Why in the fuck did i spend 200$ on a hooker? I almost got robbed last night

Why in the fuck did i spend 200$ on a hooker? I almost got robbed last night.

Why am i such an idiot? Can someone please talk to me

Attached: zlxJ0S0UAk.jpg (640x640, 105K)

story, story. and ill see if i can give advice

if someone finds girl in op's pic cute than i might stand a chance

i find her cute but i probably wouldn't fuck you

$200 for a hooker should get you fun sexy time. What went wrong?

I would, if you are into lesser castes

She is cute in a "i want to have her around as a friend" type of way, but I wouldnt fuck her.

I think she's really cute, but I'm sort of into drug addicted looking girls lmao.

shes really fuxkin cute are you up for an ldr?

I like her, I find girls with dark circles under their eyes cute.