Why in the fuck did i spend 200$ on a hooker? I almost got robbed last night.
Why am i such an idiot? Can someone please talk to me
Why in the fuck did i spend 200$ on a hooker? I almost got robbed last night.
Why am i such an idiot? Can someone please talk to me
story, story. and ill see if i can give advice
if someone finds girl in op's pic cute than i might stand a chance
i find her cute but i probably wouldn't fuck you
$200 for a hooker should get you fun sexy time. What went wrong?
I would, if you are into lesser castes
She is cute in a "i want to have her around as a friend" type of way, but I wouldnt fuck her.
I think she's really cute, but I'm sort of into drug addicted looking girls lmao.
shes really fuxkin cute are you up for an ldr?
I like her, I find girls with dark circles under their eyes cute.
>if someone finds girl in op's pic cute than i might stand a chance
She's cute, now fuck off
and just like that, thread derailed by a roastie
i think you're cute user
do you want to get into an LDR discord relationship with me? :3
the thread is derailed by the idiots replying to her
I don't like underage girls sorry
while i agree to an extent, with these kinds of people its practically entrapment
long story short.
I got a bj from 2 girls.
Then after i came, they got a sketchy call.
Then they locked the door and said their violent friend is outside or something and didnt let me out.
10 mins later, they said i could go.
I removed the chair from the door, ran out from the shittty hotel.
Fuck man. That shit was intense. I have no one to talk to it about.
>I almost got robbed last night.
and yet another reason prostitution should be legalized taxed and regulated
i dont want to subsidize single mothers or a whores abortion. nothings happened yet, op is just retarded
nice. you cucked their pimp.
Escorts have pimps?
well prob not. maybe hes their driver. or maybe an ex bf or ex customer. either way, cucked him
If whores didn't have pimps, there would be no pimps, and pimp wouldn't be a word.
a lot of escorts have another woman that has their back. male pimps exist but only for the lowest rung of escorts.
male drivers are not pimps
If you think a whore's everyday male driver is just a driver, tell him you're going to leave without paying her, see what he thinks about that.
he would probably advise against it
Anyone of you guys have more fucked up stories?
While cracking his knuckles.
no. he would be smoking a cigarrette. "bro thats not cool you should pay her shes a nice woman."
ya. i fucked one woman and she screamed so loudly that the cops came and knocked on our door. i kept fucking and they left
is this a joke? yea shes very cute
Hmm moB#8990
Solid bait, have another (You)
What you miss is feeling the nurturing, caring, careful kind of love.
You'd have to pay 10.000 dollars for a prostitute to pretend to feel that for you.
>200 bucks for only a bj
I am laughing at you so hard user
why do I find such unhealthy looking shit attractive
You were just unlucky. The last time I had a threesome with hookers was really good. Another time, this escort gave me the best blowjob I ever had, a massage and sex. Don't judge other whore works by this incident.
Shes definitely cute and I would hand her hand, get some self esteem fren
>I got a bj from 2 girls
Why tho
Anyways you overpaid
>Then they locked the door and said their violent friend is outside or something and didnt let me out
Was it like they were keeping you hostage or did they genuinely seem spooked?
Nah these guys are around to make sure she gets paid. They arent pimps though more like bodyguards. I got offered the job once
>love is the most expensive fetish you can ask for
Hurts desu
Are you the user last night who said they were locked in the room with them?