As a young teen i started with marijuana then graduated to coke cus i needed something stronger

As a young teen i started with marijuana then graduated to coke cus i needed something stronger

Attached: 910b229a-3883-4c48-9370-52e18d24c78f.jpg (750x933, 81K)

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What's the daily life of a druggie tweaklord look like?

I can't do coke. I'm afraid I'll kill someone in a frenzy.

Good coke is always forgettable in my opinion youre better off mixing crack with tobacco or weed.

>oh look it's a sandnigger acting like a fucking animal

>not doing homecooked meth
never gonna make it

>Infidels don't know how to multitask

That's probably why arabs are usurping all your women while you stick your dick in the ground trying to get oil on the tip, have you seen that ultra chad image? Do you think that guy ISN'T Saudi? HA!

>that ultra chad image?
that guy is russian dipshit

Gratz,mate,you're degenerate

>cus i needed something stronger
You're a weak willed faggot.

Attached: 1564399004940.jpg (1242x1242, 200K)

>its totally not a gateway drug bro xDD

He was more attractive when he was arab

>t. has literally no notable life experiences

l fucked your mom hahaha

this is necro yeah or ill bill or NAS

I've started doing shrooms after smoking weed. Both of those give me a hazy experience. How does coke and weed have any correlation?

i'm your mom's dad and i fucked your mom too. welcome to the family sonuncle.

>He was more attractive when he was arab
he never was arab

I started with pussy ended with _____

it's a bong you plebs

Its necro - i need drugs

im not gonna get high, ill only drink beers