Age of consent

Let's just state the obvious here: there are lots of young girls out there who want sex.

These young girls have NEVER been pressured to do anything sexual their whole lives. They just hit a point around the ages of 12 - 15 where they suddenly get super horny and all they want to do is fuck.

Note: not all girls are like this, but a lot of them are.

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then go have sets with them, what do i care

imagine all the cute girls getting fucked by chad in high school

some get pregnant

note to incels: AOC doesn't matter, young girls still wouldn't want to fuck you

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B-but back then girls would get married at the age of 13 etc...

Yeah back when people would live until their mid 20's retard, times have changed.

17 is probably the limit and that's the only concession I'll nake with you dumb niggers.

>Yeah back when people would live until their mid 20's
when was this

early medieval times

From what I've heard younger girls will fuck any guy who gives them the right kind of attention.

i really dont think the plague is the cause of people marrying young
plus, people still married at like 13-16 only like until the 1920s

Lol I got caught doing some shit like this when I was married, not worth the apprehension OP trust me

I only answered why people lived until their mid 20s
the reason why people married at such age was just caused by no regulations of any sort in that regard. why marry an "old" hag if you've got a young girl that you can try for a child with for longer?
keep in mind they didn't know much about biology, they just thought pregnancy happened at random and it was more, like, a matter of time

>From what I've heard younger girls will fuck any guy who gives them the right kind of attention.

you heard wrong incle

>they just thought pregnancy happened at random

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then tell me how much the people that frowned upon any sort of knowledge or technology knew about what exactly made a woman fertile

your argument was that people married young because they died of the plague, but thats not true because marrying young has always been normal up until recently
>they just thought pregnancy happened at random and it was more
you're dumb (stupid)

girls as young as 7 want it, I wonder if there's some law against if some age10ish kids are having sex and the parents just let them

we arent talking about the amish you dingus

life expectancy in the past has always been brought down on average by high infant mortality, and death during childbirth, and poor hygeine. people have always been able to live to 80+.

>your argument was that people married young because they died of the plague
but it wasn't. I'm not the original poster, I just answered why people died so early

what is age of consent

Age of consent was 10 until Prohibition roasties snuck it in. This was the 1920s by the way.

Exactly. These young girls have never been abused or have been tricked into having sex. A lot of them just want their pussies pounded.

>find girl
>talk to her
>make her laugh
>be interesting
>show interest in what she says
>tease her a bit
its pretty much like this for all girls not just younger ones
the most important thing is being playful and easygoing and being able to quickly make jokes and quips


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10 year old girls get horny as fuck these days without any real understanding as to why on the surface level. That only means on the biological level, they're ready to fuck.

>be interesting
translator's note: "interesting" means "attractive"

It's a thought provoking subject. So shut it.

>10 year old girls get horny as fuck these days without any real understanding
No they don't. How would you possibly know and it's clear you haven't spent any time around children, the last thing on their minds is sex.

>translator's note: "interesting" means "attractive"

How do you explain the large amount of ugly guys with gfs

>inb4 rich

most of them aren't rich

>ugly guys with gfs
Usually their gfs are a couple of points lower.
Otherwise, they are just rich.

my eyeballs are about to provoke my thumbs into your eye socket. tubby

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Two words: Social media

10 year old parading around in bikinis and shorts so tiny you can see their asses hanging out.

Thing is, this stuff exists out in the open, not the "dark" web.

by being interesting you become much more attractive
also having something to passionately talk about helps a ton as well

>last thing on their minds is sex
Well when you're ugly of course

if we gouge your eyeballs out. we solve that problem, dont we you fat nonce

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>>talk to her
>>make her laugh
>>be interesting
well im gonna die a virgin

They dress that way becuase of social media and peer pressure, not to attract a mate. You seem like the sort of backwards retard that thinks a girl is asking to be raped because she had a miniskirt on.

It's really not that difficult to find images of 10 year old girls wearing sexually provocative clothing who are secretly showcasing themselves on instagram.

uggocope, yikes

Then find them for me nigga

Works the other way. She'll find you boring if you're not attractive regardless of what you talk about.
If you're attractive you could tell her about something mundane like desert water cycles and she'll eat it up.

