Daily reminder that this is your future if you eventually manage to settle for a use goods.
Daily reminder that this is your future if you eventually manage to settle for a use goods
>this is your future if you're a sexually unattractive pussy with financial security
That cheater woman was most likely a virgin when she married, you dolt.
tfw your concept of love is a lie
How could you not know after 2 years?
>t. used goods
>old boyfriend (before marriage)
>virgin when she married
Really makes you think
This isnt so much a used goods thing as a he married an emotional retard thing. Some people realize love is fading and they will put family before their own wants/needs. Its pretty easy to tell after getting to know a person for awhile what kind of person they are.
Others (like the slut in the OP) cant control their impulses so they go and do stupid shit like this. My guess though is the husband probably knows about his wifes affair and is either willfully ignorant or just plain doesnt care.
He's most likely eager to prep the bull with his soi boi mouth
Don't you know virgins are more likely to cheat?
He probably is a soi boi who is just happy to have a wife who fucks him on his birthday and he can bring to work parties so everyone doesnt think he is a loser. I know a thousand dudes like this guy and to me they are way more pathetic then dudes who get off to being cucked.
Proof that people never get over their first love. She never should have left the first one.
No fucking way vol.18
Why are you making up dumb shit?
>citation needed
oh for gods sake fuck off filter cunt
What part am i making up? I guess i dont literally know a thousand dudes. But i know a good amount.
>all women are duplicitous, unloyal whores who will lie, cheat, and steal to get what they want
More News at 11
And you don't know anyone who is happy to be cucked in a marriage.
They aren't happy dipshit. They are willfully ignorant. They know their wife is gone for dumb reasons some nights. They find it odd how often her and her friends have "girls night" and how she doesnt txt back during it. They notice a bunch of other obvious red flags but they choose to avoid questioning her about them or learning the truth because that would force him to either end his marriage (which he doesnt wanna do for already stated reasons) or willfully become a cuck.
Yeah no. You are just seeing what you want to see. You are projecting your own insecurities and cuck fantasies on other men.
And you are just further disagreeing for the sake of it even after further elaboration just because you wanna either troll or get the last word in so you can feel like you won an internet fight.
What iam talking about isnt even super uncommon lol. The complacent white middle class dude with the hot wife who has affairs and uses him for stability is a pretty common media trope even.
There are things like post-partum depression which can apparently knock the fuck out of new mothers, I don't know a lot about it but I wouldn't be surprised if identity crises were involved. If left untreated or unrecognized, really terrible things could happen. Sometimes good people are driven to do terrible things by deep primal evils that sleep in our animal cores.
Good thing I'm a sexually attractive pussy with no financial security
>There are things like post-partum depression which can apparently knock the fuck out of new mothers, I don't know a lot about it but I wouldn't be surprised if identity crises were involved.
All of this - ALL of it - is total bullshit designed to attempt to obfuscate the fact that some people are just scumbags. Her "identity crisis" was vanity and greed and sloth and nothing more than that.
the OP has practically no info about the people involved so I can't make any definitive statements about the situation.
My first assumption is close to yours.
However it's beyond bat-shit stupid to deny the existence of psychological conditions like post-partum depression. If you put a magnet to a computer and it stops working, is that just made-up bullshit?
I find post-partum depression an interesting topic, reminds me of the identity crisis and psychological problems a person might have after a very intense psychedelic experience. We live in a shallow, materialistic culture where identities are often nothing more than fabricated illusions. Having the intense experience of childbirth could easily reconnect a women to her real self and dig up decades of unprocessed emotions, resulting in the so-called post-partum depression and depersonalisation.
It's worse that nowadays women won't have children until they're 35, so not only do they have more emotional baggage to face, but less energy to face it with.
and potentially retarded children because the later you birth, the higher chance of defects.
i've personally heard people talk about the guilt they have over their retard children even though they really didn't do anything wrong. Not like "Oh i don't know how to take care of a retard baby" but "what did I do wrong that caused a retard baby"