Our nation is in the midst of an epidemic of disaffected, disillusioned, troubled, alienated, lonely, disturbed...

Our nation is in the midst of an epidemic of disaffected, disillusioned, troubled, alienated, lonely, disturbed, isolated young men. They isolate themselves from their families, avoid socializing with peers, and seek refuge on online websites such as Jow Forums, where they often encounter toxic ideologies such as incel and alt-right. When you have a generation of horny and angry young men, no good can follow. These unstable, lone young men pose a grave danger to our society.

Attached: all.jpg (1000x1000, 236K)

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not all lonely dudes are racist alt-right cucks

>grave danger
>swimming pool drownings account for fifty times as many yearly deaths

Our nation is in the midst of an epidemic of disaffected, disillusioned, troubled, alienated, lonely, disturbed, isolated young men. They isolate themselves from their families, avoid socializing with peers, and seek refuge on online websites such as Jow Forums, where they often encounter toxic ideologies such as incel and alt-right. When you have a generation of horny and angry young men, no good can follow. These unstable, lone young men feel that they have nothing to lose, and pose a grave danger to our society.

No we're not you absolute fucking retard. Just because you can barely fit enough mass shooters from the past 10 years into an image and make some stupid fucking monologue under it doesn't mean we're facing the imminent threat of the beta uprising.

>not American
Feels fucking fantastic

8 years of democrats did this

>The normalfag cries out as she strikes you

The world is about to change.

nice shitpost well done my laddy

No we have an epidemic of stuck up sluts and consumerism that ostricizes men into seeking refuge in their homes. If there wasnt a handful of greedy fucks who sell the idea of unnatural looks and luxury the standard for men, and women would be set to a realist narrative. Young men who don't fall i to the status quo are not allowed to coexist in this society its not an active choice in most cases considering societal norms are outside of someone's control. What you are merely descrubing is a symptom of a much bigger issue and thats human greed

Attached: 9c0ce34808937c75b8458a48ed08898c.jpg (1024x975, 100K)

fuck off you mexican go guzzle your own cum you flaming faggot

Ok that's a decent short view of it, but one correction is that they're severely 'illusioned'. The alt-right is an illusion of genetic/social superiority (even though it's heavily influenced by money). The incel phenomenon is also an illusion of helplessness, perpetuated by the internet and *no where else*; just stepping out the front door and experiencing face-to-face interaction can undo years of haphazard internet indoctrination.

Speaking of which, Trump and his wannabe fascist regime is a far larger danger to our society than these assholes.

Pos que ala verga putito te cres bien chingon, oh que? Te voy a romper el osico come en tus caricaturas chinas pinche gringo

Attached: 1563937743892.png (293x269, 180K)

>lonely loser is alienated by society
>possibly bullied in school
>distances themselves from family and friends
>goes online
>come across communities full of ideologies that agree with their world views
>feel accepted and part of the community
>Gets brainwashed with Incel/nazi propaganda that constantly floods the community
>accept everything as fact because it agrees with their views and opinions
>community is flooded regularly with things like blacked porn and things meant purely to trigger them into becoming angry
>They slowly build up anger until they either kill themselves or kill other people

Better version. fixed.

Attached: all.jpg (1000x1000, 243K)

whos the fella bottom right

couldn't recall enough infamous shooters to make the image, so I just googled "mass shooter" and picked a random image. but I posted a fixed version at

incel seeking incel
Why dont we have a dating site?
Surely there are femcels!

Attached: photo.jpg.14556de76f605cd428ab60d445a2a591 (1) (1) (1) (1).gif (146x129, 204K)

I genuinely do not understand how these people fail to have sex. I'm not attractive at all, and I've fucked 3 different girls. How is it possible to live your entire youth encountering NOBODY that is willing to fuck you? It makes me feel like these people are just genuinely crazy in the first place, and women can sense it.

Attached: 1560041583715.png (446x384, 232K)

It was the Christchurch aussie, he doesn't go there cause he was a total chad

replace the mosque shooter with that joker fucker from op's image and we're all set

Dude, just go outside bro!!!!! Its like totally gnarly!!!

All of these were just retarded not horny except elliot

fun and friendly Jow Forums discord server. join now for frens!!



The underrated comments. Who makes them I wonder? Such lonley underrated comments.

>Lifetime of bullying at the hands of others, bullies don't receive CONSENT to be cunts
>No opportunities in life, have to work 4 times harder
>Affirmative action means anybody who isn't a straight white male get's everything, yet this STILL isn't enough (Alt-left doesn't want equality - It wants supremacy)
>Women are allowed to say #Killallmen everywhere and get applause and receive medals and TED talks.
>The moment a man insinuates that a woman isn't a queen, the world tries to kill him
>The moment a man suggests that men suffer TOO, the world tries to kill him
>If anyone reads my post and instead of going "He makes a valid point" it's simply met with "Le found le incel/Dats not how it works!1/No U" then they merely prove me correct.


>Trump is fascist
>Large danger

Not even a supporter of politics and I can tell you're an idiot. What are you doing outside of reddit?

fpbp, inb4 unoriginal