Based FBI user

>they already dress that way

Exactly, which is why men do not have to seek out these pictures. They're already in front of our faces whether we like it or not.

*gouges out your eyes*

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i always assumed it worked the opposite because all the girls i talk to love hearing me talk about mundane cooking tasks and skills like forming layers in a pastry or rendering beef fat

maybe they just see you as their gay friend if you're talking about girly stuff like that

And why does your attraction to these pictures somehow mean children want sex? They dress that way because their friends do and that's what they see on social media, that's all their is to it you nonce.

but the one that likes listening the most is my gf

16, sometimes 15 is ok with me. but only in states that allow it. and im 20 so most people dont really care

you were warned nonce

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enjoy having your eyes gouged out

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I look 15 according to strangers but I am 25, always unmatch with girls that put 18 on their profile and claim to be younger. They are hot as shit and if the law did not exist I would fuck any age, but not worth getting anally raped and pozzed by BBC niggers the rest of my life

Maybe one day I will find the female version of myself (my ex spouse looked 12 but she was a lunatic) and she can just pretend to be a teenager

10 year old girls dress provocative manner because they see older girls do it. And these older girls are always with hot guys. Meaning, these younger girls want exactly what the older girls have, so they mimic them to the point where they show off their asses for men to look at.

>attractive enough to have a girlfriend
wrong board pal

>randomly brings up "your attraction"
absolute brainlet cope, never gets old keep it up

she loves me for my personality

Look don't touch

Holy shit I just saw a short 15 year old with an ass 3 times the size of my head!
Short and squat with a huge fat badonkadonk.
Now I'm waiting for them to walk out in the parking lot wut do??

Make that 5 times it was large and rotund!

masturbate furiously when you get home, nothing else you can do unless you're in some based place like not Americlapistan and can go hit that

I think this is bullshit. I may be ugly, I may be awkward, and every other sin in the book, but fuck if I don't love making and watching films, and I've talked very passionately about this with a lot of women, and it's never done shit for me.

take a picy

What's your point? That they should be legal because they're horny? If anything that should be a reason not for them to be legal, because their libido would make it harder for them to act reasonable and responsible.

If any of your post was true then age of consent should be age 70.

Your statement requires corroboration
Also, no, you aint getting your dick wet with underage you filthy mouthbreather.

it could be 0 and no robots would get any
get real faggots

Fuaaaack fuck fuck

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Can't get a side shot shit but it's yuge

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>Tfw 28
>Tfw the only girls into me are 13-16
Ahhhh, why now!

She's a big girl

what the fuck orlkad

Is there a reason for this? It seems really common for girls in that age range to be attracted to guys aged 22-29. Is it a biological thing?

Yeah it's just morbid obesity but the jeans make it look good, stuck out like 10 inches
Put me in seek and destroy mode but she gave me mean looks
Probably would look flabby and nasty nekkid

I don't know dude. But little girls are always climbing on my back, smiling at me, and putting there feet on my lap.
Might be because I'm older but still mentality a child.

Moms already in a handicap cart
How do I pick up mordbidly obese teens who are poor dumb and mean?

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Lure them a Big Mac
Worked for me.

hit on her mom first

So mad rn but I had to leave

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>imagine being this girl, followed by fat, sweaty neet while you are out grocery shopping

They were loitering doing the same loop and Im very attractive got teen girls into me but there was no way to break the ice with these white trash I see them as prey plus they had bad attitudes for being jiggly meat

I mean she's kind of a landwhale with a handicapped mom and goes to walmart, so

>i'm hot and attractive
>runs around in walmart chasing a landwhale and her tardmom
Never change user

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Netorare is my fetish, so I would be ok with this

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How do you do, fellow glowniggers
16 is the AOC in most states. A lot of freshmen end up having sex so the lowest I could ever see the AOC going is 15 since most states allow people to drive with a learner's permit at 15.
Imagine if she found out that photos of her ass ended up on this clusterfuck of a website.

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That's not ntr

Thats the main attraction in some spots of rural america, convience and novelty - two traits of my gentlemanly life
Now I'm scopin out a swimming spot

teens don't want to fuck some adult loser though. they want to fuck teen chads

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Almost hit a deer btw it had white spots

Imagine being op, being a pedophile

You've never been around teenage girls, have you?