>she said I'm a "good guy"
So that's me screwed then?
She said I'm a "good guy"
It means it's time to move on opee
unironically yes
original commento
This is going to be hard.
What is she like then?
>So that's me screwed then?
According to incels yes, in reality it can mean anything.
>What is she like then?
What do you mean?
It's over
Yeah that's almost never a positive thing from women. Just be ready for things to end in any case.
what was the context? why did she say it
Lol this girl said I was weak and naive and she was on my dick a month later
She was telling me how she described a group of people including me to a friend. Said I was a "good guy".
I don't understand why that would be a bad thing. Can someone explain please?
This, OP you should be more assertive
I think it means you're a good guy. Just going out on a limb here. Is this a girl you want to date? If so ask her out on a date.
The thinking is that girls give out these kinds of bland compliments when they find a guy unattractive. Similar to asking someone if you're ugly and they reply that you have a great personality. The flaw here is that op hasn't asked her anything.
>Is this a girl you want to date?
>If so ask her out on a date.
I don't think I'm going to do that, she's a really good friend to me and I'm worried if I ask her out and she says no it'll just scare her off and I'd never be able to talk to her again even as a friend. I want to be 100% she's actually interested in me in that way and not just as a friend before I do that.
Also I'm a chickenshit coward but that goes without saying.
You have to ask her out. If you don't, you'll only ever regret it later. You will resent yourself forever and keep yourself awake at night with "what ifs". It's better to ask her before she's unavailable. Good girls don't stay single for long. Your affection for her will end up sabotaging the friendship anyway.
>You have to ask her out. If you don't, you'll only ever regret it later.
I know
>You will resent yourself forever and keep yourself awake at night with "what ifs".
This already happens anyway.
>Your affection for her will end up sabotaging the friendship anyway.
I don't think so, I'm really good at hiding my true feelings.
Good luck user. If you're like me, you'll let yourself get hurt like this a few more times, but eventually you'll learn. Even making pathetic attempts at obtaining what you want is better than none at all. God speed.
Delicious tsundere