There is this one retard where i live holy fuck i hate him so much. He doesnt do a fucking thing. He just sits around comfy all day in a blanket and then at night time curls up in a fucking robe with as many blankets and pillows as he can get and watches cartoons
He is a fucking retard. Any time anything requires any thought or any challenge at all he just stares at it and says thats too hard and gives up in defeat if his parents cant solve it for him. His mom literally does everything while he sits around on his ass and says everything is too hard and waits for his mom to do it. He fucking lies on applications to get food stamps saying he has to buy his own food so he just stuffs his fucking face all day while he sits around.
He says jobs are too hard so he just sits around on his ass all day begging his mom to get disability. Yes he literally has his mom go to all his meetings and talk to everyone for him to try and get disability and every fucking time i see him he says he is just sitting around waiting for disability and wont do anything until he gets disability and will just sit there and wait
He says everything stresses him out. He wont drive even more than 10 miles from his house. He says if he goes on a half hour car ride he needs a relative to go with him because he gets scared. He wont talk to people because thats too hard. If you ever hang out with him all he does is brag about the shit he has which everything he has is just handed to him from his parents. Every time he has a challenge in any way he just slumps over and says its too hard and gives up and either has his mom do it for him or he just crawls back in bed and waits for it to be over
On top of this he is a giant ass hole. Like every time you talk to him he just answers everything in a bitchy sarcastic tone and treats everyone like shit and everyone hates him. Hes not even rich or anything his mom lives in a trailer and he drives a broken down 20 year old 500 dollar car that barely runs but he acts like hes a fucking king or something
Literally he wont do anything in life but sit around and complain and get comfortable in bed and sit around and wait for free money
I dont even know this person, but I dont blame you.
Landon Thompson
Pretty much all of this board. There are tranny threads up RIGHT NOW and nobody says anything, nobody tells them to gtfo or kys or anything. They're all complicit newfag cancer. Fuck newfags, fuck trannies, and FUCK jannies.
Mason Richardson
Pretty much trapped with them they are the only other person around. It got so bad i decided that he is just such a fucking retard I would rather sit alone all day so now he probably just stares at a wall begging his mom for disability and money
Christopher Morgan
>be me >live in hella poor area >methhead bums everywhere >be sitting at bus stop, goin to mcdonalds to get some nuggies >look over down the street >see homeless guy is rambling to himeslf as he walks down the sidewalk >get annoyed by just that alone >he walks up to the bus stop >sits on the same bench as mine, despite the fact many others are open >goes off about how tech is controlling our brains and cows are gods or some shit >honestly so fucking done with all these homeless fucks >speak up in the middle of his rambling >"yeah cool, can you leave me alone?" >"im just heeeere waiting for the bus like you maaaaan" >"no, you sat next to me, and started to talk to me about random bullshit unnanounced. please leave me alone" >he leans into my face >"FFFFUCKING PIG" >just get up and walk off. the nuggies arent worth that shit i honestly want to cull up the hoards of druggie homeless fucks and personally execute every last one of them. i cant stand these plauge-ridden shitbags
Hudson Garcia
sounds like he belongs here and not you normalfaggot
Aiden Taylor
He doesnt talk to people. He sits alone all day and is scared of talking to people
Leo Powell
Small town probation user, and everyone else who makes the same fucking threads over and over again.
Levi Nelson
Pls don't kill yourself, OP
Nathan Mitchell
that is literally what most people here do
Thomas Morgan
Trust me he is worse than the people here maybe like 1/4 of the people here are the same
Adam Morris
>tfw wojak is shit talking pepe
Michael Cox
You never really answered his question
Jordan Adams
sounds based no most here are normalfag redditors
Ryder Jackson
Druggies gonna drug man. I'm trying to get my license so I can finally just cut out public transport all together. I really fucking hate being subjected to filthy meth head rants. I take 2 buses to work and back every single day, for an hour and a half at a time. If I got a car it would be 40 minutes there and back tops. and no fucking disgusting drug addicts to pester me. This literally happened on monday.
>Sitting waiting for morning bus 1. >Meth girl approaches >She sits down next to me >She pulls a cat out of her backpack >"Hey, uhm, you wanna buy this, uhm, cat? uhm, I'll take a fiver for him." >Ignore her >"HEY! I said, uhm, you wanna buy, you wanna buy this uhm cat?" >"No." >"Oh ok" >She puts the cat on the ground, it runs off >"You owe me a tenner for that cat." >Ignore her >"I SAID YOU OWE ME, UHM, YOU OWE ME FOR THE CAT!" >"You're not getting anything. Fuck off." >"HEY! HEY! THIS GUY UHM! THIS GUY SAID HE W-UHM, WHOULD PAY ME FOR MY CAT! TELL HIM TO UHM, TELL HIM TO GIVE ME MY MONEY!" >There's literally nobody else on the street >Bus arrives, walk on >She tries to grab my jacket from under my arm >Push her backwards >Bus driver closes the door and pulls away >"IM GONNA KILL THAT FUCKIN CAT! FUCK YOU! ILL FUCKING KILL YOU"
Yay... meth.
Samuel Green
i liked the part when OP repeated the same thing three times in each paragraph
James Reed
sounds like he deserves his ssi normalfag
Kevin Anderson
that's how kings live bro. Get others to do things for you
Dylan Peterson
just calm down user, theres no need to be jealous, this life, it just aint for everyone
>retard >watches cartoons >low to no drive >has his parents do everything for him >has his handing him everything >get scared of weird shit
Sounds like a good boy. Maybe he's browsing here right now.
Considering this paints a picture of a strongly shut-in person, this suggests that aside from his family, other people seldom get to see him. These complaints can therefore be only made by close members of the family and since boomers dont go on Jow Forums end especially not on r9K, there is a strong indication that OP is the very person he complains about so hard.
So, is this a cry for help?
Landon Adams
>>retard sounds more like a genius to me
Sebastian Kelly
thats how you know he genuinely hates that guy It's not often i feel such passion in a post