Okay robots, so whats your plan for killing yourself?
At the moment it's a 5.56 hopefully to the brain stem but I'm looking for a way to do it without giving scolds an excuse to freak out about muh spooky black gun
come here and think it over and over
Cause some kind of disturbance that garners media attention and then violently and spectacularly commit Seppuku
I mean something like streaking or something like that, nothing violent or that would hurt anyone.
i try lowhanging last year, it didnt work, i would not recomend it
I am going to jump into a polar bear exhibit at a nearby zoo and intentionally get ripped to shreds in front of children.
Try and see how many you can sock in the nose before they get you
sounds like a cool way to go but what if they dont kill you?
Probably wrapping a boulder on my leg and drowning in a lake once all my debt is finished.... if i even pay my debt in the 1st place
Long drop hanging
Should be instantaneous
this is the best way, i dont get why people have so much trouble coming up with ways to suicide they just end up suffering a whole lot more, all you need is a ladder and a rope is not that hard
this, with nothing to lose you may actually win the fight and become legendary
front facing Pepe needs to be illegal
continue breathing until my body decays enough and i succumb
The plan is to go to thailand or cambodia and off myself with benzos and alcohol.
I have the money already i just don't feel ready to go there yet.
Working hard so I can buy an expensive motorcycle and joyride on back roads
Let nature take its course, you know.
A violent death surrounded by police in a crowded area.
nothing beats a classic like the rope and a tall tree.
Taking a boat to the middle of the pacific, tying weights to myself, jump into the water, shoot self in mid air.
I do this so my body is not retrievable and its claimed by the sea. The weights are so that i dont wind up on shore somewhere
Either overdosing on heroin or suffocating with helium
I do not have one, but I have considered re-enlisting if things just get fucked with the same MOS (88m)
It is frustrating but I know due to past failure I am too inept and scared to kill myself
Bikes cure depression retard
What the most painless way to kill yourself? Bullet to the reptilian brain or euthanasia?
Euthanasia is ofc most painless
Why? Are u sure?
Are you retard or what?
Didn't say I was depressed.
I just welcome death in excitement. It's not an adventure if your safety is always guaranteed
Brainlet you are
I drive a bike and it's too fun, really thrilling.
don't think youre gonna wanna an hero, youre just gonna want to keep riding.
but make sure it's a sports bike,not a shitty ass cruiser.
Looking at Ducati 797, Don't want a supersport
Why bother with paying the debt though? You'll be dead, who cares? If your answer is wife/dependents, then you cannot kill yourself until they are no longer your wife/dependents.
Unstructions inclear. Ladder now hanging lifeless from a rope on a tree.
i would not recommend blowing your brains out or any insta death. as youre dying, your brain releases all of its chemicals and gives you the trip of a lifetime. this wont happen if you kill your brain instantly, which is why ill probably hang myself
I'm not sure, driving into something seems alright but worried I'll survive. some kind of gas probably.
Either a simple hanging or a bullet to the head should do the trick. Im probably gonna make it quick as if I were to resort to that then I most likely lost all hope.
Suspension hanging, I guess. Need to set a specific date for it though, otherwise I will just keep putting it off. Biggest issue is I don't wanna do it at home, and doing it outside makes it likely I'll be caught. Maybe I'll sell some shit and go out into the suburbs.
i always thought i would but here i am at 29. never thought id live this long.
i dont know how old u are but you probably wont do it either.
when i planned it i was going to either overdose on opiates and pills or use the exit bag method