anons.... I'm just sad and lonely. Does anyone want to talk about anything at all?
anons.... I'm just sad and lonely. Does anyone want to talk about anything at all?
fuck you kid get ready to die
I only want to make you my bf though
that's alright. Been ready for a long time
>avatarfag discordnigger
Fuck off
not really no *unzips dick*
The date of your death has been postponed as I just remembered you from last night's thread
thanks, user. That's very kind. What thread?
If weren't a faggot maybe
How old are you friendo? I see you actually post good comments on here
What would be your fav food user?
I'm 24. Thanks for the complement. I've been trying to work through things and sharing what I have helps
I've never had those kinds of problems but I hear sharing your experience and talking with others about it does help a lot. I think regardless if the Shir you get, you're doing some good. Gotta ask, what made you pick r9k? Guessing you really like the witch show
haha, I do genuinely like akko. Why Jow Forums? I just love this place and everyone on here. I relate to all of you in a way I don't anywhere else.
I'm sorry I declined someone's voice call. I'm too shy for that for now.
I love pasta so much it's almost getting weird. I'd eat that every day for every meal. I don't think it's all that healthy though. Do you have one?
Hi fren, do you play any vidya?
Tell me about your interest and what you like to do. School wise
It was this 0riginal one
I've kind of lost the motivation for things like that lately, but yeah. Destiny was what I was playing before I stopped. Beyond that, I love eu4 and rimworld. Only when they're modded beyond all recognition though. Oh also I used to be super competitive in a moba called smite
That's some interesting taste fren. I'm sorry you've lost motivation, would it help if you had a fren to play with? I like killing floor 2 desu
Even if not I still wanna learn about you. I'm still sorta new to anime but do you watch any western shows?
haha, don't worry about it. It's been just a matter of time before I get bullied for how little I actually watch anime. Lately I really enjoyed Russian Doll. Sharp objects and Chernobyl were also really good.
hey, I liked that thread. I suppose I'm here in part because I miss those friends I used to have.
And here I thought I was the only one that unironically hasnt seen much anime. I'm trying to catch up but theres so much, it's kinda overwhelming desu
I havent seen or heard of any of those shows lol what are they?