Suicide general

What the most painless way to kill yourself? Bullet to my reptilian brain or euthanasia? What death supposed to be like? ACID trip? Is it painless?

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Euthanasia. You would have travel countries to get it done tho.


I do not think so. This is literally a poison.

I thought it was administered via shot. Thats how doctors in some countries carry out assisted suicides


Exit bag. Your body literally has no idea you're suffocating to death

Sorry what ? Wtf is it

It's a bag or face masked hooked to a helium tank. Your lungs can't differentiate oxygen from helium so if you're breathing in only helium you wont know it and will just pass out and peacefully die

>peacefully die

Doubt. Hypoxia is tough shit and you are going trippin, hell of a trip


>What death supposed to be like? ACID trip? Is it painless?
yeah i died once, it's pretty trippy dude
no pain

>yeah i died once


just pop a cyanide pill

drop some acid and shoot yourself in the brain.

High price

I think this is good idea.

>he doesn't know that we are on a multi-dimensional board and over half the posters are ghosts and demons

Stop bullshitin me mate

Look up the night night method

Sounds stupid and cringe

fucking retard, if you want to kill yourself its the best way
Fucking look it up or dont, go hang yourself from a doorknob and be in agony for 50 seconds

You are so fucking rude mate

Are we just gonna ignore these quads originally?


I wanna do it with my life

To be honest, don't do it. It will bring pain either way. I don't know why you wanna do it so the least I can do is to hope you to get better.

Christcuck, are you ?

sexy quads and redpilled user

Asking living people what death is like. How stupid are you.

>what is clinical death?