ENTJ is peak MAN and gets pussies WET EDITION

ENTJ: peak of civilization and society CEO
ESTP: peak chad hornyboy in your local area

>previous thread:

>recommended reading

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I'm intp does that mean i have big brain

Just shared my history of relationships and got fucking flashback and strong nausea. Fucking hell, what do I do to live through it? Never happened before in my life. You know like ITS HAPPENING pol threads but in real life and feels real.

no, it means you live with big pain

I am INTJ by the way, but I am not sure right now if that is true or not.

omg guys look at what I got on the MBTI test! Wowzers, this is totally real scientific stuff and not just a revamped personality test!
>t. intj

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Hi, all~! INFJ-T here~! ('^_^)v

I-I just wanted to say I love these threads so much and am so happy whenever I see one on the catalog~!

Brain, no. But it does mean that your mind is spatially and temporally unbounded i.e. infinite, so yes, quite big in 3 and 4 dimensions. Compare to an ISTJ/ISTP whose mind is spatially unbounded but temporally bounded (so big in 3 dimensions but small in 4), or an ENTJ whose mind is spatially bounded but temporally unbounded (so small in 3 dimensions but big in 4).

Of course, just because your mind is infinite doesn't mean that you're using its full potential. It just means that the potential is there.

>Just shared my history of relationships
you mean with like a psychologist or something? What kind of relationships?

lol, only mbti critics ever claim it to be scientific as far as I can tell. Everyone that actually likes it treats it like a personality test because that's what it is.

Good night, wuwtuty owoty

how unbounded are INFP minds?

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ENTP who has been hurt badly by Stacies. Will love and support a small INTP or INFP wife. please I just want someone to feel innocent and pure with

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Lol, how can you expect to feel innocent and pure when you're a used up normie yourself?

Did I say I was used up? Or a normie?

>tfw ISFP
Maybe one day I'll become a discount Seth Rogan

you said you've been hurt badly by stacies, that implies that not only did you chase after them but you had sex with them at some point. Am I wrong? How did they hurt you user?

what about int-j

INFP is spatially bounded, and temporally they operate on the mental system boundry rather than inside or outside of it, so both.

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if youre about to do the virgin = pure argument on me you can cram it up your ass it wont work. Yeah I had sex with one of them. She told me we were going to move in together and spend our summer going to Disneyland. The other one was just generally manipulative and distant with how much carefully rationed affection she gave me. Both had boyfriends, both said they would leave them for me. So yeah I got cucked

Alrighty, what's wrong with me?

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what type of woman is best for a sub INTP?

What do you mean by operating on a mental system boundry rather than outside or inside it? is there a way you could illistrate that more clearly?

Fuck off and die you normie trash. GO away! You've had your chance and now you want to rob us of ours because that wasn't good enough for you? Disgusting. Kill yourself. You will never feel innocent and pure because you are not those things. You just want to find a woman who is so you can rob a woman of her innocence and purity, suck her dry. Die!

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ENTP here and I was just laughing for a good 10 minutes because I fit that blessed meme ENTJ bf image almost perfectly. Thank you, really.

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The fuck? Is it because of my photo choices?

cuz you scored like 1% higher in Ne than Ti and 1% higher than Fe than Si.

it it helps i'm INTP and whenever i take the socionics test i get INTj (mbti INTP) with like a 95% chance of being ENTP because i score the same percentage on Ti, Ne and Fe, Si

idk socionics seems weird but interesting

Well it did ask me some questions that I can't answer (literally everything social)
Also, what's the deal with Ne Ti Fe Si stuff? Can I have a name/link about them?

What is an ENTJ boyfriend like? Can any ENTJs elaborate?
Also, would you ever date an ENTP female?

>I am curious to talk to an ENTJ or INTJ

They seem to not be on discord or around here at all.

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That was the most INFP thing i've ever heard.

They're busy working.
I wonder if they would like an ENTP with a well developed Fe...


this does a pretty good job

you can also just google random shit about mbti functions

Thank you mbti user

>you mean with like a psychologist or something?
Yeah. Wrote a letter to him.
>What kind of relationships
My relationships with parents. I think that they abused me but feel a lot of doubt, like what if I am the one imagining things and insane and all this is really normal.

Have a look at this diagram of an open system (which is what the mind is). For illustration purposes imagine you're looking at an animal cell.

