Wageslaves shall soon be granted a 2 day reprieve edition
We like Poley now
Well, I don't. But you beat Scottish friend weeb so let's just say I'll force a new-found respect for him.
No reprieve for me, working the weekend
Back from seeing The Current War, it was actually much better than I thought it would be. Now I'm going to spend the rest of the evening reading about Tesla
how is it august already? surely time is moving faster this year
I am NOT impressed by Super Lucky's Tale so far.
deserve it mrs rat
Admit it, you bought a Vive so you could jack off in vr chat.
Same as it ever wass
what we listening to tonight lads
Mr Speaker, would you agree with me that although the honourable members beside me are here and enthusiastic for any vote that may be brought in front of them would he agree with me that it out of order to call a vote in the house at this hour?
Will you be nightposting over the weekend
>ywn dissolve amer in a solution of water and lye
hate this toff cunt
strangely enough I was listening to Graceland earlier, great album
I'll be doing day shifts Fri-Sun, so no night posting, or even day posting unless I find a computer without the firewall
He is a better person than you ever will be so that is not a surprise
>le funny posh man
He's trash, no one likes him, not even his own party
Toffs are the last stand of implicit white English identity.
It's not. VR. You're thinking od the original Lucky's Tale
>trying to take the moral highground on fucking britfeel of all places
lol what a delusional fucker you are. by his own admission he's a toff.
>He's trash, no one likes him, not even his own party
The people high up in the tory party hate him because of his enormous popularity with the Tory party voting base. Regular conservative voters adore him and want him to be PM.
The Tory leadership knows that Mogg would alienate more moderate Tory voters and tories who voted remain so they want to keep him down.
I've given up on democracy and, although I'm sad to say it, England. I think England is fucked. I am much more authoritarian and anti-democratic now. We need a strong and authoritarian right-leaning government that will protect liberty. Mencius Moldbug is based.
>he uses big words and sounds posh so must be intelligent so I support him
I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller
I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her
I wish l had a rabbit in a hat with a bat
And a six four Impala
The only thing Mogg has achieved in life is being born rich. He had to be dropped into an ultra-safe Tory seat because he's so unlikable. The only ones that like him are boomers who think Downton Abbey is real life and brit/pol/ contrarians because he's posh, white and they can imagine he's secretly very racist
It's more about the fact that he's actually a conservative (a conservative in the conservative party; who would've thought!).
Jacob Rees-Mogg is one of the few major tories today to unapologetically stand up to gay 'marriage', immigration, the EU, the nanny state, and stand up for trad Christianity and patriotism.
At worst you could argue that his social conservatism just masks the same old neo-liberal economic ideology that has contributed to the cultural decay of this country.
Worra nonce
can't believe how beautiful Crona is. Her boyfriend is one lucky guy that's for sure!
So he is definitely a mong then
>and stand up for trad Christianity
Sounds swell. I thought we fucked all the religious nutjobs off to the USA.
>the nanny state
>The only thing Mogg has achieved in life is being born rich
eh. 2:1 from Oxford in 1991 is pretty good. He ran his own hedgefund management firm and made a LOT of money there. He's the so of a major newspaper editor so he was born into a lot of money but he made a fucktonne more.
Tbqh most people like him because his social conservatism feels countercultural in a world in which secular and egalitarian progressives feel like they have won those battles.
I don't like him because he is rude to Ireland
naughty lad, I know for a fact you evaded the robot cause I posted those exact lyrics a while back
>posts a sad apu for song that has a very relaxed/chill atmosphere
just remembered this image and had a nice chuckle
>Sounds swell. I thought we fucked all the religious nutjobs off to the USA.
If I were Emperor of England I would force everyone to attend traditional Latin mass at Church under penalty of public lashings.
Nah this country stopped being religious during WW1 when a tonne of people lost faith and blamed the Church of England for encouraging the sons to go to war.
Imagine being such a mong you worship a posh twat who considers you less than shit on his shoe
Mogg needs a smack in the gob
Nothing wrong with any of that. He just wants to catch nonces and potential terrorists.
He doesn't like hate speech laws or excessive health safety is what I'm getting at.
>got banned for three days for making a 'who is your favourite filmmaker?' thread on /tv/ while posting a picture of Mistress T
I got banned within like 20 minutes too,weird how the jannies knew instantly that it was off-topic
Moggers is also the Lord President of the Privy Council. If the Queen dies on his watch, he's the one who reads out Chales' accession proclamation and formally declares his king of the 16 commonwealth realms
>Imagine being such a mong you worship a posh twat who considers you less than shit on his shoe
I went to public school myself lad. Now be a good little oik and shine my shoe like the filthy peasant that you are.
I mean using a pornstar for your OP image is kinda a red flag
Having a BLT sandwich and watching another episode of Another Life.
You need a good caning on the backside and maybe some lashes of the cat o nine tails.
The 'working' classes should know their place.
Can't believe Mayuri has already shagged two trannies from mtfg in the space of a few months, who can stop him realistically?
>l went to public school myself lad. Now be a good little oik and shine my shoe like the filthy peasant that you are.
post mistress t kino
Pay my respects to that fallen hero.
Based. Is it any good? I've been watching Manifest. It's like a shite Lost and some IDIOTS even think Lost is shite. Love Katie Jack off, too.
>The only thing Mogg has achieved in life is being born rich.
