Day 3 of my hunt for an r9k e-gf, fuck janny edition
>A/S/L 21/M/East Coast >Sexual orientation Straight >Hobbies Philosophy, vidya, anime, reading, exercising, shitposting, scamming, psychedelics, reading medical studies and attempting to apply solutions to people I know, browsing Jow Forums, listening to music (indie, alt, rock, jazz, synthwave, dreampop, etc); outdoor things are nice. >Favorite music >Personality Lackadaisical, shitposty, reserved to those I don't know >Looking for A cute biological girl that I can romance into staying with me for the rest of my life, whores need not apply >Not Looking for Women that're unfaithful, overzealous about religion or politics, women that aren't from the United States, women that wholeheartedly believe in astrological signs >Your perfect first date The ideal first date would be after a good period of time of us talking romantically, we meet up somewhere and cuddle; take 2CB or MDMA if you're into that and be comfy >Contact Thundy#8497
Day 3? Try month 3, i've been scouting here and /soc/ like a dirty normalfag as that feel when no gf has become unbearable after 25 years of loneliness. I'm even quite good looking myself, so it wouldn't be hard, but i don't want to release my image to the winds.
Leo White
hour 3 of me looking for a cute e-bf
Michael Sanchez
I've spent 3 years on r9k/soc doing the whole e-dating thing, hasn't worked out too well but talking with others eliminates any lonely feelings. I once spent 6 months and you know what broke that 6 month stride? Posting a picture of myself, don't be afraid to show yourself user. Of course on r9k you're going to get banned for faceposting but I have 23,000 SOCKS5 proxies so it does not matter.
My Discord is listed in the post provided above
Parker Anderson
>>Personality >Lackadaisical, shitposty, reserved to those I don't know thats a big yikes from me, OP. Kurt Vile is fucking based though. >t. maleanon
Kayden Scott
oh i didnt think you'd assume im female let me clarify M here looking for cute e-bf
David Parker
Good taste in music, surprised you're male as I've only heard women say yikes
Owen Turner
you look like you're 15 tbqh.
Benjamin Wood
I have endless youthful vitality
Adam Carter
>surprised you're male as I've only heard women say yikes sorry to disappoint bub. but seriously rewrite your personality section, lazy shitposter is not a personality
Hunter Flores
stay here retard
Eli Cook
That's what I am, a lazy shitposter that's trying to glide by through life through various schemes. I'm going to be getting $8000 soon and hopefully neetbux; going to talk to neetbux lady in a few days where they'll decide.
no and there's nothing you can do about it, report my post but I'll just repost later till I get an e-gf
Jack Turner
please send more blood, i need all i can get
Leo Moore
sending another 3 cups your way
Jason Adams
You look like you stink. Also saying no whores puts non whores off as well as actual whores. Fembots side with other fembots over males.
Dylan Sanders
What starsign are you user?
Samuel Long
You look like another manipulative insecure psycho who wants to behead an innocent fembot. Why any girl would contact you is beyond me.
Chase Butler
you look just like tony from skins
Liam Turner
You look like your room is disgusting and you have a cum rag youve been using for the past 2 weeks dont breed you grotesque pimple covered virgin
Blake Rivera
faggot ass weirdo bet you havent showered for at least 4 days
Nicholas Butler
>fembot >innocent
your closest contact with a woman was through a paypal donation screen beta cuck
Lucas Peterson
I take a cold shower daily and wash myself very well. I don't want to talk to whores, I see no reason why that would put off non-whores. You wouldn't want a man that sleeps around with others, would you? So why would asking for a loyal man be any different? Double standards.
I'm not insecure or a psychopath but then again that's what a psychopath would say; Bianca was not an innocent fembot by any means and led on many men online and used them to buy hard drugs.
Never watched that but I do a bit, he has darker hair though
Chase White
incorrect. fembots don't like actual whores in my experience because they threaten their viability as sexually powerful
Angel James
>getting neetbux
That is the opposite of attractive. Good luck user
Zachary Clark
Is that you in the pic? Holy shit be my bf right now, abandon your straightness
Taking MDMA together on a first date is a little risky dont you think? Or are you trying to induce that in love sensation right away? My LDR bf suggested we do the same but I am a little apprehensive.
Kevin Wright
I live a minimalist life in which I work very little and save as much money as I can; being financially secure and abusing all sorts of systems to my gain is how I live life
That is me, I would abandon my heterosexuality if I could in a heartbeat I assure you life would be a lot easier if I was a faggot...
The thing about long distance relationships is that I figure by the time we actually meet we'd care greatly for each other, don't you think? I don't think it's that risky, you know you'd feel super lovey dovey and mushy and I think that'd be a comfy first date. I hope you give it a try with your LDR bf.
Charles Anderson
what kind of headphones do you have, I can tell that they're beyerdynamics but the shape looks like a mmx300 without a mic, I don't remember the dt770 bulging out like that, or am I just remembering wrong?
Cameron Rivera
You're remembering wrong, they're dt770's and they're very comfy
Joseph Young
Not as comfy as dt990 though, they have better stock velour pads and are lighter :^) But the dt770 isn't harsh on the treble like the dt990 so it wins in that aspect, good choice on pick the silver velour though, when they're new it feels like having kittens on your ear.
Hunter Reyes
I might pickup the dt990 once these are worn out; that might be awhile though
Kayden Rogers
Go for the dt880 instead, they're better and won't rape your ears on trebly songs. My first pair of earphones was dt990s, I still have them lying inside a box because I'm really bad at selling my stuff. The dt880 will be a more perceivable upgrade. What dac do you use with you dt770?
Ian Phillips
I added you purely because of your interest in scamming.
Parker Morales
>jannies banning my IP but leaving the thread up Very low IQ move, sad! This is what happens when you do things for free!
>Hobbies: shitposting, scamming, psychedelics lost me
Eli Roberts
you look cute and are very much my type but unfortunately you post on r9k which makes you innately unfuckable. if we met irl i would be interested. better luck next time
David Bennett
is it normal for internet gfs to initiate roleplay sex in a call 3-4 times a day one or two of those times she will turn on her webcam and other times i can hear her finger sliding in and out of her wet pussy so its not like shes just making noises and stuff i really like talking with her but i think she sees our talks as filler between the sex stuff
Alexander Mitchell
The idea of an e-gf is with the purpose of eventually meeting IRL though; alas it happens
Christopher Flores
i kind of like you based on this thread but you look 16 and i don't know how to feel about that
Dominic Cruz
why do you want an e-gf specifically? you're good looking, you could find a girlfriend in the real world with ease i think.