Does the popularity of asian women piss other women off? Just saw this on chaturbate, she's marked as new...

Does the popularity of asian women piss other women off? Just saw this on chaturbate, she's marked as new, isn't doing shit and has over 8k viewers. That's really something.

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Nobody wants you blown out white roasties anymore
Get over it hun

Not really. From what I've seen, white girls kinda feel bad for Asian women since the only guys who go for Asian women are the weirdos. Black girls look down on Asian women because they think Asian girls are thirsty for anything white and don't like how Asian women talk about Asian men.

I saw something this black girl posted about how Asian girls always complain about white guys with an Asian fetish on tinder and said "who's the one swiping right on them?"

Hispanic girls couldn't give a shit less about Asians.

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That's true, but I want to hear it from them, themselves.

>I saw something this black girl posted about how Asian girls always complain about white guys with an Asian fetish on tinder and said "who's the one swiping right on them?"

It was on Twitter. There's a black female forum called Lipstickalley where they talk shit about Asian girls and their white fetish too and how Asian girls seem to think that even the ugliest white guys are hot.

It's true though, the most forgettable average 5/10 fuck lives like a demi god in asian countries if he's white.

Yes they do try walking round with one and see the sneers you get from white girls, its as if they're jealous or something

i never cared for asians because i can't relate with any of them. every single one of them is physically intertwined with their family and i was estranged from my family at a very early age, so i have no idea what it's like to have family, i don't hold loyalty to any family like they do. they'll fucking kill themselves if their family wills it, fuck that, that's not sentient.

It's not jealousy, it's them assuming that your relationship is based on fetishism.

Kek I love doing this
Asian guys also shoot dirty looks

>and how Asian girls seem to think that even the ugliest white guys are hot.
Things tend to be that way when even the ugliest white guy is more attractive then the average non white guy.

So why are so many robots virgins with such a free pass readily available?

>Be black
>Work in asian dominated part of town
>Women are always super nice to me, catch quite a few checking me out
>Guys either act like I don't exist or give dirty looks

>Does the popularity of asian women piss other women off?
I can't think of anything that pisses off a white woman more than an Asian woman does. Meltdowns left and right. They are psychologically and physically inferior to Asian women and can't stand it. Nor will they do anything to improve themselves. They just scream in rage all day long.

Race bait doesn't bother women like it does men I don't think.

i like them.
oh come on. black women are exactly like asian women in this regard - talk shit about black men and date white men

>talk shit about black men and date white men
As someone who grew up in a black area, Lol not at all. They talk shit about black men and still fuck them. Most black girls aren't really into white guys, no matter what Jow Forums and cherrypicked photos fell you.

>smallcockshemale: i bet she does not shave...
lmfao why is this so fuckin funny to me. camgirl watchers are such a trainwreck

cus they have nobody else to fuck. and i speak "arent really into", its okay.

>black women are exactly like asian women in this regard - talk shit about black men and date white men
couldn't be more wrong. black women are the only loyal race of female and thats what makes them superior.

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alright. gtg

>"black girls talk shit about black men and date white men"
>no they don't
>"they fuck black men because no one else wants them!"
You're kinda stupid user

oh did my opinion upset you?

No your opinion is just wrong. Then when I pointed it out to you, you changed your opinion to my opinion, but somehow tried to make it negative.

oh where are you going

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>your opinion is wrong
how is that even possible? it's time to grow up beyond the age of 16.

Your opinion is wrong because you quickly changed it when I pointed out that it was wrong. It's time to stop shilling the "just be white" meme in order to make yourself feel better.

>only loyal race

>thinks hes talking to the same person
anyway, how the fuck can someone's personal opinion be wrong?? you mean like morally wrong?

it's true though. black women are the most loyal group and the least likely to date out.

Because he was trying to pass his "opinion" off as fact. He said black women hate black men and date white guys, I told him he was wrong and his response is "it's just my opinion bro"

He's wrong.

>expect women to be cordial and sincere
Useless thread.

White women are slowly internalizing that they are not at the absolute top of the food chain anymore, women compete with other women as well.
It is still not pervasive enough to really make serious waves though, white women are still universally deemed the most attractive.

The thing is though, men have shifted in priorities ever since societal collapse accelerated. They forgo attractiveness for femininity, stability and motherly instincts.

That's the reason asian women (and to a lesser extent hispanics) are gaining ground. White women have abolished their femininity and assumed a combative role against white men. They are not allies anymore. The jews have completely brainwashed them and severed the bond.

Men have instinctively internalized this. They are aware they are on the brink of extinction. Some lash out, some use escapism, some desperately seek out the traits that white women lost in other races of women, some have given up, some are still oblivious.

Agreed. White women are retrograde genetic shit with no place in the future world.

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This depends heavily on the part of the world you live in.
I live in the bay and white girls are HEAVILY jealous of asian girls because the default couple here is WMAF and BMWF. Guess which one tends to last longer make more money and not pop out like 8 kids?
The women they are the most jealous of are black women though, if you are white dating a black girl everyone fucking hates you.

It's not a meme at all, and it blows my mind how hypocritical white roasties can be.

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they have the highest rate of infidelity BY FAR, and only the most loyal because nobody else likes black women on average.

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no i didnt say hate. i said that they talk shit too. nuance

You realize how retarded this is? If White and Asian keep mixing theres going to be less and less White men to fuck those Asian women. Dummies

Doesn't change the fact that black women aren't obsessed with white guys the way Asian women are.

if white guys liked black women they would be. Guaranteed.