Within the cell you have its internals: its various organelles, the cytoplasm, ATP, waste particles, etc.

Outside of the cell you have everything that acts upon it. Like the circulatory system delivering oxygen and other nutrients, microbes, etc.

Then there's the cell boundary (the membrane) which is connected to both and facilitates transfers from the outside of the system to within (and vice versa).

So when we're talking about minds here, each personality type tends to focus on specific areas in both spatial and temporal (time) dimensions. Their focus can either be primarily on the internals of their mind, the boundary between their mind and the external environment, or primarily on the external environment. Not ENTIRELY, that's why I used the word primarily. All types must be aware to some extent of all 3 in order to live, but this is where like 70-85% of their attention is.

So when I say INFP lives ON the temporal system boundry, it means they pay attention to the boundary between their lifespan and eternity. A temporally bounded individual might concern themselves primarily with the present and things which have happened/will happen within their lifespan. A temporally UNbounded individual might concern themselves primarily with things that have happen before they were born and will happen after they die. Someone who sits on the boundary looks at both and the relationship between the two.

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ENTJ x INTP is my mbti otp

there are a shitload of INTJs on Jow Forums. Jow Forums seems distinctly appealing to Ps for some reason

once you understand the functions you should look into the function stack and how functions organize within types.

basically if you're between INTP and ENTP you're going to want to be looking at your last function of your function stack (your inferior) and your dominant function, your first.

if you are INTP your first function will be Ti and your last will be Fe.
Ti, Ne, Si, Fe is your stack.

if you are ENTP your first function will be Ne and your last will be Si.
Ne, Ti, Fe, Si is your stack.

your dominant function is always on and you barely even notice it even though you are using all the time.

your last function is a source of discomfort and sort of insecurity. for example if you're INTP, inferior (4th slot) Fe will make you uncomfortable with displays of affection and emotional expression, but you crave emotional connection.

if your inferior is Si you're likely unaware of what your body is up to sometimes. you probably find yourself in uncomfortable positions and probably have a high pain tolerance and sometimes forget to eat or drink. you also probably forget sensory details about experiences you had and miss small details about things physically in front of you, like skipping over an important detail in a contract.

INTPs primarily like to make sense of information logically and then fit it into their larger framework of how they make sense of the world and then play around with new possibilities within that. ENTPs primarily like to gather new information and new perspectives and play around with ideas and then categorize it into logical ideas.

the two types are very similar, but they prioritize things in a different order.

seethe harder retard. You think humans only get one shot at love and are instantly corrupt if they fail? What a close minded view on how fluid people are. You probably hold life long grudges over bullshit

Why might you be imagining it? Most people imagine as hard as they can that they weren't abused by their parents as far as I'm aware. Child abuse is very common. INTJs are known for having a very weak grasp and a poor relationship with their past so I guess that's sort of relevent. Hang in there user. it's good that you're having feelings, it's natural to be upset at the idea of your parents hurting you. You'll feel better when you get to the other side, you'll have to come back and tell us if your psychologist was any good when you're done.

I see, thanks for the explanation. So what's outside the spacial bounds? Is it like spiritualism or something, or just space outside of that individual's personal experience?

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More or less. For the mind, the spatial system boundary is defined by the senses as that's what facilitates information transfer between the interior and exterior.

So spatially bounded minds tend to focus mainly on what's going on inside their minds. Meditation for example tends to be enjoyed and recommend by INFx people often because it involves shutting out the outside world and focusing on their inner world.

Spatially unbounded minds tend to focus mainly on what's going on outside of their minds, far away from their bodies and senses. INTPs for example are well known for spacing out. I'll do it a lot where I'll be sitting down with people, bored by the conversation, and just start thinking about random shit that's completely unrelated. To an outside it observer it LOOKS like we're retreating within, but in reality we're extending our focus to things which are OUTSIDE of the situation. I'm not thinking about my inner self, or the situation which my senses describe, but stuff that's outside of that.

So on the topic of spiritualism it's spatially both, and temporally unbounded. This is because spiritualism focuses on both aspects of the inner world as well as the external reality. Its focus is temporally unbounded because it's outside of time, think about how Christians believe God has always and will always exist. Spirtuality at its core is concerned with eternity, and securing your eternal soul or whatever, and NOT securing some material rewards.

INTJ here. I can offer something.

