This is the offical gender spectrum chart

This is the offical gender spectrum chart.
Anyone who disagrees is wrong

Attached: Gender Spectrum.jpg (736x936, 116K)

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degenerates should be hanged, and white woman should have as many white babies as they can

Thank you OP, clearly you're a sane man

>and white woman should have as many white babies as they can

Not with incels tho

Thought r9k was a board of science

haha epic!!! libs triggered

That's a sex spectrum, "Gender" does not exist and is an abstract social phenomenon without any basis in physical reality.

Also, that sex spectrum is incorrect. There are actually several chromosomal sexes:

Here is a quick non-exhaustive list based solely upon the linked Wikipedia article:
1 XX,
2 XY,
3 XX-male,
4 XY-female,
5 XO,
6 XXY,
7 XYY,
9 XXX,

This totals 11 different "sexes" in a concrete chromosomal sense. There are also many sub-types with many different causes. Most of these mutations are rare on the order of 1/1000, but their existence is the reason we have "M", "F", and "X" specifiers for sex in legal documents and identification.

Using the term "gender" interchangeably with "sex" is a misnomer and these mistakes should be corrected in countries, states and provinces in which they've been made. The reason for this is that my ID may say "gender: M" and I can put on a wig and high-heels and immediately become "gender: F", which is obviously bullshit.

The primary motivation for using "gender" in place of "sex" is to allow manipulation of the system. There is no qualification for application of "M", "F", or "X" which are entirely subjective and optional for the individual. In an accurate system "sex" would be determined entirely by chromosomal sex via chromosomal DNA testing.

A lot of social phenomenons have no "basis in physical reality"

Yes, and scientifically speaking half of all people most likely have an IQ below 100, where I'd argue based upon my experience that an IQ of at least +2 sigma is required to deal accurately in any moderately complex abstract topic beyond the typical day-to-day of the average individual.

I'd also argue that based upon my experience (subjective) the apparent mean IQ of Jow Forums is approximately 85.

Yes, and that makes them useless as absolute objective measures. Sex and your identity are absolute objective measures used to IDENTIFY WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE.

You can't simply walk in some fucking telephone booth, changing your underpants to be on the outside and then fucking fly away as god damn superman.

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Damn good post, I already know gender is bullshit terminology that can't be used objectively, but nice to see what's actually legit here

So basically there are two genders and nine genetic defects?

Liberals are actualy retarded

>reads the whole post
>still uses gender when he means sex
You're one of the genetic defects, aren't you?

Most of the "X" sexes (chromosomal sexes / karyotypes) are generally considered to be mutations most closely related to male or female, but to be fair in many cases of these mutations the subject is not capable of normal reproductive function and their bodies and hormone levels are well outside the bounds of "normal".

So considering that true "X" karyotypes are so rare (less than 1/1000) there is no reason not to accommodate them.

That's another good reason to reject the notion of identification by gender due to subjectivity. The rates of individuals subjectively "identifying as X gender" may be far higher than 1/1000 and it causes a lot of problems with accurately identifying a majority of the population who are genuinely and objectively XX female or XY male.

Of course trans-sexual persons may object to this due to having a driver's license that says "M" with them looking "approximately female" in their photo.

As a severely mentally ill person myself, I vehemently object to not being properly recognized in my passport as Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France.

>Liberals are actualy retarded
Note that technically I recognize that you're using the capitalized term "Liberals" to refer to the United States political party... but the idea of liberalism is actually the fundamental political and philosophical basis forming the foundation of the country and most if not all of the articles of the constitution.

Arguably the true Republicans are the most liberal party in the United States today. This is the same party that supported desegregation, fought the separatists in the south to end slavery and fought the British for independence and the right to equal rights and fair representation.

The core tenets are:
1) Equal rights for everyone, the law applies to everyone equally regardless of sex, race, culture, class, language or origin
2) Equal opportunities for everyone
3) Liberty and true American freedom for everyone
4) Fair representation and consent of the governed (no emergency acts, emergency taxes, kings or emperors)

Essentially: it's a philosophy of egalitarianism and patriotic freedom.

The people repeating this racist, xenophobic, classist, authoritarian bullshit like "RINO" and such are NOT REAL REPUBLICANS and NOT REAL AMERICANS.

They are the "RINO", and the real American patriots need to take their country back from these parasites.

Attached: topic-statue-of-liberty-gettyimages-960610006-feature.jpg (768x432, 25K)

The term 'gender' is derived from 'genus', meaning kind or type, which was used interchangebly with biological sex. Its status as a 'social construct' is a recent development.

go to reddit you pedantic fuck

No u
Note that some true Americans are in the Democratic party and few (not many remain!) are in the Republican party. They need to unite and exterminate the mildew they're surrounded by. They need to remember that while this scum is dangerous, it's only microscopic in comparison.

Just use some sweaty boot rash spray and deal with those fuckers properly already.

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>Its status as a 'social construct' is a recent development.
Of course, and the evolution of language causes enormous damage as usual. Semantics aside, there is no reason to use a rough approximation like "gender" to describe sex other than to avoid the word "sex" !

What honestly was ever the practical purpose of applying it?

The consequence of the semantic evolution is that countries/states/provinces using "gender" will eventually have it interpreted legally according to the new meaning. This will obviously be a disaster, as it will make its application subjective and thereby meaningless for application in an ID.

It's a redundancy that was always pointless and now has begun to result in real consequences. If we'd only ever used "sex", would there be argument for inclusion of "doggy style" and "wheelbarrow style" along with "male", "female", "bi" and "ICP" ?

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Based and genderpilled.

>Damn good post,

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When you think about how fake and subjective the concept of gender really is you realize that the term gender dysphoria and associated concepts truly make no sense, yet are treated as serious and real psychological things that make it valid for one sex to suddenly attempt to become another, I wonder if its not some kind of mass hysteria, in the same vein as the Satanic Panic of the 1980's when charges of childhood repression and abuse and MPD shot up due to a moral panic and nationwide hysteria, this situation we see now may be something similar, it was certainly almost entirely absent from modern society up till the last few years and suddenly its everywhere

Also pic related a redpill about the origins of the term "gender"

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Its an invented term with no basis in biology, yet gender dysphoria is treated as some serious and real symptom requring gender "transition" from one social role to another.

It's madness

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-08-23-24-39.png (1280x800, 136K)

Actually what's referred to as "gender dysphoria" is a sub-categorization of generic dysphoric disorders which include other serious conditions such as Munchausen syndrome or Hypochondriasis.

I don't believe that gender-focused individuals make up any significant portion of hypochondriacs in general let alone anywhere near a majority. The disorder is characterized by general discomfort and dissatisfaction that can't be directly attributed to any specific cause. The patient then using a process called "rationalization" attempts to attribute the cause of their discomfort to something subjective that they view in the concrete sense, such as gender or an imagined illness or other condition, and then engages often in self-harm in a feeble and vain attempt to "cure" themselves.

In reality the mental illness is one where there is a feeling of immense pressure, terror and fear of the unknown with the impression that "something is wrong" without any knowledge of what it might be or what may be the cause. This is vaguely related to conditions like paranoid schizophrenia and other conditions involving severely disordered thinking.

Interestingly enough these thinking patterns are actually most common in racist, xenophobic, tribalist groups who have a tendency to express a conservative political leaning and react to fear stimuli far more strongly than the average individual would. In other words showing them a horror film their levels of adrenaline, heart rate and so on will be elevated far more than a typical individual. These correlations are VERY STRONG, not minor at all.

lolololololol trolled

Obligatory text because r9k's filter is retarded.

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