Because even science doesnt have all the answers. Where did matter come from? Dark matter? You can say big bang but it's just incomprehensible to think that something has either always been here or was spontaneously created. It's easier to say a higher power set things in motion, and I'll stop believing so as soon as science proves it to be wrong.
Colton Sullivan
>T. Atheist who converts to Christianity on his deathbed
Christian Flores
Too 20th century sounding, nowadays religion is dying between natives of the first world
David Gray
Can you redditors stop pretending your mainstream beliefs are special,
Asher Rodriguez
>inb4 someone posts fedora meme as if its a rebuttal
Juan Scott
Why can't you accept that some things are unknowable? Why does there have to be a belief in something? Choosing religion simply because science doesn't have an answer is dumb.
Carter Miller
It's a meme for a reason, it's fucking accurate. What kind of loser seriously cares about what others think or do? I won't even admit I'm an atheist because I don't want to be associated with your crowd.
Robert Peterson
How come? It's only ever brought positive things into my life.
Juan Anderson
>It's a meme for a reason, it's fucking accurate. What kind of loser seriously cares about what others think or do? I won't even admit I'm an atheist because I don't want to be asociated with your crowd.
Except people actually like being around me because I'm not a dick about my beliefs, and not with drop outs like you that blame their failures on "I just don't try but I'm really smart". You guys really need to go back. Acting like you're a special club for thinking something most people our age already think is autistic.i have money, a fiance, and a house. You have your autistic internet blog posts about how smart you are while having nothing.
Nathaniel Smith
Because I want to know. If you accept things are unknowable that kills curiosity, and doesn't that drive science?
Hudson Thomas
>everything in this universe came from something else >but not the universe itself What a brainlet.
Juan Fisher
I don't know whether God is real, but religion is fucking cancer.
Charles Ward
Theism and atheism are both npc beliefs
John Lewis
Belief is not knowledge. And we do not accept things as unknowable, merely not currently known.
Robert Murphy
>Where did matter come from matter cannot be created or destroyed
Isaiah Mitchell
>We're the greatest thing in this universe
Imagine being this full of yourself, on an atheist could manage to be so prideful
Wyatt Hughes
>implying the teleological purpose of our dna isn't to construct god by immortalizing ourselves through preservation of consciousness the _only_ thing we haven't figured out yet is how to become immortal. think about it. dna has propagated from us baking in a petri dish at the early stages of this planet to where we are now. the only thing left for us to discover is how to preserve memory of who we are, indefinitely. the skin suit doesn't matter. what matters is our consciousness. if we can preserve it and somehow assign it to any vessel, we effectively become the very entity we've pondered about since cognition became manifest. we're all god here.
Chase Nelson
almost as if NPC is a shitty meme >you were programmed to have that belief. People with common interests are FUCKING RETARDS
Hunter Allen
We don't have the knowledge to say wether god exists or not. Humanity knows absolutely nothing, we don't even know our own planet, let alone how the fucking universe came to be. All we have are theories, we don't KNOW anything.
Brandon Phillips
>i don't share my opinions on things, i'm perfectly average, i don't like sparking controversy, or having people disagree with me. i'm just a yes machine for the people around me! can't believe i'm sharing a board with these limp dicked losers. Grow a fucking spine for once cunt. Say what you want about the losers on this board, but atleast they give a shit about shit.
Thats just another theory that will be broken by humans in time.
Jackson Anderson
Okay so why does it all exist then? What you say is completely wrong because it had to have been created at some point.
Noah White
People used to believe in god because they wanted to believe in justice and that there was something that cared about them, also fear. The higher ups of society made it up so people would live good lives and act morally good. But people just had to ruin the balance of faith and morality with science and now everyone is a degenerate
If you honestly believe that general populous of NPC's are religious, then you never interact with normies. Atheism isn't rebellious anymore sweetie, it's the norm.
Wyatt King
Where did God come from then? You're a brainlet according to your own logic. >inb4 the rules don't apply to him We just can't comprehend or logically explain the universe, and probably never will. I don't have a reason to believe in a higher power other than other human beings as clueless as I am telling me there might be one.
Colton Sanchez
If we don't put our faith in something above ourselves, then we have to determine everything about ourselves and our purpose, and we're just not good at doing that.
Cameron Perez
>we dont understand dark matter yet, so a wizard made it >no no not a wizard but like aforce youre too dumb to understand bro
Cooper Morris
Imagine actually thinking this meme proves a point
Ryder Ross
Why does it have to have been created?
Daniel Hughes
t. seething atheist
Ian Walker
Okay, but you don't legit think God is some bearded wizard do you? If you guys would read any significant works or the Bible is actually be more willing to consider your perspective. However most guys like you have placed no effort into actually learning about the topic and legit think that the concept of God and the concept of a unicorn are at all similar
Jace Cook
>"Because even science doesnt have all the answers"
I dont care if god exists or not but I like to listen to choir music.
Evan Ortiz
is there one (1) single proof out there that shows that there CAN'T be a God? what axiom of your pop science would be broken by the existence of a Supreme being, you fucking neckbeard? maybe it's not exactly 100% the God presented to us in some scriptures written by jews and sand people, but what proves that there isn't one?
Julian Gomez
>mainstream beliefs not in the U.S. they're not
Adam Young
>yeah bro I'm telling you this heavily edited account of historical figures put together by dozens of religious authorities to further benefit their power over the people edited hundreds of years after the alleged facts from super reliable and trustworthy sources is legit bro, da TRUTH is all there lmao
Easton Ortiz
Ok but have you actually read the book? Don't spout memes just answer the question. Unless you're some guy who insults others for having different beliefs then he does, and can't even be bothered to actually investigate why its valued
Logan Rivera
>Gets mad a fedora memes but posts wojak edits Lol, user plz no.
Caleb Adams
>You can say big bang but it's just incomprehensible to think that something has either always been here or was spontaneously created But you can believe god has always existed and created the universe spontaneously?
>it's just incomprehensible He's saying it's a fifty fifty and he's siding with creationism.
Matthew Hill
>He's saying it's a fifty fifty and he's siding with creationism. No he isn't.
Wyatt Powell
Riveting counterpoint.
Camden Smith
To all the atheists, this is you at the very best. This drugged up Whoring manchild is what you accomplish at the very best of times.
You aren't sophisticated, you arent intelligent. You aren't pissing off your daddy, you wont be rubbing elbows with high class intellectuals and fucking 20 women in a month, you are a fat child who hasnt grown out of adolescence.
Lets throw all that scientism whoowhoo out the window right here and now because it never really mattered to you and you know it. You became an atheist due to the allure of hedonistic high brow appeal. You wanted to be bill maher fucking porn stars, you wanted to deconvert stacy so you could jave a chance with your high brain smugness.
How'd it turn out for you?
Not trying to convert you, just trying to laugh at you.