How is it that so many young white girls have traveled much of the globe by their mid 20's? How are they so easily wealthy and happy all the time?
How is it that so many young white girls have traveled much of the globe by their mid 20's...
the pretty ones have sugar daddies buying them trips
Vaginas have value across the world.
>tfw 29 and never been abroad in adult life
Traveling is quite cheap, especially if popular tourist hubs are considered.
Traveling is not expensive in 2019, lots of places are clogged with tourists because of this
Attractive people are nearly always wealthy. Especially attractive women. These are not easy implications to stomach but I recommend you try.
Chad takes care of them. They suck his dick, he gives them a trip. It's a simple transaction really.
There was a younger girl in hs I knew a few years ago that was an "instagram model". She came from a poor-ish camily yet was still travelling to places like paris, the dr, peurto rico , etc. I have no idea how she paid for these trips. She didnt even have a job
Because upper-middle class (and above) white women are the most privileged group in the entire world bar none. Zero expectations, plenty of money from their parents, people assume the best of them because of the 'women are wonderful' effect. They get to spend their youth globetrotting and drinking and whatever the hell else they want, while also having endless opportunities to disengage and start a career due to western society's encouragement of female empowerment.
That said, poor white women are absolutely fucked. So it's less a gender thing and more a wealth thing, I think.
Boomer daddies and sugar daddies
>ywn export a poor white woman to a nice place with a cheaper life cost where she can use her superior education and development to build a pretty good life
jesus, that bitch practically got club feet
jesus christ that fucking calf
Daddy's money, mostly.
>traveled the globe
>pic is Winsconsin
>tfw never traveled farther than 100km from my home town
>only been to 2 or 3 cities my whole life
I feel like a medieval pled who was tied down to the land of his lord
The average white girl in her 20's regularly suffers from depression and anxiety
>I feel like a medieval pled who was tied down to the land of his lord
well medieval peasants could go on pilgrimages to Holy Sites and even Jerusalem so you're worse off
me 2 user
medieval plebs unite
>inferior to women
>student loans which we will pay for through taxes when they vote some commie into presidency
>sugar daddies
>straight up prostitution
>ALMOST getting naked on instagram and using the resulting clicks from betas to promote protein shakes and le epic millenial subscription based toothbrush/meal/alarm/vitamin/etc. services for money
Rich parents duhh.
did you guys know instagram models are flown over to dubai to be shit on? thats how
Yeah as long as you dont get gang raped in the hostel you stay in lol
Youre actually stupid if you think a sizable portion of the human population does that
>Traveling is not expensive in 2019, lots of places are clogged with tourists because of this
This, I work in tourism and wish travelling was more expensive
You have to be pretty sheltered and or privileged to say something like this
You're actually stupid if you think a sizeable portion of the population travels the world. Also more girls have sugar daddies than you realize
>You have to be pretty sheltered and or privileged to say something like this
My flight to the Philippines last year was 350 bucks bro
>poor white women are absolutely fucked
They can grab a decent white male.
It's because they waste all their savings going on vacations and traveling then they show off on Instagram. I knew a couple girls like this at my job. These girls don't understand how I am able to afford to buy a house while they just waste their money away
beta bucks
white women are the most privileged people by far
wow, and you think they won't just marry a dummy with a house like you when they hit 30 so they can keep living comfortably?
Basically this. Any 5\10+ w*man can just sell pictures of her feet and get more than enough money to travel to anywhere they want.
>happy all the time
my buddy lives the white girl travel life and him and the rest of the girls he meets living that life are all very poor because of shitty spending and massively depressed
Because traveling is cheap as fuck now. My last trip to Japan cost in total $1200. That's ticket, rail fare, food and two cardboard boxes worth of shit I sent back home. The flight itself was $580. For me that's about one week of on call and I get about 5 weeks off a year.
That's the retarded life they decide to choose.
You can either choose to have a lot of unstable high power easy "happiness", or you can choose to have long lasting, stable happiness that takes hard work.
i flew to iceland for 400 dollars 2 ways
seriously. why is every girl memeing about this over the past few years?
They advertise their bodies on Instagram then millionaires fly them out and pay them money and buy them things in exchange for sex
??? What are you talking about mate I can afford to travel on my wageslave savings.
>depression and anxiety
Because it's the cool new go-to thing to post online for attention. That's literally it.
You can tell they're just copying other f*males because it's ALWAYS the exact same combination of "depression and anxiety".
And you can tell they do it for attention because every time they do post it online, every other retarded f*male in their friends\followers immediately goes to reassure her that she's perfect and valid and beautiful and all that feelgood bullshit.
It's literally the "OMG IM SOOO UGLY XD" thing all over again.
>plane tickets are the only cost of travel
>16 hour layover
you can rent cheap af air bnbs or hostels and get cheap food zoomie
more like 2h or 3, which goes by very fast
>rich parents
>rich sugar daddy
>go into credit card debt
pick one. these girls aren't taking the cheap route either, so don't even try to play that game. they don't stay in cheap shitty hotels and they don't go to cheap shitty restaurants. they spend a lot of money and it has to come from somewhere.
>Lake Geneva Wisconsin
I grew up 20 minutes away from there, just a regular town with a few richfags and a discount movie theater which I would recommend
Because they don't understand personal finance and have no idea how much this will financially hurt them in the long run. Or it's their parents that paid for it
>he doesn't realize some miserable cuck is bank rolling them
come on man
Youth hostels are pretty cheap. Or use points since you're not a dumb dumb and get free money for money you already spend right?
None of those have layovers of more than 5hrs. Try again dumb dumb.
Do you think they dyked out later that night? Hot as fuck to think about
For the same reason every week you hear stories of white women getting gangbanged in Tel Aviv or getting their heads chopped off in Morocco. They are all sluts for black and brown cock and they take their parents money or the money they whored for and use it to party and whore some more. Just like that story about that 19 year old white girl that funded her own trip to Africa to study some rare type of crab and ended up killing herself after 3 days in Africa because she realized she wasted her money and time studying some dumb shit and the night before got gangbanged by 27 Africans. This is a real story, and the average story of a white woman in 2019, from anywhere in the world. Only white women get paid to travel the world and go to the Middle East to get pissed and shit on and get fucked by 8 year old boys.
>poor white women are fucked
Really? Because the son of a common woman is gonna one day be King of England. Extreme example maybe, but the point is that most men aren't asking to see a pay stub before they give a broad a ring.