For me it's the triceratops.
For me it's the triceratops
Land dinosaurs are lame. Take a Liopleurodon.
I like the prehistoric wales like Basilosaurus
and the Livyatan.
This is now a prehistoric animal thread. Take this goofy looking dog as well
How did thev aquatic dinosaurs die? They could just hide underwater?
Deinonychus FTW.
>predator: check
>smol: check
>majestic fucking feathers: check
They evolved like the dinosaurs. Bigger predators like the Megalodon and the Liopleurodon was too big for their own good, they ate up all the food and died out.
Yep they faked it, fake fake fake filter liars.
JP Velociraptors are actually based upon Deinonychus.
For me, it's koolasuchus. I fell in love with this big slimy boy the first time I saw him on Walking With Dinosaurs as a kid.
Walking with Dinosaurs was one of my favourite shows as a kid. The one about animals before dinosaurs was better though imo. Like just look at this dude
>that pic
What an absolute dork!
well you see for me it's the quetzalcoatlus, it was one of the largest flying animals of all time and is named after a wind dragon god.
amazing that these things were able to fly
im all about the Pachycephalosaurus. was my favorite dinosaur as a kid and its still awesome.
I still don't believe they actually flew. It's the most awkward looking creature. Looks like it would just fall and bust its giant head open.
The nature of flight in Quetzalcoatlus and other giant azhdarchids was poorly understood until serious biomechanical studies were conducted in the 21st century. One early (1984) experiment by Paul MacCready used practical aerodynamics to test the flight of Quetzalcoatlus. MacCready constructed a model flying machine or ornithopter with a simple computer functioning as an autopilot. The model successfully flew with a combination of soaring and wing flapping
later computer modelling led the two researchers to conclude that Quetzalcoatlus was capable of flight up to 130 km/h (80 mph) for 7 to 10 days at altitudes of 4,600 m (15,000 ft)
imagine flying in the air for a full week bros
Maybe at the time, but even Deinonychus was a little too small, Achillobator was probably the closest in size to the JP raptors
they had trees back then?
Walking with dinosaurs was the shit. I liked the bit where the Dino rode a skateboard in the credits
Here comes the long boi fellas
feathered raptors are cute
>pliosaurs in general
very cool thread
this is my favorite. I use him for all my passwords
those feels. based
Ankylosaurus was legitimately underrated.
I like the parasaurolophus. Their name is a mouthful but everyone knows who they are.
For me, its the terradactyle. I dont even know how to spell it lmao
pterosaurs are not dinosaurs
Honorary dinosaurs
unlike your mom
they were flying reptiles that descended from a common ancestor of dinosaurs
pic related are undeniably literal dinosaurs
man, dinosaurs are based as hell
those are parrots user