I get my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow... Im nervous as shit but think im gonna be fine

I get my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow... Im nervous as shit but think im gonna be fine.
What was your experience like anons?

Blasting this to prepare myself

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You're gonna die from the anesthesia.

yup, thats what im thinking... at least it wont be burning to death

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You will still your deepest secrets when under anesthesia so prepare for everyone to know everything.

The worst part is the swelling and soreness after
Surgery is over in the blink of an eye

do people really go under anesthesia to get wisdom teeth pulled? that seems so unnecessary to me, i thought all you need was a needle to numb your gums and thats it.

the bad part doesnt come until a couple hours after once everything wears off. then it feels like someone just hit you in the sides of the mouth with a hammer for a couple days

are you the user I talked to last time about this?

Anyway, as I was going under my heart was going nuts, the vitals monitor was beeping panicked beeps, and the anesthesiologist said "I'm getting weird signals." Still here. If they can keep me alive, they'll do just fine with you, user. You'll be alright.

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Is this actually true? I don't want to expose myself as a racist.

no because you cant fucking talk after they do the surgery.

They are deeper than other teeth

Watch videos of people after getting their wisdom teeth out, they are delerious and have no filter about what they are saying

I ignored my dentist when he said I had to have my wisdom teeth removed, 2 years later my teeth are still fine, fuck it user just don't do it

heh, no it's not true. Not completely anyway. If you're in a hospital getting heart surgery or whatever, I think it's more likely. Waking up groggy or fucked up is the result of shitty practitioners and not at all guaranteed. I could have driven home.

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I remember some white girl yelling about BBC (big black cock).

when i did it i couldnt talk because i just got surgery on my mouth done so idk how you can spill any secrets

I had heart surgery and when I came to, I didn't say anything too embarrassing, in fact I was indecipherable. Nothing I said made any sense to anyone around me.

I found it to be a very easy experience. Never had issues before or after. The recovery was easy, and I felt normal, save for a couple minor inconveniences. A lot of people seem to have issues with all of it, so I don't know.
I'm sure I probably said some horrifying things after waking up from the anesthesia though. I try not to think about it.

The upper ones are a piece of cake, the bottom ones are hard to remove.

I got mine pulled without full anesthesia, just a standard shot in the gums.

One piece of advice - be serious about not removing the blood clot. No hot drinks, only fluid food, etc.

Removing the clot will expose the underlying bone before the gums, this will extend your misery by a week or two.

Not op here, I have to get my top ones taken out due to decay, they are hard to keep clean for me. I'm 32 and have had them all the way in since I was like 16 though, but alas it is time.

yes, and im dicken way more than a few days ago because now I know it happens in a little under 12 hours.
hoping to God I have an experience like this, my week is somewhat busy with things after i get this surgery so Im hoping ill be fine

I also forgot to mention that Iv already been experiencing lots of pressure in the back of my mouth that gets painful at times for a few months now, maybe longer. Also when I get nervous (which holy fuck will I be when im in that chair) my mouth dries up so not sure if that will affect anything. Really fucking hoping this shit goes well

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here's another one of my pathetic stories, if they help. I once had a tiny part of toenail removed and I had to lay there for over an hour to stop panicking. My blood pressure crashed so low their instrument couldn't even measure it. It finally ended when they called an ambulance.

point being, this idiot was panicking just as hard as I was then when I got mine removed. They still kept me alive just fine. I really promise they know what they're doing. Try to get some sleep if you can.

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It will be fine, they are trained professionals.

Who was removing the nail?

Dunno. My wisdom teeth all grew in perfectly fine. There was a bit of pain for a few days but the dentist told me they didn't need to be pulled out.

My mouth was full of cotton, I tried hitting on the nurses as they wheeled me out but nobody understood a damn thing I was saying.

I went to a foot surgeon place (it has a fancy name that I don't want to look up lol). That story is one of the most embarrassing ones I've got, but I really want you (if you're op) to know that you'll be alright. It doesn't matter if you don't panic at all, or if you panic so hard you feel like you're going to pass out. They've seen both, and they can handle it.

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I'm not op, was just curious. I sometimes get nervous to the point of nearly passing out during similar medical situations. Though when I got my finger ripped off I was totally fine lol

Think I was in your last thread.

If you're from the US, hope you don't embarrass yourself too much from the laffing gas. From what I see it's like getting really drunk, to the point where you sound down's.

And no, you won't share your deepest darkest secrets and talk about your BBC fetish. Think about what you'd be comfortable telling your friends and family. That's the worst of what's gonna come out.

That was another worry on my mind. I think that in that regard ill probably just blabber on about my band to my parents for however long im with them because we have some shit thats coming up. Really can not think of anytyhing that would be that embarrassing to say or Freudian slip.