>Be me
>6 foot
How is the weather down there shorty?
Be me
the exact same as your weather, if we live in the same area
>be me
Sup midget
>Be you
>be 6 foot
>still have an ugly face
>don't get laid
>belittle other people to raise your non-existent self confidence
the bigger they are. yeah you know the rest of that phrase.
>be you
>be short
>kill self
Seethe harder, manlet.
Exactly what a 5'11 foot peasant would say
The more they get laid
>Projecting his suicidal tendencies to others over the internet
And here we have an example of the miserable ugly lanklet who's overly proud of the only good quality he has!
Keep thinking its projecting, shorty. Wont make you any taller
The smaller their dick looks compared to the rest of their body, at least for me anyways ;_;
>more reddit buzzwords
Go back to the incel community. Just the fact that you are 6 ft yet still ended up on Jow Forums proves how much of a loser you are IRL.
wrong. its the harder they fall you retard. all i have to do is trip you and you will fall and bust your skull open.
Have sex and Kill yourself
All I have to do is grab your tiny ankles and hit you against a wall midget
>all these seething manlets
Thanks for the laugh, boys. I'm sure one day you will get laid. Short people can make it, too. Just look at Danny devito
Btw you subhumans arent even getting a (you) from me LMAO
Also Double dub
Absolutely fucking S E E T H I N G E
>be me
>be 6ft 1
hows the weather down there Warrick Davis?
Do you need a clean diaper user?