He's stll better than you'll ever be - get off Jow Forums and go prove me wrong!
>a lad is on house arrest and then spooOOOOOOOky stuff happens
boring trash. Watch Housebound instead
>pokey making accusations against weatherfu when his own hands were very keen to wander about
When Poley agrees with you, that's when you have to ask yourself questions
She was clothed. It wasn't obvious
She makes clownworld kino
I'm not sure there's a man alive with shitter opinions 2bh.
>who can stop him realistically?
You would probably struggle picking up the lash yer poncy maggot.
Poley doesn't have his own opinions, he just parrots what he's heard and misunderstood from others
It's alright, I'm only two episodes in so far. The storyline is pretty interesting but the acting/dialogue itself is shit.
nobody gives two shits
stop being a stalker of these losers and their everyday lives
who was that actor that supposedly could trace his linege back to the first king of England?
See also: The James Bolam Incident
Authoritarians will defend this.
>Tbqh most people like him
They do? Everyone I've heard ever mention him IRL has called him a bellwhiff
Did Shippy ever accept responsibility for that?
The fact Bolam was in that Shipman documentary is too much of a coincidence
>Everyone I've heard ever mention him IRL has called him a bellwhiff
Been asking schoolkids have you mate
Just remembered I don't have a gf and I've never felt better
Just remembered I don't have a job and I've never felt better
Just remembered I haven't really done anything with my life as of yet, felt kinda bad, but then remembered I'm working on it and I've started feeling pretty fucking good.
Nightlads, assemble, the land belongs to us for these hours.
Yeah, seems you CAN tell a lot about someone by the company they keep.
I have never worked a day in my life and I am more superior than any posh twat. The ego is completely innate. If I am superior in my mind, then, that makes it so.
And the kind of rich nonces they worship :^)
like that greek that lived in a big pit
>a big pit
big POT ffs
>You would probably struggle picking up the lash yer poncy maggot.
I am 6ft and weigh 90kg. Rugby player build like most public schoolboys.
When my people are in charge we will reintroduce prima nocta where your Lord will have sex with your wife on the first night of your wedding. Don't like it? Tough shit chav boy.
They can barely keep a thread from sliding into the archive, don't tax them with too much responsibility.
I've watched four episodes today. The writing ia pretty terrible. Scriptwise. Characterwise. Plot wise. Still watching it though. Just love sci fi.
There's water at the bottom of the ocean
I've got a normal sleeping pattern at the mo sorry lads *yawns*
>public school boy
Don't tell him lads. He still thinks getting bummed by older kids, priests and teachers is normal.
>he was a 'fag' for one of the older richer boys
>Don't tell him lads. He still thinks getting bummed by older kids, priests and teachers is normal.
I loved getting bummed by my priest no lie. I wasn't a kid. I've just been having gay sex with a priest.
Size don't matter, big 45 will make a big man stagger.
Them oxford texts won't mean a thing when it comes to the streets laddy. Your street iq is below 90
I've never really tried at anything in life. Why am I like this?
>Rugby player bumhole, like most public schoolboys
>tfw fecked up my A levels almost a decade ago and decided not to go to Uni because I didn't want to go to a shit one just for the sake of going
been thinking recently about redoing them, or just doing an extra one, and then being able to get into a good uni doing something I really like. don't really know how to go about it as a 26 year old desu.
Well that's me larping as a posh public school boy done. I'm off to bed now.
Two hits m8 me hitting on you and you hitting my prostate
Oh no don't go your posts were hilarious
What's your favourite biscuit to slurp cum from? I was partial to digestive, but you seem more like a fruity hob-nob man.
*Chocolate-coated fruity hob-nob
You're to blame for this!
>What's your favourite biscuit to slurp cum from? I was partial to digestive, but you seem more like a fruity hob-nob man.
>user finises typing the above statement and logs of his computer.
>user goes upstairs be hears noises
>user opens the door only to find Jacob Rees-Mogg fucking his mother hard and from behind.
>Mogg gives user's mother a right good railing with his mighty aristocratic shaft.
>user's mother moans: 'oh i'm sorry user, he was just so posh and suave I just couldn't resist. I will just have to sacrifice you to this stud Jacob.'
Deal with it.
I was like you lad, fucked my a levels and never went to uni. Finally went at 26 and graduated a couple of years ago with a first.
How you do it depends on how bad you fucked your a levels though. I got c's and d's so i did an Access diploma at my local college which is accepted in lieu of a levels by universties, and the college staff walked me through the uni application process which was handy. As you're over 24, you can pay for college with an advanced learning loan (i think it's called), which you don't have to pay back if you then go onto complete a university degree.
You can definitely do this, uni is dead easy, and if you're like me you have a better idea of what you want to do now than at 18 - and hopefully care enough to try a bit harder than in school. I believe in you fren.
I never said Bolam was DESCENDED from Alfred the Great, you lot misunderstood what I was saying, that's what led to the confusion and mockery
not sure why I jsu t wasted my time listening to this retard oh my fucking god he is so bad at articulatingh himself
>uni is dead easy
Going in a few weeks now user, are there any tips you can give me for a lad who also fucked his A-Levels (Cs and D with my only saving grace ironically being a distinction star BTEC in law)
>I never said Bolam was DESCENDED from Alfred the Great
>A true certified honour blood white, in the lineage of Alfred the Great.