I come to Jow Forums because of the psychological resonance. It's like a tug at my curiosity. And something that prods my subconscious curiosity is something that is worthwhile.
This also brings up another point I was wanting to recieve input on from others:
Are you able to access your subconsciousness and use it to support your conscious mind?
I have heard people refer to an INTJs knowledge of events before they happen- and it brought me to postulating that this pattern presents itself due to the ability to rely on observations and understandings gleaned from a secondary, utterly objective cognition.

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ENTJ dom girl who decides that you two are now dating on her own

>For the mind, the spatial system boundary is defined by the senses as that's what facilitates information transfer between the interior and exterior.
Correction: the body, not necessarily just the senses. The senses are a part of the body but the body also includes things like the mouth, voice box, and hands which are used to transfer information from the internal world to the external world. Like speaking/typing one's thoughts, drawing a picture, building something, etc.

ENTJ woman or an INTJ woman who has the female equivalent of beta rage and wants to dom u

You have as many shots at love as you want. But you don't need to have sex with someone to figure out whether you love them. That idea is what created a society where the majority of people are whores and whoremongers. It is vile, disgusting and dangerous to our people.

What you say is interesting

sadly I just took my sleeping pill and I am going to sleep

I didn't want to seem rude without responding anyway, you can have my discord: tard#1490 if you're ok with talking next time

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Nah nigga we use this as a fucking horoscope.

all nt types tend to be big brain but not necessarily


sex is where you're most vulnerable and therefore can figure out who somebody really is when they are in that state.

guy that's alpha out in the world but fucks like a big pussy and is scared to hurt you? secret beta. guy just pounds away and takes no consideration for the other person? low empathy autist. small cock and very insecure about it? didn't matter in the first place he's a loser and too influenced by others. girl just lays there like a starfish? she's stuck-up and isn't attracted to you.

you can gain a lot of insight into a person through the act of sex and you also find out if you're sexually compatible with the other person.

say the girls vag is too tight and the guy is too thick it isn't going to work. or the guy is obsessed with feet and the girl thinks it's weird it won't work out in the long-run if that's a requirement.

sex is bonding in it's most primitive and most important form. don't say it isn't important because it's one of the MOST important parts of a relationship. you both have to jive.

also keep in mind that at least two of the women he's slept with already had boyfriends. He's a wolf in a poor imitation of sheeps clothing that's preying on women that he percieves as pure and innocent to try and fix the percieved damage that was done to him by those "nasty stacies". Maybe if he can steal GFs off robots he'll be pure again he tells himself.

>why yes i am INTP, how could you tell?

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>muh intx is smart

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INTPs are arrogant pieces of shit that aren't able to replace a tire or cook by themselves. But INTJs are bros, they like to learn and are always willing to teach, unlike INTPs that only watch pop science videos and act smug about it

the only reason INTJs like to teach is because they take the arrogance of the INTP and actually apply it. they like to teach because they like feeling like they are above people and that people need them. they are puppetmasters. do not trust them.

And why do you think that creating a vulnerability in someone (and damaging them in the process) is a good means of getting to know them? That would be like me smashing a computer to bits with a hammer so I can see all the wires inside. Well, yeah, I know what it looks like now but it's not nearly as valuable as it would have been if I just studied the computer carefully--now it doesn't even work.

Taking one of the tests; what does this mean?

>Instantly read visible cues to see just how far you can go.

Actually smiled. But don't ever post this again.

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why do you think that vulnerability is analagous to damaging someone?

reading body language to see how far you can take things with a person, i.e. jokes or sexual advances or something

is that the entire question?

I don't really care if INTJs consider themselves as above others, as long as they are useful to the workplace and help, they are alright in my book. The problem with INTPs is that they are entirely useless outside of spewing completely random facts about unrelated and unhelpful topics.

I unno what this means, can you guys describe this to me

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Isn't there like 8 pages of the website telling you exactly what your results mean?

I did not mean to write it in a way that implied the vulnerability directly caused the damage. The damage is caused by their loss of virginity or purity. That is something that they will never get back. If you have sex with someone and then leave them, they will never be able to have a husband/wife who took their virginity. And even if you want to talk about how it doesn't mean anything, most people care. It damages them. Why do you think divorce rates are over 50% nowadays?

I didn't think about interpreting it as referring to human interaction, that makes sense

could you please reveal your type so that you two might be abie argue in better understanding

I believe he said he was ENTP, makes sense, his responses reek of arrogance

the absolute level of sensor here lmao.

