Few weeks ago contact coworker who stopped coming to work solemnly hook up

>few weeks ago contact coworker who stopped coming to work solemnly hook up
>she contacts me about an hour ago
>she just got out of juvy
>has lots of issues
>placed on house arrest with parents who hate her
>ask to take her out sometime to get her out of that shit
>pic related she asks if I can help take her to her "man"
should I just block? she is the first girl to ever talk to me as I have never had any girlfriend/ any friends that were girls this long but this is fucking stupid and I am not gonna get used like that

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LOL. idk could be fun


she was upfront about it. block or dont, just be sure to not go full beta like that

yea she is 17 I am 19 lol

what the fuck does that mean

yeah bbbyy I'll drive you over to your chad bf so he can wreck your walls for 4 hours when he wouldn;t ever do the same if the situation was reversed yeah b I'm a nice guy wanna take advantage of me because I am a dumb fucking orbiter, we are friends right b? yeah totes okay have fun getting your walls rearranged instead of hanging out with me even though i offered to do this thing for you
imagine being this cucked haha. All for some fat juvy bitch probably with over inflated ego OOF.

yeah, that's a block from me.
>unless she lets you watch her suck his dick... you might get a nut out of it.

I refuse to fucking take that whore to her fucking bfs. I will fucking slice my asshole open with a steak knife before I do that shit. the question is do I block her because if I do it is back to loneliness for me

Context, why is she under arrest?

I asked her and she wouldn't tell me but it was Probably for selling drugs. She told me she did that when she worked with me

Imagine wracking your brain over this dumbass criminal roasty with a boyfriend lmaoo
Op you are fucking stupid

hahaha cuck levels not seen before

no I just really wanted some social fucking connections but noooo I can't be normal like everyone else no friends no girlfriends nothingfgg

Just go for it, but try not to fall for her

Dude trust us, a girl like that in your life is worse than having no one.
Go forge a friendship with someone else

alright man I'll block her. I wanna say something real nasty to this bitch before I block her though.

Don't do that if she still has connections with where you work. Just ghost and forget about her

okay understood

You don't need to be a dick about it but tell her that her man should be then one take her out instead you're not a taxi driver. If she complains then you're free to shit on her/block her.

You are still lonely with this girl, she doesnt want you except to orbit her until she is fine again and then she will leave you without a second hesitation

Oof and I thought I was beta at least my oneitis tries to hide the fact shes fucking someone from me because she knows it would make me sad.


calls her bf her "man".

I blocked her t

A little harse but that's a good call

You saved yourself a major headache fren, good job.

Remember that women don't work the way we do. I've been in similar situations a few times and the ones that really went batshit crazy were the ones I just ghosted. I didn't even bother blocking her, I just stopped responding. She blew up my phone after about a week trying to appologize and dangle that carrot of sex in front of me to get her orbiter fix.

They want drama, give them none.

Good. Fuck that cunt.

Also muted for 2 secs because comment not original

Lmfao you even need to ask this question you fucking cuck

Also female "friends" RARELY do friendly things. They'll let you do things for them but would NEVER do the same for you. Women are awful friends

You should have asked for money dumb dumb establish user's taxi service

Pathetic fag. Have respect for yourself, at least a little

I blocked her my guy no worries

Being alone is always better than being a cuck. Keep that in mind and you may get someone worthy someday

I have several female "friends" and this is true for all of them except one. If I get back to my dorm late for some reason, she brings me food to eat. She sits on my bed and watches anime with me. She takes me out to restaurants. She's massaged my back when I get sore from physical activity. I want to wife her honestly but she has a bf. Pretty sure they're gonna break up though
>inb4 used goods
She's from China