Chubby tinder thot coming over to cuddle and drink in an hour. Probably gonna fuck. Feels good man.
Chubby tinder thot coming over to cuddle and drink in an hour. Probably gonna fuck. Feels good man
post proof faggo normie loser
Based chubby snuggler
And she agreed to watching Dexter with me lmao I get to act like a psychopath
Let's see that bitch and her cankles
>fucking fat tinder whores
Good luck with your self-esteem bro.
She'll be her in 5 minutes fuark brahs
Hows it going
>Implying OP is just going to shitpost on 4channel mid-date
Well it was more for the thread not to die so after he can update ;///
I felt this chubby snugglers unite
some anons just like fat bitches brother
Well brethren that girl was like literally autistic or half retarded. She talked very slowly, let out a few smellable farts and literally sniffed 2 sharpie pens while laying in bed with me and had one of those special Ed lisps and the retard pouty lips. I tried to probe for signs that maybe she just seems retarded and is normal. Eventually I told it's probably for the best that she goes. I walked her out. Lasted about 45 minutes altogether. A very baffling unexpected experience to say the least. She didn't necessarily convey or signal her retardation through text.
And yes I am op I swear to God I'm not even trolling this happened in real life
There is always next time how the fuck does shit like that even happen though
Dude I wish I knew I'm kinda just taken aback rn I drank 6 Smirnoff ices too so I'm not even halfway drunk but mildly like what the fuckin fuck
>She didn't necessarily convey or signal her retardation through text.
did user find proof fembot exists?
Is it possible that she was high off her ass and/or you were drunk
High off her ass I considered that but it seems to be an organic retardation plus she just got off work and drove. Me being drunk had nothing to do with her sniffing sharpies and talking at a snail's place
Nothing you've said so far makes it seem that the only possibility is that she's retarded. It all sounds like high off her ass behavior. Unless you want to believe that this girl who was attracted to you was actually a retard
how can you tell if someone is high?
same way you can tell if someones retarded just by looking at them
ok but how can you tell if someone is retarded or high, whats the difference
>Well brethren that girl was like literally autistic or half retarded. She talked very slowly
I also noticed this with a girl once. Cute, looked normal, texted normal, but her voice just had this drawl to it like she wasn't quite normal. Also said yeah a lot in an odd way. Maybe she was shy or something I dunno but I ghosted.