INTPs are one of the most capable types out there. highest IQs on average and understand the theory of things on a very deep level. you can take their understanding and somebody who knows how to apply things can use them for incredible benefits. the real problem is faggots like you think they are worthless fucks and just shit on them and they get that their their whole lives. nobody realizes the potential of the INTP so they just become recluses because they want to help but nobody knows how to harness and focus their autism and bring it out and they don't take the intiative to do it on their own because of Si third.

ABSOLUTE PEAK company would be ran by an ENTJ with a few INTP right-hand men. their judgment is slower than ENTJ but very accurate and very insightful.


So he might not even really believe what he is saying might just have seen a flaw in an argument and went for it or perhaps really does divorce sex from the effects it might leave on someone but science says too much sex can lead pair bonding problems

or not was in the middle of replying when i saw this. also an intp

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Mike is my boss at a fairly successful ecommerce website. He is ENTJ.

See the photo for what he sent me this morning. I think it is quite indicative of the ENTJ type.

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>the absolute level of sensor here lmao
Not only are you proving my point about INTPs being arrogant pricks that refuse to do something useful because
>muh high IQ
>muh autism
I'm not even going to get into the lack of proof to both of those statements because i know INTPs only like the pop aspect of science. But even if both of those statements are true, INTJs are just as autistic as INTPs, but are a lot more willing to use their unique perspective to improve the lifes of others.
Besides, it's pretty clear that your arrogance stems from a place of self doubt, and that your unwillingness to be pratical with your knowledge comes from the fear you have of failing. INTPs are the pinacle of fragile ego.

>messaging subordinates at 3:39 AM
Checks out

Don't know if you are the same user, but i think you said you were ENTP in your first post
>ENTP who has been hurt badly by Stacies.

Added u.
You better be an entj tho.

It's not about type user, it's about maturity. Types are static templates, but personalities which develop based on those templates are not. They are dynamic systems. Immature INTJs are just as toxic as immature INTPs. Hell immature members of EVERY type can be toxic in different ways. And mature people of both types can accomplish a lot of things.

You speak in absolutes as though all INTPs and INTJs are the same when in reality we're all on different stages of our mental, emotional, and social development, and our life's journey. Instead of breaking your fellow NTs down, lift them up. Point out their immature aspects, sure, but also suggest ways that they can improve. Hostility and anger serves its purpose but only as a last resort, when someone is so stubborn that they must be broken down so they can be rebuilt. Most people don't need to be broken down, they just need to be shown the proper way.

again, peak sensor.

INTPs also have a desire to help people but their Ti dom is less likely to do it on their own, they'll help if they want to. they also speak Ti dom which is very hard to understand for others on average. also spewing random facts is actually helping, believe it or not.

assuming the INTP and the INTJ both are doing things, INTP is more likely to do it for the sake of others and the INTJ is more likely to do it for themselves. this comes down to Fe vs Fi.

yes the INTJ is more likely to do things than the INTP, but the only difference is the INTP is less willing to help on average and just needs an Fe push to do so. the ideal circumstance for an INTP is for somebody to come along and see their potential and then help them work on it.

if your measure of usefulness doesn't include potential then you really are just a sensor that can't see past what IS in the here and now and what COULD be in the future. maybe you're just too retarded to see it because you also have Te Fi in the middle and are completely blind to Fe and how it works.

INTP has the POTENTIAL to go even further than the INTJ if they are in the correct environment. include potential in your model of usefulness you close-minded sensor. if INTP has an Fe push and some interest in whatever is being pushed, INTP will act and go even further than INTJ because INTJ is in it for themselves and INTP is in it for others and THEN themselves.

>Instead of breaking your fellow NTs down
Well, I'm an ISTJ, but i understand what you mean. My view of INTxs might be distorted because I've met only immature INTPs and my experiences with INTJs have been mostly positive. The only reason i have a negative view of INTPs is because I've had good experiences with all types, from ISTJs like myself all the way to my polar opposite ENFP, but I've never met a single INTP that wasn't arrogant. And this asshole isn't really helping to change that.
Even so, I might have been too hard on them.

does my language remind you of somebody who beat you, Si dom? can you not see past what is in the here and now and your past experience? are you really that dense? are you that fragile that being an asshole ruins your opinion of every other person of that same type?

sensor genocide when lmao

Understandable. Arrogant INTPs are quite common before we mature. INTPs core values are truth and strength (like strength of mind, strength of will). We desperately desire to be right about everything and show off our big brains. Like a douchebag at the gym who grunts super loud as he deadlifts 300 lbs so that everyone will look at him and see how strong he is. Except with words and ideas rather than weights.

