having boomer parents

>unable to grasp the suggestion
>ad hom

Wage slaving sucks that's why since I was a young teenager I figured out a way to not work for anyone but myself. Basically what I'm doing right now is building my own business as an independent product designer making my own inventions. I taught myself how to 3D model and invested in a 3D printer.

basically buddy you got to figure out a path to actually be happy with your way of life.

If you truly don't care for society gather all your savings and become a farmer to feed yourself.

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If they are trying to help you to this level is beacuse you probably need it op btw if you can let them know that you are ok then everything should be good

all i see is perfect ass dude, what do you see?

fun and friendly Jow Forums discord server. join now for frens!!



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Psychiatry is a scam, You just got conned out of money that you could have actually used to solve your problems.

Good job

>800 a month

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