Chubby tinder thot coming over to cuddle and drink in an hour. Probably gonna fuck. Feels good man

Chubby tinder thot coming over to cuddle and drink in an hour. Probably gonna fuck. Feels good man.

Attached: feelsgoodman.png (1480x832, 66K)

post proof faggo normie loser

Based chubby snuggler

And she agreed to watching Dexter with me lmao I get to act like a psychopath

Let's see that bitch and her cankles

>fucking fat tinder whores
Good luck with your self-esteem bro.

She'll be her in 5 minutes fuark brahs

Hows it going

>Implying OP is just going to shitpost on 4channel mid-date

Well it was more for the thread not to die so after he can update ;///