However being immature we have not yet developed our empathy to such a level as to be able to effectively understand and integrate others' perspectives into our world view. There's a tendency to become hostile and defend our ideas and worldview lest it be broken under the pressure of contradictory information that comes flooding in. The idea that we might be wrong about everything is like death to the immature INTP.

But once that empathy is developed then seeing others perspectives become easier, as so too does realizing that we're not always right, and that sometimes the real truth is found somewhere in between. No longer does the idea of being wrong scare us and imprison us, it sets us free.

Nothing that has said proves that he is a sensor. All he has proved is that he is a Te user due to his tendency to value people with accomplishments over people with good thought processes.

When an INTP makes a good contribution to the world, it is usually in the form of getting people to change the way they think so that they don't come to the wrong conclusions. Individually, they don't usually get far in terms of accomplishments.

Dude, you are not really helping your case here, I've already said that my views might have been influenced by bad experiences with immature INTPs, and you seem to be one of them. But if you want to know, the reason I think INTPs are arrogant and have a fragile ego is because I am the chief engineer of maintenance in an automated assembly line, and i interviewed some candidates to work under me, and every single INTP refused to fix a specific machine i was using to test their pratical skills, claming that it was "for a techinician and not an engineer" or some derivation of that. No job that needs doing is below anyone, an engineer is able to perform something much more complex, but he also needs to be willing to fix his own machines when they break.

did these INTPs know the machines beforehand?

im ISTP with very high Ne. am i supersayin?
you have minor cognitive autism

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I would assume so, it was a fairly standard CNC here in my country, one of them even graduated from the same college that i did, and i know for a fact they have that model on campus.

What are the best types for a girl anons?
What personality type would you prefer to date?

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Do you have the same difficulties with ISTPs? You'd think that they'd be more humble, but I don't know that many ISTPs.

how old were the INTPs in question and what was their level of education

not him, but ISTP would love to fix/use anyones anything as long as its productive. they might hesitate on more intuitive activities like taking notes or reading a book the same way INTPs do with labor.

It's possible that they misunderstood and thought you were just going to keep giving them things to fix. If i showed up to an interview for one high positioned job only to find they wanted to give me a lower position job i might walk out to

They are very cool to work with, i personally have one ISTP subordinate that is very efficient. I sometimes have to scold him for not following the correct procedures, but he loves to fix stuff, and is the fastest at doing it, maybe even faster than me in some cases. Probably going to have him replace me when i get a promotion.

They were young, in their mid 20s. All of them graduates or post-graduates. The position was pretty well described to them beforehand and they were told that fixing the machine was a pratical test.

and how did you type them as INTP?

It's company practice to ask for the MBTI before the interview. The only reason I even know about it is because I had to take the test when i got hired. Some parts of the company use it to pre select candidates, but I use it to know how they'll behave during the interview, since it's pretty easy to cheat the test to pick something that fits the position.

Does anyone have the musical taste chart?
(Obviously the funny one, anything trying to actually claim that MBTI correlates with musical taste is dumb)

have sex.

It's hard to gauge a person's taste and attraction based on two taken women he's cucked himself with. Also, there's billions of people in the world so I highly doubt that he's stealing girlfriends off other robots when they're all just mentally deranged traps.

>other robots
He's not a robot he's a fucking normalfag that's here specifically to steal what few fembots we have from us

is it really stealing if the girl approaches you first? something you have never experienced I am sure

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go stick your head in a sewer and keep it there till you stop breathing

What's the most accurate test for mbti? I've seen a few tests linked here before but I feel too depressed to answer most of the questions. I tried reading up on functions a year ago but now I'm not sure what type I even am anymore.
An INFJ friend of mine said my strongest functions were either Ni or Fi. Not sure what this means

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sarkinova is a favorite of mine

one that doesn't get posted a lot is idrlabs.com/tests.php
It's not as good at general mbti, but it does have lot of tests that are for people that are caught between two different types. This one might be useful for you.

>INFJ with great Ti and Te

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