What about the second part, about them dating white men? Or them being as bad as Asian women? It doesn't happen.

You're literally just making shit up. You're using a baseless theory and trying to make it seem like its fact. Stop it.

Who cares. I'm not a nationalist why would I care about whites dying off.

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I'm white and went to an all black high school. Tons of black girls wanted me, I just wasn't interested. Thankfully I found the ONE asian girl in the school. A filipina, and we dated for the entirety of my junior/senior year.

And you're thinking they wanted you because you're white and not because they were just attracted to you for whatever reason? I'm black and I went to an all Hispanic school. Tons of Hispanic girls wanted me. That doesn't mean all Mexicans are just throwing themselves at black guys. A lot of them actually told me that I'm the only black guy they were into. Stop equating attraction with race fetishism.

i dont think so. asians in general tend to be subservient. black women have a spine.

>subservient =/= having a spine


I guess they aren't a "real woman" if they're not challenging everything you say and cheating whenever possible.

Post this statistic that says black women cheat the most. Until you post proof, what you're saying is bullshit.

Who is going to pay for the coloured people then

no, asian women grovel for white validation, even if it means shitting on their own race or putting themselves in danger.


here you go. higher divorce rates too

originalio comment

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>Who is going to pay for the coloured people then
I don't know what you mean.

These are self reported. Means nothing.

White people pay to keep all the coloured people alive. You are advocating the extermination of all the coloureds

Lmao I'm sure something can be worked out. And colored people being exterminated doesn't sound all that bad desu.

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white people also pay to maintain israel. they should stop doing that as well

So everyone needs to die because your a retard?

>Midwitts and boomers cheat more than young and dumb
boomers are the most unscrupulous generation

>And colored people being exterminated doesn't sound all that bad desu.
pretty sure they will start attacking whites for gibs. then they will turn on asian

Yeah everyone is going to die because I want an asian gf.

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Objectively untrue, it's Asian women's shit taste. Being white gets you an automatic +2 but it doesn't make you actually +2

+2? Lol more like +5 or +10

said lols sis

i simply said they do it too. youre hating them for being like you while not being the same race

Lmao did your dad call you a fudgepacker?

>being like you
You think I'm a black woman? My point is that they're not the same at all user. Black women don't worship white men. They don't fuck just any white guy simply because he's white. No one does this but Asian girls. All people of color have self hate issues due to media indoctrination and colonialism but Asian women are in a league of their own. Find a black or Hispanic woman who says she won't date her own race because they remind her of her brothers. Find a black girl or a latina thatsays shr has a "no black/no latinos" policy. Go online, outside of Jow Forums, and count how many black or Hispanic men are complaining about their own women not wanting them. No one does shit like this but Asian women.

yea it pisses off black women on lipstick alley

This doesn't prove that black women cheat more. This could possibly be proof that black MEN cheat more. Give me evidence that black women are cheaters.

ive seen a few. and ive seen a few asian women do it too. thats my whole point, they all do it. this is just a competition to say "well you do it more than we do."

its just competition for attention. non asian women dont want asian women to have social leverage because it detracts from their status

Yeah, you've seen a few. It's an exception to the rule. There are always exceptions. But Asian women are pretty much known by everyone for having a white fetish.

>those women are the exception to the rule
if you say so

I'd say it averages out to +2 (if we're talking on a 10 scale)

yes and its because asian women are less healthy and make weaker babies
fetuses need to eat


t. totally not jealous non asian woman.

t. 300 pound white roastie

dont you girls realize that youre part of the reason asian women are getting attention? no such thing as negative publicity, as Hollywood says

you dont know that. lipstick alley is mostly black women

ok shaneequa

i wish asian women would be more reserved, but im not going to actively hate on or let others hate on them.

no im asian reddt

I'm a real woman, not a man with an artificial womb installed in them. I care more about humanity than taking white Chads away from comfort women. Asians are malnourished and it makes malnourished babies. I'd rather die than see whites become like that.

i get it. i know. but it just makes you look possessive.

not possessive, lemme change that to "territorial".

whatever happened to "live and let live"? am i being too passive or are you all being too territorial?

>asians are unhealthy
>live the longest, least prone to obesity, and are literally the healthiest

What did you mean by this laqueefa?

So I can come rape your ass until you need diapers and you wouldn't mind?

i decline this generous offer. besides i dont think im your type.

They have smaller heads and hips. If I knocked up a gook she would die in childbirth from the size of my babies head

their bodies are healthy
but they are all crazy and NPCs because their brains literally didn't get enough to eat in the womb. The mother's body hungry for nutrients herself stole them from the fetus.

lool. of course, asians are a completely different species of hominid.

So no more live and let live virtue signalling?

well if you feel territorial over white men, live and let live to you. mate guard your men.

why work against other women when you can work with them to take advantage of dumb idiot men with fat wallets on the internet?

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You're not dying on me yet.

Lmao at all the dudes that aren't having her shit. They're right though, the guy was a total dipshit, but she ignored all of that cause he's white.

but hes cute. hes also a jerk. we love him

its okay to be pumped and dumped by Chad. but its not okay to have relations with a non chad unless hes giving you money/buying you things.

not really, comparing yourself to others when it comes to attractiveness isn't exactly healthy and i don't see why i should hate girls just for being prettier than me